
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Wintergreen Essential Oil for Achy Joints and for Pain

There is one essential oil that is helpful in alleviating pain caused by Arthritis and Rheumatism. Wintergreen essential oil soothes achy joints and muscle pain. It has a woodsy and minty scent. Also, it gives relief from headaches, cramps, and tooth pain. This essential oil can be used to massage sore muscles.  

Wintergreen essential oil must be diluted with Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, Almond oil, or any other carrier oil before using and applying onto the skin. Due to its active ingredients, Wintergreen essential oil can be toxic for children and if you are pregnant. Always consult with your primary doctor before using essential oils. Always use small amounts of Wintergreen essential oil combined with an unscented lotion when it is used to massage achy muscles. Here are more resources about Wintergreen essential oil. 

What is Wintergreen oil? Its Benefits, Evidence, and Risks?

Wintergreen: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning:

Wintergreen Essential Oil Uses and Benefits:

* Free Essential Oil Bottle Clip Art:

* Free Clip Art of Wintergreen:

* Free Border and Background from Pizap

Friday, November 29, 2019

Three Ways to Meditate in the Winter

Taking some time to meditate in the winter will help you to slow down from a busy day. Walking outside and seeing the pinecones, snow, or the trees will enable you to feel more optimistic. Using your senses and enjoying the scenery for twenty minutes will reduce any anxiety you might have. Also, it will stop you from overthinking and from self-criticism. Walking at a slower pace and letting yourself to appreciate the view is one way to meditate in the winter.

The second way is by sewing, knitting, or any other hobby that requires you to see in detail. By sewing, knitting, or crocheting at a slow pace will help you relax. Also, by focusing on every knot will help you to visualize the finished craft project. Working with your hands will keep you motivated and your mind busy. You will be able to focus more and feel more creative. 

The third way to meditate is by being mindful when you are eating a warm bowl of soup. Seeing the different textures of the noodles and vegetables before you eat. Smelling the aroma of the soup and visualizing the different flavors of each vegetable. Simply being present and taking the time to eat will make you relish your warm bowl of soup. Here are more resources about meditating in the winter.  

How Meditation Might Help Your Winter Workouts:

3 Meditations to Keep You Warm this Winter:

Soothing Mindfulness for Winter:

*Courtesy Photo from Unsplash:

* Free Snowflakes and Border from Pizap

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thank You Poetry in Images

I'm thankful and grateful to have you read my blog, Sweetness Meditations. Thank you to those of you who read my blog and who take the time to leave a kind comment. Thank you for being patient to read the new blog posts. Therefore, I have created two thank you poems to express my gratitude. Happy Thanksgiving! 

* Free Border, Stickers, and Font from Pizap

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Taking Care of Your Feet in the Winter

Taking care of your feet is important during the winter season since the soles of the feet tend to get dry, cracked, and itchy. It is also vital to take care of your feet if you are diabetic because your feet are more sensitive and more prone to getting dry cracked skin. First, inspect your feet for cuts, bruises, and blisters. Then, wash your feet with lukewarm water and with Epsom salts. Consult with your doctor if it is okay to use Epsom salts on your feet especially if you are diabetic. Second, moisturize your feet with a non-scented lotion such as a hydrating lotion for Diabetics and to give relief from dry skin. 

Make sure it has no acids. It is recommended to use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free lotion. Therefore, it will not irritate the skin and makes the skin feel smooth. These lotions can be applied on dry rough areas of the feet, elbows, and on hands. In addition, it will moisturize the skin. 

Apply lotion when needed especially in the morning and at night. Avoid putting lotion between your toes to avoid a fungus infection. Third, wear socks that have extra cushions and socks that control the moisture of the feet. Sleep with socks at night to keep you warm during the colder winter months and to lessen the cracks on the bottom of your soles. Here are more resources about taking care of your feet during the winter season.  

