
Friday, April 29, 2022

Alcohol & Relationships


As the month comes to an end, alcoholism continues to be an issue. Since the pandemic, alcoholism has created more trouble in relationships and more addictions. Although April is considered the month for Alcoholism Awareness, alcohol has been a major reason for getting a divorce and ending a relationship. Alcohol is also one of the contributing factors for a person to abuse, assault, and be violent. However, alcohol should not be considered an alibi for a person who acted violently, aggressively, and forcefully. 

When one person drinks more alcohol in the relationship, the other person will notice the personality differences. The alcoholic might be more aggressive and nervous. Additionally, alcohol might be the main reason for an alcoholic to find an escape from their problems. The alcoholic might be more energetic and do sexual advances in the relationship. Yet, if the alcoholic is married, he or she might end up having an affair, a fling, or a one-time rendezvous. 

Consuming too much alcohol destroys marriages and affects the entire family. When a person is married to an alcoholic, he or she is more vulnerable to being in an abusive relationship. Also, more arguments occur frequently. The alcoholic always denies their alcohol dependence. Never accompany your alcoholic spouse by drinking more alcohol with them. 

Instead, the alcoholic has to accept their addiction to alcohol. He or she has to accept that alcohol is one of the reasons why it is worsening the relationship. He or she has to accept it before going to Alcoholics Anonymous. While the spouse needs to be supportive of the alcoholic, the entire family needs to give support. Also, family and couples therapy is recommended to understand the reasons for being dependent on alcohol. 

Often it is too much for a spouse to handle and the spouse might ask for a divorce. Other times, the spouse might ask for a separation from their alcoholic spouse. More Divorces have increased due to alcoholism. For the most part, alcoholism has destroyed families. Here are resources about alcoholism and relationships.  

Alcohol and Sex Addiction:

Alcoholism and Divorce:

When is Drinking a Problem in Relationships:

Alcohol Awareness Month:

Alcohol Awareness Month |

* Free Clipart:

* Free fonts and background from PiZap

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Tips to Avoid Yoga Injuries

Body injuries are so familiar especially when you begin Yoga for the first time. Usually, after a Yoga session, your back, wrists, or legs might hurt for several days. Therefore, to avoid body injuries in Yoga, it is recommended to warm up your body before doing any yoga pose. You can warm up your body by taking a walk. While you walk, you can swing your arms back and forth.

Also, you can rotate your wrists slowly while you walk. If the pain is unbearable, you can wear wrist supports. Do neck and shoulder exercises if you tend to have neck and shoulder pain after doing yoga. If you have blankets, blocks, or cushions use them to support your lower back. If your ankles tend to get cold, you can use leg warmers to warm up the lower portion of the legs.

Leg warmers can be handmade or purchased anywhere online. Wear knee pads before bending your knees for certain yoga poses. Know your limits to stretching your legs and arms. Make sure you always use a yoga mat, a sturdy chair, and the proper equipment for doing yoga poses. Below are links about avoiding yoga injuries.


10 Questions to Evaluate Your Body's Limitations & Avoid Yoga Injuries (Yoga Journal):

10 Questions to Evaluate Your Body’s Limitations & Avoid Yoga Injuries (

How to Avoid Yoga Injuries-Great Yoga Tips:

How to avoid yoga injuries - Great Yoga Tips

Most Common Yoga Injuries-Tips and Prevention (Greatist):

Most Common Yoga Injuries: Tips and Prevention (

10 Poses to Help You Warm Up for Yoga-Very Well Fit:

10 Poses to Help You Warm Up for Yoga (

* Free fonts, borders, background, and flowers from PiZap

* Yoga clipart: 

Monday, April 25, 2022

World Stationery Day


World Stationery Day is on the last Wednesday of April. World Stationery Day is to bring awareness of writing notes and letters. Instead of typing messages on a computer, cellphone, or tablet; Writing notes makes it simpler to write a letter or a note to someone in an office. Writing letters is good practice to practice bold print and cursive handwriting. Today, I have created three coloring stationery pages that can be printed out.

Each page has a basic design. However, there are enough spaces in between the lines especially if you tend to write big. Also, these stationery pages can be used for writing notes, letters, or anything that needs to be written. These stationery pages are free and for your personal use. Enjoy!

