
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

How to Have a Secure Attachment Style?

At the beginning of a relationship, you might ask yourself these questions. How to have a healthy relationship? What can I do to communicate better? How to have a secure attachment style in my relationship? You might be wondering if it is possible to have a secure attachment style. 

A secure attachment style begins with your childhood experiences. As a child grows up, they observe how their parents behave and their actions. When both parents are present, they establish a set of rules, manners, and discipline, and are a guideline for how to love someone in the future. However, when one parent is only present during the childhood years, it makes it a challenge to visualize love between a couple. Therefore, a child needs to see and carefully observe their relatives who are happily married. 

A healthy relationship goes through many phases. Love is what guides and unites a couple. Yet, there needs to be constant communication between the two. This type of communication requires being patient and not limiting your self-expression of thoughts. Do not let your partner stop you from being open with your emotions, feelings, and your true self. 

Sometimes, stopping yourself from saying how you feel can make you feel worse about yourself and your relationship. Also, do not say things out of anger, low self-esteem, and other negative reasons. Be kind to yourself and your partner. Develop your self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, and patience with yourself. Once you are comfortable with yourself, you will be comfortable with your partner. 

Do not continually argue with your partner. If something bothers you, express it calmly to your partner. Let him or her know with respect and understand their perspective. Do not allow yourself to feel guilt, shame, or fear to stop you from communicating with your partner. Set boundaries between you and your partner. 

Trust, respect, and communicate freely without being remorseful. Consider your partner's feelings, emotions, and how they behave towards you. A secure attachment style is not having distance between the two. Instead, you create some emotional and mental space while you are together as a couple. A relationship should not make you feel bad about yourself. 

There will be difficult times between you and your partner, but the more secure the relationship is, the stronger you will be stronger. Above all, a secure relationship requires a lot of maintenance, self-evaluation, and bonding. Both partners need to give up things while having an appreciation for each other. Create a safe relationship without fears, humiliation, and without devaluing each other. A secure attachment style is a healthy relationship with mutual respect, compromise, and conflicts being managed well.

Seek a relationship counselor to help you and your partner to solve misunderstandings, traumatic events, and negative childhood experiences. Continue self-growth and self-improvement of yourself. Do not be afraid to show affection to your partner. A secure attachment style in a relationship is allowing more contentment and less pain. Here are websites about having a secure attachment style in your relationship. 


5 Tips to Have a More Secure Attachment Style-Mind Body Green:

5 Tips To Have A More Secure Attachment Style | mindbodygreen

Secure Attachment Style From Childhood to Adult Relationships:

Secure Attachment – from Childhood to Adult Relationships (

How to Develop a Secure Attachment Style in Your Relationship:

How to Develop Secure Attachment Style in Your Relationship (

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker

Monday, February 27, 2023

Free Handbag Coloring Pages

Today, I have created three handbag coloring pages for adults and for kids to color. These coloring pages have a handbag on the center of the page with various shapes and design elements that emphasize the texture of the handbags. Each coloring page has a key charm hanging on each handbag.  These coloring pages are free and for your personal use. Have fun coloring these handbags. 

* Fonts from LunaPiC

* Fonts and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Insecure Attachment Style

An anxious attachment style is one type of attachment style that makes the person feel insecure. This type of attachment style is common during your first boyfriend or girlfriend relationship. It can occur at a young age when you are a teenager or when you are a young adult. An insecure attachment style varies depending on your age. Yet, having insecurities can happen anytime whether you are in a relationship or not. 

Some partners have a hard time dealing with an insecure attachment style because they are not aware of their insecurities. They do not notice their insecurities especially if they have a higher level of self-esteem. But this can also occur when the anxious partner hides their insecurities. An anxious person may have a nervous habit of doing things in the relationship. Most of the time the nervous habit is seen through body language.