How to Have Pretty Feet With At-Home Spa Care:

Essential Foot Care Tips for Winter Feet:

5 Effective and Simple Remedies to Take Care of Your Feet This Winter:

Proper Diabetes Foot and Toenail Care and Checking for Problems:

* Free Font from Pizap

Monday, November 25, 2019

Chamomile Essential Oil for Sleep & Pain Relief

Chamomile essential oil has a lighter scent than Lavender essential oil. It has a sweet apple scent which helps you relax and sleep better. Also, it can be used on the skin especially for eczema, skin rashes, and reduces the redness due to skin irritations. Inhaling chamomile essential oil helps to relieve pain from headaches and backaches. This essential oil reduces anxiety and improves your mood.  

However, Chamomile essential oil can be blended with Lavender, Jasmine, and Geranium essential oils. Coconut oil, Jojoba oil, and another carrier oil can be used to dilute Chamomile essential oil. It makes a good massage oil because of its calming effect. Before using essential oils for your skin, consult with your dermatologist. Here are more resources about Chamomile essential oil. 

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil:

Roman Chamomile Essential Oil Uses & Benefits:

Chamomile Oil Benefits, How To Use And Side Effects:

* Free Clip Art Essential Oil:

*Chamomile Png Clip Art:

* Free Background and Frame by Pizap

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Alzheimer’s Awareness Month & Brain Exercise

In order to have cognitive fitness, you must exercise your brain by stimulating the areas that control memory, learning, and analytical skills. Although, there is no cure for Dementia, Alzheimer’s, and other mental illnesses; It is crucial to start a healthy habit to keep your brain sharp. By following the Mediterranean diet, your brain will improve its cognitive function, memory, and keep the size of the brain. Limiting your salt intake, limiting alcohol, and not smoking may stop the mental decline while you age. 

Reading lowers your stress levels and makes your brain more connected. In addition, when you read in a different language, it will boost the language aspect of your brain. Your memory, your concentration, and your mood will improve after reading for thirty minutes or more. By getting into the habit of reading at night, you will be able to fall asleep and lower your blood pressure. Choose a book that captures your attention and your imagination.

Playing card games, game boards, and games that require more concentration will make you feel more alert. Not only do games entertain you for hours but it stimulates the brain. It makes the brain use its senses, it makes it see patterns, and it makes it see things more clearly. Your brain nerves will be able to connect and communicate better. You will have less brain fog after playing one game. 

Last, socializing makes your brain to pay attention more, to listen more, and to retain all the information that is being heard. Socializing helps with depression and lowers the risk of getting dementia. Finding time to meditate allows the brain to be rewired. It increases the size of the brain and keeps the grey matter which is important for the central nervous system. The central nervous system controls the body and the mind.  Here are more resources about exercising your brain and Alzheimer's awareness. 

Mental Exercise-Peak:

10 Ways to Boost Your Cognitive Fitness and Longevity:

Brain Exercises for Dementia: How They Help The Mind:

Excess Salt May Hurt Your Brain, Too:

The Health Benefits of Socializing:

Alzheimer's & Brain Awareness Month:

* Free Border and Font at Pizap

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Neroli Essential Oil for Stress Relief, Better Mood, and Other Health Benefits

If you like the scent of oranges, you will enjoy the scent of Neroli essential oil. Neroli essential oil comes from the flowers of bitter orange trees.  This essential oil is used for anxiety, depression, hypertension, acne, and in aromatherapy. Neroli essential oil has a sweet and spicy scent which enhances your mood. Also, this essential oil can be found in lotions and in perfumes which has a calming effect when applied to the skin.

It moisturizes the skin, diminishes the redness, and destroys the bacteria that causes acne on the skin. This oil facilitates the skin by producing more skin cells so the skin can repair itself. Adding Neroli essential oil to your bathwater with a carrier oil can make you feel less anxious and less depressed. Also, by inhaling this scent, it will lift your mood and stimulates the brain for better sleep. It lowers the blood pressure.

Combining sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, or another carrier oil with Neroli essential oil soothes the skin and makes a wonderful massage oil to use for massages. It can also be used in a diffuser. Neroli essential oil can be combined with other essential oils such as Sandalwood, Geranium, Lavender, and other citrus essential oils. Here are more resources about Neroli essential oil.   