* Free fonts from LunaPic

Sunday, April 24, 2022

National Stress Awareness Month 2022

Many diseases are linked to stress which affects the entire body including the nervous system, digestive system, cardiovascular system, and immune system. Finding time to relax is beneficial for your overall health. However, if you work in a stressful environment, it might not be easy to find a few minutes to relax. Therefore, you often find yourself relaxing the minute you get home. Although you can not get rid of stress, there are ways to manage it.

You can use a stress ball, yo-yo, or a Rubik’s cube to keep your mind away from worrying. But if your stress is making you lose your sleep, lose your focus, or make you feel awful about yourself; You can practice relaxation techniques which will take time to get beneficial results. Since the body needs some stress to function but not too much of it. The body needs stress to wake up and function throughout the day. Take it easy when you begin your relaxation techniques and do not have expectations of what the results will be.

Go outside for fresh air if needed. Look at the sunrise or sundown from your bedroom window. Observe nature in the morning and at night. Allow yourself to be creative and relax. Here are more resources for National Stress Awareness Month. 

April is National Stress Awareness Month-Learn 5 Ways to De-Stress and Help Your Heart:

April is National Stress Awareness Month . Learn 5 ways to de-stress and help your heart (

Stress Awareness Month-Learn 12 Tips to Manage & Reduce Stress-Health Web Magazine:

Stress Awareness Month - Learn 12 Tips To Manage & Reduce Stress (

10 Ways to Celebrate National Stress Awareness Month-Belief Net:

10 Ways to Celebrate National Stress Awareness Month - Beliefnet

* Free fonts, clip art, and background from PiZap

Saturday, April 23, 2022

DIY Embroidered Monogram

In the past, monograms in clothing were a symbol of status. Monograms were elaborately embroidered onto clothing by hand. Now, mostly all of today’s embroidery is done by machine. However, embroidery by hand continues in clothing and other embroidered items. Today’s tutorial is about a basic monogram design that can be embroidered onto your undergarment.


Embroidery needles

Embroidery floss/thread



Stencils (optional)

Fabric Marker or ballpoint pen

First, wash and dry your underwear. Second, insert embroidery thread into an embroidery needle. Use a pen or fabric marker to trace the monogram onto the undergarment. Also, you can write your monogram by hand if you do not have a stencil. In this example, a circle was traced onto the fabric and the letter onto the fabric with a black ballpoint pen.

Then, insert the embroidery needle onto the undergarment. Embroider the letter. Next, embroider the letter. Additionally, you can add a small, embroidered element inside the circle. For example, in the grey underwear, a star was embroidered inside the circle. Trim the leftover thread of the embroidered design on the inside of the undergarment.

After that turn, the undergarment from the back. On the backside, you can add a star, flower, or any other item you want to have on the back of the undergarment. Continue embroidering the design on the back of the underwear. This embroidery project will take two to three days to do. Here are more links about embroidering and monograms. 

Embroidered Monograms History from the 18th C. to the 20th C. (Beloved Linens):

Embroidered Monograms History from the 18th c. to the 20th c. (

How to Create Monograms & 5 Simple Ways to Add Them to Fabric-Sew Guide: 

How to create Monograms & 5 simple ways to add them to fabric - Sew Guide

* Free fonts and collage from Photo Collage Editor and Snapseed

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Thank You Thursday


What is Thank You Thursday? Thank you Thursday occurs every April 21st. You can say thank you to everyone in person, with a card, or on social media. This day is to reflect on what you are grateful for and for the people that have been important in your life. You can also write positive affirmations in your journal or on a card. 

Although, you can give thanks to anyone no matter what day it is; Thank You Thursday is a good way to practice gratitude. Being thankful does not come out easily and other times it is hidden in your vocabulary. However, there are quotes and positive affirmations online to help you write a thank you card to someone. Additionally, you can practice gratitude before and after your meditation session. Here is a shortlist of positive affirmations for feeling thankful. 