Sometimes the anxious partner will shake one of their legs, touch their hair too much, tap one finger on the table, and drink too much water. Other times an anxious person with an insecure attachment style is afraid of getting close to their partner. Although they want to get closer to their partner to show affection, constant fears of being rejected make them be away from their partner. When they are away from their partner, they worry if they are being cheated on, if they are not being loved, or if they can continue with their relationship. Yet, they may seem to be jealous of their partner. 

Their partner might feel they are obsessed with them and get too attached to them. Anxiety, past childhood experiences, and other issues can make them feel dependent on their partners. Yet, this does not always occur in this type of relationship. On the contrary, an insecure attachment style makes the relationship to be unpredictable and with a lack of trust. The anxiety builds up more when the relationship gets more enthusiastic and with a serious commitment. 

Additionally, their partner might view their relationship as being ignored and nonexistent. It is crucial to create trust and to support your partner with an insecure attachment style. They may be full of worry, hurt, and feel disappointment. An insecure attachment style begins with too much childhood neglect, phobias, rejections, separation from parents, abuse, divorce from parents, and other childhood trauma. Unresolved childhood issues and past experiences from relationships make it difficult to keep a relationship. 

As well as having anxiety due to a lack of socializing or being conditioned to be silent as a child is damaging for a person to keep a relationship. But a person with this attachment style may be depressed and anxious because of a medical condition. There are many reasons to be anxious in a relationship, especially if low self-esteem is the main factor. An anxious person does not always communicate everything to their partner. They may feel it is not significant, worthless, or a waste of time to have an emotional conversation. 

Furthermore, anxiety can make a person feel unworthy and seek approval from their partner. The anxious person can be shy, too vulnerable, and may disregard their partner's feelings. Other times they may act devious to be with their partner. But they can also be naive. Therefore, this relationship requires patience and comprehension.


Do not give up on keeping this type of relationship. Occasionally an insecure relationship can become a secure relationship. Work on trust, and communication, and learn to listen to your partner. Do not let relatives, friends, or anyone change your mind about staying in the relationship. Depending on the level of anxiety, the person's personality, and the person's attitude; They can work on their self-esteem and open up to their partner gradually in meaningful conversations. 

It is natural to feel anxious at the beginning of a relationship and the beginning of a serious relationship. However, it is not a good idea to hide your feelings from your partner. If your partner cares enough, they will have an open mind to hear your anxious thoughts. Moreover, childhood and past relationship issues need to be solved with a professional therapist and a psychologist. Here are resources about an insecure attachment style. 

Anxious Attachment Style-Symptoms and How to Cope-Very Well Health:

Anxious Attachment Style: Symptoms and How to Cope (

Anxious Attachment Style-What it Looks Like in Adult Relationships-Psych Central:

Anxious Attachment Style: What It Looks Like in Adult Relationships (

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Power Yoga for Beginners

Photo by Charlotte Karlsen on Unsplash

If you are looking for an intense, rapid, and energetic type of yoga, you will enjoy doing Power Yoga. Power Yoga strengthens your muscles, increases your heart rate, and makes your body feel more flexible. It also reduces your stress levels. Additionally, it helps you learn about self-discipline and teaches you how to focus.

The poses that are used to do this type of yoga are done quickly as you move from one pose to another. It may help you lose weight or maintain your current weight. There is no set routine for doing specific poses. Instead, the poses can vary without being in sequence and the poses are changed after exhaling three times. Some people compare this type of yoga to an aerobics class.

Power Yoga can be beneficial for helping your body get more energy and for improving your sleep. People with diabetes or other chronic conditions can also benefit from doing Power Yoga. It improves your cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Always consult with your doctor before doing Power Yoga or any other form of yoga. Power Yoga can be done outdoors or inside a cool ventilated room. 

You will be able to do the plank pose, cobra pose, and other basic yoga poses at a fast pace. When doing these yoga poses, you have to be careful with overstretching your muscles and hurting your back. This form of yoga is not recommended for everyone because of the intensity it gives to your back, legs, and arms. Your yoga instructor will have you standing up, sitting down, and lying down all at once at a rapid pace. Also, you will learn about variation poses such as the Crescent Lunge. 

