
Monday, August 1, 2022

Three Tips for National Wellness Month


To have a wellness routine, you need to incorporate several activities that include physical, intellectual, and social aspects. There needs to be a balance between work and relaxation. National Wellness Month creates good habits to do self-care and stress management. You do not need to take a long vacation to do this. Practice self-care during your days off from work. 

If you have never done a wellness day, you can begin by staying quiet in the morning. Do stretches, breathing exercises, or get out of bed slowly. Make a green smoothie, oatmeal, or a fiber breakfast to begin your day. Read a book for a few minutes and enjoy the silence. If you can not sit still in silence, listen to instrumental music while you read. 

In the afternoon, you can print out a journal prompt from the Internet. Work on answering the questions honestly in your journal. Writing in your journal with journal prompts will make it easier for you to get your thoughts on paper. You can do this for five or ten minutes per day. Then add your favorite pastimes. 

In the evening you can socialize with your friends. Work on a puzzle, do yoga or do something that makes you relax. Look at pictures or make a scrapbook. Do things that keep your mind and yourself occupied. Watch something funny on television that makes you laugh. 

Then at night, do another set of journal prompts. If the summer heat makes it difficult to sleep at night, take a walk in your backyard. If you own a swimming pool, go swimming for one hour. Make sure it is well lit before you go swimming. Here are more resources for National Wellness Month. 

August is National Wellness Month-Let's Make Well-Being a Priority All Year Long:

August Is National Wellness Month: Let’s Make Well-Being a Priority All Year Long - WebMD Health Services

National Wellness Month-Health Life Magazine:

National Wellness Month – Health Life Magazine

August is National Wellness Month-The Kim Foundation:

August is National Wellness Month - The Kim Foundation

100 Journaling Questions and Prompts to Spark Your Creativity-Develop Good Habits:

100 Journaling Questions and Prompts to Spark Your Creativity (

* Fonts, borders, and background from PiZap

* Best triathlon silhouette clip art:

* Meadow clip art:

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