1. I am thankful for my health and my family's health. 

2. I am grateful for the love I feel emotionally with my family. 

3. I feel grateful for the good and bad experiences. 

4. I am thankful for the peace I feel when I am with my friends and family. 

5. I appreciate the company of my family and friends. 

6. I am grateful for what I have and what I do not need. 

7. I am thankful for the friends that have crossed my path. 

8. I feel appreciated when I am needed and not needed. 

9. I am thankful for everything. 

10. I am grateful for the hugs I received and will receive. 

Feeling thankful takes practice and often it is difficult to express it. Sometimes, practicing gratitude is a great way to help you express it emotionally. Saying thank you will come out easily after practicing gratitude meditation. Here are more ideas for practicing gratitude on Thank You Thursday and any time of the year. Happy Thank You, Thursday! 

Thankful Thursday-52 Ideas, Quotes, and Prompts for an Entire Year-More Than Main Street:

Thankful Thursday: 52 Ideas, Quotes, & Prompts for An Entire Year - More Than Main Street

55 Thursday Affirmations for a Beautiful Day-Mental Style Project:

55 Thursday Affirmations for a Beautiful Day! - Mental Style Project

* Free fonts, background, and stickers from Photo Collage Editor 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

How to Paint Rocks?

Painting rocks make a quick decorative item for making a mini rock garden. Also, it makes a beautiful centerpiece display for a coffee table. You can also use it to decorate your bookshelf or for your photo display. It does not require that many supplies paint your rocks. Here is the tutorial for painting this flower rock for Earth Day or at any time of the day. 


Paint Brushes

Acrylic Paint 


Clear Acrylic Sealer 

Begin by washing and drying the rocks. Make sure the rocks feel smooth before painting them. Then, paint white paint on top of the rock. Wait for the paint to dry. Next, add a second coat of paint if needed. 

After that wait for the paint to dry. Then paint the green stem and leaves for your flower. You might need to use a thin paintbrush to paint the flower in the center of the rock. Wait for the paint to dry. Next paint your flower blossom. 


In this example, the flower blossom was painted red. Wait for the paint to dry. Then use a spray sealer to make the paint last longer on the rock. After that, you can use your painted rocks as a paperweight, centerpiece display, or for your mini rock garden. Here are more resources for painting your rocks. Happy Earth Day! 

Complete Guide-How to Paint Rocks, Tips, Tricks, and Ideas to Try-Rock Painting Guide:

Complete Guide: How to Paint Rocks, Tips & Tricks, and Ideas to Try (

5 Tips to Start Hand Lettering on Painted Rocks-Rock Painting 101: 

5 tips to start hand lettering on painted rocks - Rock Painting 101

* Free fonts and borders from Snapseed and Photo Collage Editor 

* Collage made in Photo Collage Editor

Monday, April 18, 2022

Taking Care of Seborrheic Dermatitis Naturally

Taking care of seborrheic dermatitis takes some time and effort to control the skin irritation. Seborrheic dermatitis can occur on the scalp, face, and upper portion of the body. It makes the skin feel like sandpaper. It makes the skin turn red and have dry flakey patches. Although it is not contagious, seborrheic dermatitis makes the skin itchy and more sensitive. 

Therefore, limit your exposure to the sun if you have seborrheic dermatitis. Dermatitis is also called eczema. There are approximately seven different types of eczema. Use a cool cloth to soothe the redness. Do not use facial scrubs. 

Facial scrubs tend to be too grainy and tend to irritate the skin more. Instead, use an unscented facial cleanser. Make sure your lotions and facial products do not have alcohol. You can use aloe vera gel, colloidal oatmeal, or rose water to reduce the inflammation on the skin. Also, you can use products made out of honey. 

Wash your face once a day and hydrate your skin with lotion or oil. Using natural ingredients for your skin will reduce eczema flare-ups. It does not get rid of the skin condition. Therefore, consult with your dermatologist for more ways to treat your seborrheic dermatitis. Here are more links about seborrheic dermatitis. 