Health Benefits of Neroli Essential Oil:

What is Neroli Essential Oil, What is it used for? What are its benefits?:

Neroli Oil Overview, Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, and Precautions:

* Free Clip Art Essential Oil Bottle:

* Free Clip Art Bitter Orange Neroli Essential Oil:

* Free Background and Frame From Pizap

Monday, November 18, 2019

November is National Sleep Comfort Month

The whole month of November is dedicated to National Sleep Comfort Month. As the weather changes, it is also a time to check your mattress for wear and tear, dust mites, and other allergens. Typically, a mattress can last for 8 to 10 years depending on the type of mattress that you might have. Flipping the bed mattress prevents wear and tear from one side of the mattress. If you suffer from allergies, make sure you get a hypoallergenic mattress cover encasement.

Limit your amount of caffeine and alcohol before going to sleep. Alcohol disrupts your rapid eye movement which is the last phase of the sleep cycle. During REM, your brain is more active which helps the brain to learn and for your long-term memory. While you sleep, your memory processes information and stores information for long-term memory. In addition, when REM occurs, there might be one or several dreams while you sleep. 

In general, changing your pillow will give you the necessary support for your spine. Changing your pillow to a thinner or a flat pillow might help you sleep better if you sleep on your stomach. If you sleep on your side, it is recommended to use a thick pillow to align your neck and your spine. However, if you sleep on your back, it is recommended to use an indentation fiber pillow that supports your head, neck, and shoulders. If you still have problems sleeping at night, consult with your primary doctor for more suggestions to get a good quality sleep.  Here are more resources about national sleep comfort month. 

Ideas For Extending Your Deep Sleep:

5 Ways You Can Celebrate National Bed Month:

Senior Helpers Provides Tips for National Sleep Comfort Month:

When To Change Your Mattress:

Alcohol and a Good Night's Sleep Don't Mix:

*Courtesy Photo by C k from Pexels

* Free Photo Frame: 

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Three Ways to Say Thank You & A Thank You Card

It can be difficult finding the right gift to show your appreciation for someone. However, there are three simple ways to say, " Thank You" to someone at work, a family member, and to a friend. First, you can make a handmade card. By using the following materials:
1. flower stationery paper
2. glue stick
3.  5  by 7 photo paper
4. a vase template from Sweetness Meditations Blog
5. letters from the First Palette website.  

It is a simple card that can be made in a few minutes. Here is the tutorial for making this handmade thank you card.

Cut the flowers from the stationery paper.  Then, fold the photo paper in half. Make sure you use the glossy section of the photo paper when you fold the card.  Afterward, trace the vase template onto the leftover stationery paper. Cut the paper vase. 

Glue the paper vase on the center of the card. Then, glue the paper flowers on top of the paper vase and on the sides of the card. Next, print the letters from First Palette website. Cut the letters and glue the words, " Thank You" onto the card. Last, use the leftover flower paper on the back of the card.

Glue the letters, " Made By" and then your name onto the back of the card. Once it is finished, you can write your own message onto the card. The second way to show your gratitude is by making a care package with items that you know they will like. If you know that someone likes tea, you can buy assorted teas, a mug, and cookies. Then you can place the items inside a basket. 

The third way is by making a small thank you note and a small gift. The small gift can be their favorite book, a calendar, planner, or any other item. Making a surprise thank you gift will make them smile more. Below is the paper vase template that I made for the handmade thank you card. Also, here are more resources about expressing gratitude to others. 

Free  Vase Template:

Here are the links:

20 Inexpensive Thank You Gift Ideas:

125 Other Ways to Say Thank You:

How To Express Gratitude to Others (19 Ideas + Gifts & Challenges):

First Palette Letters:

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Aloe Vera Oil for Dry Skin

Aloe Vera oil is found in many cosmetics, creams, and in lotions for its antibacterial and for its anti-aging properties. It can prevent wrinkles, lighten the skin, and nourishes the hair follicles. Also, aloe vera oil relieves skin conditions such as eczema, seborrheic dermatitis, and other dry skin conditions. This oil heals, moisturizes, and protects the skin from peeling. Once, applied onto the skin, you might feel a cool sensation.

Aloe vera oil helps with the redness caused by seborrheic dermatitis, sunburns, and itchy skin. When applying aloe vera onto your hair, it must be combined with a carrier oil such as coconut or olive oil. Aloe vera will help to grow stronger and shinier hair. Consult your dermatologist before using aloe vera oil. Here are more resources about aloe vera oil.   