The Crescent Lunge Pose is like the Warrior Pose. Since everyone has a different pace in doing yoga poses, you have to learn quickly and concentrate more on how you do the poses. However, Power Yoga is a good form of exercise to wake you up in the morning. Keep in mind that any type of yoga will give you confidence and feel good about yourself. Here are websites with more information about Power Yoga. 

What is Power Yoga-Power Yoga Explained-Yoga Jala:

What Is Power Yoga? Power Yoga Explained (

20-Minute Beginner Power Yoga Routine-Yoga Rove:

20 Minute Beginner Power Yoga Routine - Yoga Rove

What is Power Yoga-Greatist:

Friday, February 24, 2023

Mindfulness for the Mind

Mindfulness for the mind helps your nervous system and reduces anxious thoughts. Although it does not eliminate your anxiety, it makes your brain send calming signals to your body. Using your senses, you will be able to control and release those painful feelings. Doing mindfulness for the mind will greatly improve your mental health. You can exercise your brain by doing puzzles, word searches, coloring, or doing an activity in silence. 

But if the silence makes you feel more anxious, do breathing exercises while slowly adapting to the quietness. Paint on canvas, paper, wood, or on fabric while practicing mindfulness. Feel the paint on your paintbrush, your fingers, and on the canvas. Visually see the image you are painting. Focus on the colors, textures, and how the painting makes you feel. 

Mindfulness for your brain helps you to concentrate and ignore distractions. View nature videos on YouTube such as waterfalls, koi fish, or animals in their natural habitats. Imagine yourself being there in nature. Write your five senses in your journal. Ask yourself how you feel, what you see, what you hear, and other questions that come to your mind. 

Do surveys, questionnaires, or matching card games to focus. Draw, sketch, or draw shapes to calm down. Read instructions, follow a recipe, and focus on what you are currently doing. Let your brain drift off and concentrate on the current tasks. Keep your mind busy without forcing it to concentrate.

Listen to someone reading a story while closing your eyes. Imagine yourself being the hero, the protagonist, or any other character you identify with. Mindfulness for the mind helps improve your mood, sleep, and your creativity. Doing mindfulness daily will make a difference for your brain. Here are more resources about mindfulness for the mind. 


Mindfulness for Your Brain:

Train Your Brain to These Mindfulness Tips to Help You:

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Thursday, February 23, 2023


Self-worth begins at an early age, and it continues evolving as our self-esteem is formed. The concept of self-worth helps us to do self-acceptance, self-love, self-compassion, and self-respect. Without these things, our self-worth is greatly affected, especially in the aspect of self-esteem and with our self-confidence. Self-care nurtures our self-worth, and it helps develop our self-love and self-acceptance. Yet, self-worth is sometimes misunderstood with self-kindness, self-esteem, or any other topic about the “self “.  

To have self-worth, you allow this feeling to enter your mind and your heart. You believe that you are a good person no matter how many times people hurt you with their actions and their words. Self-worth is knowing that you are a good person with enormous positive thoughts about yourself and letting go of those negative thoughts. Also, it is learning to manage those negative thoughts by ignoring them, analyzing them, and then letting them go from our minds. Self-worth puts our thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors together like clay and helps mold us into the person we were meant to be.

Everyone has a different level of self-worth due to self-esteem, self-confidence, self-love, and self-respect. Self-worth may seem to be superficial for some because of their appearances, income, career, achievements, habits, and who they socialize with. But self-worth is more than that because it is the essence of an individual from the inside. It is working on not making comparisons, not being too critical, and working on your insecurities while being your authentic self. Nevertheless, it is a lifetime process to get to know yourself at a deeper level, a learning experience, and stay encouraged.

Exercising your mind with self-love and self-acceptance techniques. Additionally, having an understanding of yourself, your needs, your desires, and what you want to do in life. Taking care of your relationships while you protect your self-worth with self-respect. Being responsible for what you do in your career and with your relationships with others. Therefore, do not feel overwhelmed and frustrated.