5 Proven Natural Remedies for Seborrheic Dermatitis-Eczema Living:

5 Proven Natural Remedies For Seborrheic Dermatitis - Eczema Living

Seborrheic Dermatitis-Natural Treatments-Healthline:

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Natural Treatments (

Seborrheic Dermatitis Causes and 7 Natural Treatments-Dr. Axe:

Seborrheic Dermatitis Causes + 7 Natural Treatments - Dr. Axe (

Seborrheic Dermatitis-Coping, Support, and Living Well-Very Well Health: 

Seborrheic Dermatitis: Coping, Support, and Living Well (

* Free fonts and borders from PiZap

* Spa Day Clip Art Free-Clip Art Library:

Friday, April 15, 2022

National Haiku Poetry Day (Poetry Month)

Although, the entire month of April is dedicated to National Poetry Month, there is a special day for Haiku poetry. A Haiku is short poem that is written using syllables. This type of poetry began in Japan in the 17th century. Therefore, every April 17th is National Haiku Poetry Day. This type of poetry is quick to read when you want to read something short.

You can write a Haiku while being outside and observing nature. After writing a haiku, you will feel creative and relaxed. Listen to your favorite music and pick out words to write your haiku. Another way to write a haiku is by writing a list of words that come to your mind. After that put, the words together to make your haiku. 

A Haiku is simple and expresses various thoughts about something in nature. You can observe National Haiku Poetry Day by reading one haiku during your lunch break. Also, you can start the day by reading one haiku or attempting to write a haiku in your journal. If you like to read in different languages, you can read a haiku in Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Bengali, and other languages. Here are more resources about celebrating National Haiku Poetry Day. 

Haiku-Academy of American Poets:

Haiku | Academy of American Poets

How to Write a Haiku in 4 Easy Steps-2022-Master Class:

How to Write a Haiku in 4 Easy Steps - 2022 - MasterClass

67 Haiku Poems-Types and Examples of Haiku-Family Friend Poems:

67 Haiku Poems - Types and Examples of Haiku (

* Free fonts and borders from PiZap

* Free clip art-write on a scroll: 

write on a scroll - Clip Art Library (

* Quotes from GoodReads:

Search results for "poetry" (showing 61-80 of 32776 quotes) (

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Sexual Assault Awareness Month

Sexual assault can be prevented by staying alert and by using your senses. However, sexual assault often occurs with drugs and alcohol on a date or at parties. Additionally, sexual assault happens when a person is forced to do a sex act without consent. Sexual assault can occur any time of the day and has risen throughout the years. Usually, a person who is assaulted is by someone they know such as a boyfriend, girlfriend, or acquaintance. 

Sometimes, a person is being stalked before being assaulted. Therefore, to prevent sexual assault it is best to be cautious at all times. Make a safe plan to get to your work and home. As well as a safety plan to leave your work and home. Change your schedule often including the time to get home or to work. 

Do not make your schedule so predictable especially if you are being stalked. Memorize the telephone numbers of your emergency contacts. Carry some cash with you including coins. If you feel uncomfortable during a date, have a friend call you. Make an escape call and leave the area safely. 

Know your boundaries when someone sexually touches you. Always keep an extra key for your home and car. Memorize the addresses of your emergency contacts. If you are sexually assaulted know you are not negligent. Here are more resources for sexual assault prevention. 

Sexual Assault Prevention:

Sexual assault - prevention: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia

Good Therapy-8 Ways to Help with Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention: 

GoodTherapy | 8 Ways to Help with Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention

Sexual Assault and Prevention Policy-Public Safety:

Sexual Assault and Prevention Policy - Public Safety (

* Free fonts, background, and borders from PiZap

* Face silhouette clip art png:

* Stickers, borders, and fonts from Photo Collage Editor

Monday, April 11, 2022

Foot Health Awareness Month

Did you know April is also the month for the health of your feet? Taking care of your feet should be a part of your morning and night routine. Inspect your feet for bruises, cuts, ingrown toenails, calluses, and warts. Additionally, inspect all your shoes for tears, broken shoelaces, and ripped foot cushions. Replace your slippers, sneakers, boots, and heals when your feet do not have support. 

Change your socks every day. If you tend to have cold feet at night, wear cotton socks before going to sleep. Do a foot massage. Use a golf ball under your feet. Do this while sitting down. 

