
Friday, September 21, 2018

Meditating in the Autumn Season

Now, that the Autumn season is here, it’s time to connect with nature by taking a walk, journaling, and letting go any negativity. Collect the leaves that fall from your backyard and meditate. Reflect on what can’t be undone and let it go.  Also, you can meditate by planting new flowers in your garden or in small flower pots. There are various types of flowers that are grown in the Fall season such as Crocus, Dahlias, Nerines, Begonias, Pansies, and Chrysanthemums just to name a few.

Once, the flowers have grown, you will feel accomplished and more content. Another way to brighten your mood is by using essential oil diffusers. Some essential oil diffusers are Cedarwood, Sandalwood, Pine, Clary Sage, and citrus scents. Nonetheless, meditating in the Autumn season will make you more aware, more cheerful, and it will awaken your senses.  Here are some resources to meditate more in the Autumn season.  

3 Fall Meditations:

3 Meditations to Embrace Autumn:

10 Essential Oils for Fall:

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Friday, September 14, 2018

What is Guided Meditation?

Guided Meditation can help you feel creative, positive, and energetic. Guided meditation uses your imagination and will help you visualize ordinary things in a deeper level. One way to do guided meditation is by imagining a butterfly. The Butterfly meditation helps teens, children, and adults to stay calm. This type of meditation improves your self-esteem and improves your mental health.

Also, this meditation is used for relaxation and for healing. Therefore, this meditation will help you unwind and will help you fall asleep quicker too. To do guided meditation, you will have to find a place to stay calm, take deep breaths, and to close your eyes.  It only takes a few minutes to do guided meditation.  I have found a few links of guided meditation that will help you to do guided meditation. 


Guided Meditation:

Guided Butterfly Meditation:

Peaceful Butterfly:

Butterfly Meditation:

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Thursday, September 6, 2018

How to make meditation jewelry?

Having trouble in focusing on what you are doing? You can focus more by making jewelry. Beading, adding charms, and other jewelry elements can be a form of meditation. There are many jewelry tutorials for making meditation jewelry. I enjoy making charm bracelets. All you will need are the following items:

1. Jewelry Pliers
2. Bangle bracelets or adjustable bangle bracelets
3. Jewelry charms (Theme is optional)
4. Jump rings-different sizes or the same size

First, you will need to gather all the materials that you will need to make your charm bracelet. Second, you add the jump rings to each charm. Third, you add each charm with another jump ring or with the same jump ring to the bangle bracelet.  You can add eight charms or more onto the bracelet. There is no limit. Making jewelry will keep you busy, quiet, and it will make you concentrate more. Here are more links to jewelry tutorials and about meditation: 

Beadings as Meditation:

Bangle Bracelet:

Charm Bracelet:

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

What are your favorite Autumn Essential Oils?

One of my favorite Autumn Essential Oils is Cinnamon. The scent of cinnamon will reduce your anxiety. It is a great scent for meditation because of the warm, delicate, and soft aroma. Also, it will reduce your sugar cravings and it improves your digestion. Cinnamon essential oil can be mixed with Clary Sage oil which will help clear your mind when you meditate.

Another favorite scent is Clary Sage mixed with lavender. Clary Sage is a great scent for combating depression. It can be mixed with lavender which calms the mind. This essential oil benefits your respiratory system since it clears and opens your nasal passages. This scent reduces your stress levels and it helps the nervous system.

The third essential oil is Sandalwood. Sandalwood is used for meditation because it keeps you alert. It improves your mood and helps you with anxiety. Also, Sandalwood helps to concentrate more, and it improves your memory. Sandalwood essential oil can be mixed with other essential oils such as Orange, Tangerine, and other citrus scents; This will create a delightful scent which will help reduce anxiety.

The last essential oil that can be used for the autumn season or throughout the year is Cocoa. Cocoa essential oil is used to clear and balance the mind. This essential oil helps with relaxing the muscles, the healing process, and for its anti-inflammatory benefits. Recently, cocoa has been used for meditation. By using your sense of smell, the scent of chocolate stops your sugar cravings or your craving for chocolate. It makes the mind believe it has eaten chocolate and it relaxes the nervous system.  

Here are more resources about essential oils and their benefits. 

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