Aloe Vera Oil:

Aloe Vera Oil-Uses for Face & Hair, Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts:

11 Best Benefits and Uses of Aloe Vera Oil:

Aloe Vera for Face: 10 Benefits, Side Effects, and More:

What is Aloe Vera Oil? What is it Good For?

*Courtesy Photo by Elle Hughes from Pexels

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Thanksgiving Coloring Pages-Cornucopia

Did you know that the cornucopia is also called, " Horn of Plenty"? Today, I created three coloring pages of the cornucopia. Each coloring page is ready to be printed and colored. Also, these coloring pages are free and for your personal use. Happy Thanksgiving in advance!

Here are more resources about the cornucopia. 

Thanksgiving Cornucopia Meaning:

Cornucopia Motif:


Saturday, November 9, 2019

How to Listen More Through Meditation?

Meditation can help you with your listening skills by helping you focus, stay quiet, and hear more. It takes away the attention of your ongoing thoughts. Practicing meditation daily will help you concentrate more while you listen to someone. After practicing meditation, you will not interrupt people during conversations and will be able to retain the information that is given to you. One way to listen more is by deep breathing before you talk to someone. 

The second way is by visualizing on your mind what you are listening to. Also, be aware of how it makes you feel. Always keep eye contact and pay attention to nonverbal hints. Learn to summarize what you are listening to. The third way is by repeating what was said especially if you need clarification. 

Therefore, practicing meditation will help you have a clear mind. Being present while you listen attentively without having any judgments, criticism, or bad comments. Learning how to relax will make it easier for the other person to have an adequate conversation. Listening more is important for having a nice conversation with someone. Here are more resources about how to listen more. 

6 Benefits of Speaking Less and Listening to More:

Meditation Improves Effective Listening Skills & Body Language Reading:

Mindful Listening-Communication Skills Training:

*Courtesy Photo by Cody Engel on Unsplash

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

How to Practice Hospitality?

Being a hostess shouldn’t be stressful, uncomfortable, and seen as a duty. Instead, a hostess should be comfortable, polite, and be genuine. When the hostess feels relaxed, everyone should feel at ease to mingle with friends, family, and acquaintances. Before your guests arrive, make sure you feel restful and content. Treat yourself by doing a mini spa day a few hours before the guests arrive.

Play your favorite music while you get dressed. When choosing what to wear, choose calming colors such as blue, green, and purple. Have a color theme for your table setting even if it is one or two colors. Also, combine cool and warm colors for your tablecloths, napkins, and other table decorations. Keep it simple. Clean and organize the kitchen, the bathroom, and the living room for two or three days in advance.

When you are planning the menu of what you are going to serve, you can ask guests to bring a side dish or you can ask your guests what their favorite food items are. Knowing in advance if they have food allergies will make you feel less stress before you entertain your guests. In addition, make sure you have movies, games, and coloring activities for the little ones. Make sure you keep the conversations on a positive level so your guests can feel delighted to come back to your home.

Besides that, it is important for them to feel welcomed. Being a hostess should be a natural component that should be practiced making your guests feel comfy and not obliged to visit you. One of the best experiences that I’ve had as a guest at someone’s home was that I was asked in advance what was my favorite meal. Nonetheless, keeping the environment positive will make your guests feel appreciated. Here are more resources about how to be more hospitable.  

Go With The Flow: Simple Ways To Relax and Enjoy Hosting:

7 Ways to Practice Imperfect Hospitality:

How To Be a Good Hostess-Etiquette Rules for a Happy Hostess:

5 Ways to Show Hospitality Without a Perfect Home:

*Courtesy Photo by PhotoMIX Ltd. from Pexels

Monday, November 4, 2019

Free Coloring Thanksgiving Bookmarks

Today, I've created five bookmarks. Each bookmark has a different fruit and a distinctive design. Also, there are blank spaces in between the bookmarks where you can add phrases, quotes, names, or other words to personalize your coloring bookmarks. These bookmarks are free and for your personal use. Have fun coloring your new bookmarks!