Roll the golf ball for your feet. This exercise helps your arches to have less pain. Wash and exfoliate your feet with warm water. Use Epsom salt for ten minutes.  Here are more resources for having a foot care routine. 

How to Keep Your Feet Healthy-Webmd: 

How to Keep Your Feet Healthy (

How to Keep Your Feet Healthy-Tips, Exercises, and More: 

How to Keep Your Feet Healthy: Tips, Exercises, and More (

8 Essential Senior Foot Care Tips for Improved Health-Daily Caring

8 Essential Senior Foot Care Tips for Improved Health – DailyCaring

* Free fonts and background from PiZap

* Footprint Silhouette Clip Art:

Thursday, April 7, 2022

How to Clean a Toilet Step by Step? (Guest Post)

Cleaning the toilet isn’t exactly the most coveted chore, but it’s certainly an important one — and it’s one that’s worth doing the right way. Before you begin, make sure you have the necessary supplies, including sturdy rubber gloves, a bristle scrubbing brush, toilet bowl cleaner, and either single-use disinfecting wipes or a spray you can use with paper towels. This is not a job for your reusable cloths.

Then, prep the bowl by closing the lid, flushing the toilet, then opening the lid and adding the toilet bowl cleaner as close to the rim as possible. While that’s soaking, clean the outside with your wipes or spray and paper towels, beginning with the tank, handle, and edges before moving on to the outside lid and outside of the bowl and base. Hit the seat next, then get into the bowl with your brush. You’ll find more tips for cleaning your toilet — including how to clean up after you clean the toilet — in this useful graphic.
Courtesy Image by Quill

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

National Walking Day

Every first Wednesday in April is dedicated to walking for your health. National Walking Day is an effortless way to exercise and to meditate at the same time. It improves your health and may prevent certain diseases. You can walk for fifteen minutes or for one hour a day which will improve your respiratory system, cardiovascular system, and skeletal system. Make sure you wear comfortable shoes that are made for walking and not for jogging.

Also, to walk safely outside, make sure your cell phone is on mute, so it does not distract you. If you are walking on the street, never walk with your cellphone in front of you. If you use a guided meditation app, make sure you have it in a high volume and inside your bag or pocket. Have your hands free when you walk because it will create more blood circulation and exercise for your arms. Additionally, you can mentally do affirmations or mantras while you walk.

Slowly inhale and exhale while you walk. Your affirmations should be short such as “I am healthy,” “I am at peace,” and “I am filled with hope.” Another way to walk is by focusing on the colors that you see when you walk outside. Color walking is a mindfulness approach because you focus on the colors that you see in plant life, animals, and other items that you see on your path. Using color is also a therapeutic approach to feel better. Here are more resources about walking, shoes, and walking safely. 

Color Walking Mindfulness Practice-Dr. Marie:


15 Best Comfy Walking Shoes for Women 2022, Per Podiatrists-Women's Health Magazine:

15 Best Comfy Walking Shoes For Women 2022, Per Podiatrists (

11 Walking Safety Rules of the Road-Very Well Fit: 

11 Walking Safety Rules of the Road (

Walking Quotes:

Walking Quotes (591 quotes) (

* Free fonts, background, and borders from PiZap

* Tennis shoes clip art png:

Tennis shoes clipart 20 free Cliparts | Download images on Clipground 2022

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

International Day of Calm


What is the International Day of Calm? International Day of Calm is a day to find strategies to help you relax. Every April 5th, you can do mini habits to help you relax throughout the day. This day is celebrated globally and you can pledge to relax for twenty-four hours. Even if you can not relax for the entire twenty-four hours, you can practice ways to help you relax for fifteen minutes or one hour. 

You can pick a specific time to relax from your busy schedule. Watch a quick and funny video online. Additionally, you can do a simple facial massage in the morning or the afternoon. Facial massages help you relax and can be done in five minutes.  Regardless, you can take a quick and slow meditative walk during your work break. 

Read poetry in your office lunchroom while you sip your hot tea. If you prefer to relax in the evening, you can watch the trees move with the wind. Simply relaxing by looking at nature will help you enjoy the seasons. Do things you enjoy to help you feel focused and calm.  Here are more resources for relaxing on International Day of Calm. 

How to Relax-Easy Ways to Relax, Recharge, and Vanquish Stress-Healthline:

How to Relax: Easy Ways to Relax, Recharge, and Vanquish Stress (

How to Stay Calm and Cool When You are Extremely Stressed-Lifehack:

How to Stay Calm and Cool When You Are Extremely Stressed - Lifehack

How to Calm Down Quickly When You're Overwhelmed-Very Well Mind:

How to Calm Down Quickly When You're Overwhelmed (

Take Your Pledge: 

Home (

* Free calm clip art png:

Calm Clipart Flexibility Exercise - Exercise - Png Download - Full Size Clipart (#1162930) - PinClipart

* Background, fonts, and borders from PiZap

Monday, April 4, 2022

Denim Day

Sexual Assault Awareness Month occurs in April to bring consciousness to people about sexual assaults, rape, and what is considered sexual consent in relationships. Also, if the person is not in a relationship, he or she must be alert and informed of the warning signs to prevent being sexually assaulted. On many college campuses, Denim Day is promoted this month as part of a campaign against Sexual Assault and to support Sexually Assaulted victims. Every year on the last Wednesday of April, college students wear blue jeans, denim hats, denim jackets, or anything that is in denim to bring awareness. Additionally, college campuses offer self-defense classes as well as making sure their students are safe while studying in college.

Most rapes have occurred because of blue jeans. However, what a person wears should not be the blame for being sexually assaulted. Often other circumstances might lead a person to be sexually assaulted which has nothing to do with wearing denim. To support survivors who have been sexually assaulted, you can wear anything that has denim. You can purchase buttons, stickers, and other items to support this campaign.

There is also a pledge to make a social statement with denim and to educate yourself about sexual violence. Also, this pledge shows support to survivors who have experienced sexual violence, sexual assault, and rape. Rape is one form of sexual assault. Yet, sexual assault can take the form of violence and force a person to do a sexual act. A person can also be mistreated, touched without consent, and pressured a person into having sex.

Therefore, it is important to educate yourself no matter how old you are about this, and to prevent this from happening. Wearing blue jeans should not be an excuse for being sexually violated, assaulted, or doing sexual acts without consent. Besides taking a pledge, you can donate to this cause. You can also bring awareness to your social media sites about Denim Day. Here are more resources about Denim Day. 

Denim Day

Denim Day (

Denim Day-Rape Recovery Center:

Denim Day — Rape Recovery Center

Denim Day 2022-CARE Advocacy Resources & Education (

Denim Day 2022 | CARE Advocacy Resources & Education (

* Free fonts, stickers, and borders from PiZap

* Free blue jeans clip art:

* Free blue jeans clip art 2:

Friday, April 1, 2022

Wear Blue Day (Child Abuse Prevention Month)


It is the first day of April and it is the beginning of Child Abuse Prevention Month. On the first day of April and anytime throughout this month, you can bring awareness by wearing blue. Also, you can add a blue pinwheel in your garden in memory of all the children that have been abused physically and emotionally. You can also add a blue light bulb on your porch or entrance of your home. Last, you can add something blue to your home. 

If your child's school offers a free workshop or a free webinar for Child Abuse Prevention, do not hesitate to take the class. In the class, you will learn about the warning signs of a child that has been abused. In addition, you will receive resources and tips to prevent child abuse. No child should go through the emotional and physical pain of abuse from anyone. Therefore, being aware, alert, and having an open mind will help prevent a child from being abused. 

Often a child is abused by someone they know. Sometimes the child will have a strong attachment to the person who is abusing them. Consequently, a child might change their eating habits, wet their bed, and have bad hygiene issues. In extreme cases, a child might want to take their own life. A child will no longer socialize with people in their age group. 

Moreover, child abuse has increased since the pandemic. You can read more about Child Abuse Prevention at Prevent Child Abuse Organization. You can also donate money and participate in a virtual pinwheel garden. Do not forget to wear your blue shirt. Here are more resources for Child Abuse Prevention Month. 

Prevent Child Abuse Organization:

April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month:

National Child Abuse Coalition Organization:

* Free blue t-shirt clip art Png:

* Free fonts, borders, and backgrounds from PiZap