It takes time to get to know oneself because of social media influences and being influenced easily by others. A person with self-worth is capable of feeling comfortable in a tense situation and confronting them with a clear mind. You do not need to seek their approval for what you do. Instead, you appreciate and value feedback from others while being yourself without feeling guilty. You do not please others or accept their negative criticism to hurt you.

Practice self-positive conversations internally with self-compassion, self-love, and body positivity. Learn to do self-improvement with a nice attitude. Do meditation, positive affirmations, and other techniques to help you relax during tense situations. Discover yourself without hurting yourself too much while in a relationship. Here are more websites with more information about self-worth.


How Do You Evaluate Your Self-Worth-Psychology Today: 

How Do You Evaluate Your Self-Worth? | Psychology Today

The Power of Self-Worth- Recognizing Your Value:

The Power of Self-Worth: Recognizing Your Value (

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Covering a Stain with Embroidery


Have you ever tried removing a stain several times in the laundry and it remains on the fabric? Instead of wearing the shirt or the sweater on the label side, you can cover the stain with embroidery. You can find a printable stencil online such as Free Stencil Gallery. Once you have selected the stencil, you can begin embroidering. In this example, a snowflake stencil was printed out and used for embroidering this sweater. 


Embroidery floss 

Embroidery needle 


Snowflake stencil from Free Stencil Gallery 

Sweater or t-shirt with a stain on it 

Ballpoint pen or fabric marker 

Begin by printing out the snowflake and cutting the stencil with scissors. Trace the snowflake onto the sweater or the t-shirt. Make sure you trace it on the area of the stain. Then, embroider the snowflake. In this example, the snowflake was embroidered with a light blue thread. 

After you are done embroidering the snowflake, embroider on top of the stain. Once you are done embroidering, you will forget the sweater or t-shirt had a stain on it. You can embroider without a hoop especially if you do not want to stretch the sweater. Below is a link to print out your stencils or a snowflake so you can do this embroidery project. Happy National Embroidery Month! 

Free Stencil Gallery-Christmas-Snowflake:

* Collage and fonts from Photo Collage Editor Maker


Monday, February 20, 2023

Disorganized Attachment Style

A disorganized attachment style is a combination of avoiding your partner and being afraid of losing your partner in your relationship. What is more confusing about this attachment style is that they push their partner away from them without realizing how much they are hurting their partner. Whether they are in a serious relationship or dating their partner for many years, the person with the disorganized attachment style thinks of himself or herself as not worthy of their partner’s love. He or she may have low self-esteem or experienced abuse, neglect, or a lack of physical contact with their previous partners. Despite this, a person who avoids their partner because of fear of abandonment, fear of not being loved back, or other fears prevent them from being in a stable relationship.

From the partner’s perspective, this leaves them with mixed signals as they do not know how to approach this subject with them. Usually, a partner in this type of relationship is left confused, hurt, and not desirable enough for them to be loved back. While the person with the disorganized attachment style feels their partner makes them more anxious, depressed, and not good enough for them. Yet, this type of attachment style does not prevent them to give their partner a romantic experience with them because they crave a deep connection with them. After having sexual intimacy with their partner, they will get up and go.

It is possible to be in a committed relationship with someone with a disorganized attachment style. However, it takes time for them to feel safe, and comfortable, and to trust their partner. Moreover, it is recommended to go to therapy to work on changing the person’s behaviors that provoke them to shove their partner away. Communication and boundaries are important as well as working on your self-esteem for yourself and your partner. Learn to listen to your partner with patience, and kindness, and not to put labels on your mind while you are listening to them.

Forgive your partner and let them know you are there for them. Do not give up on your partner because of their varied mood changes or their need of wanting to be alone without you. Although you may feel this type of relationship is uncontrollable, your partner can work on their self-awareness, self-love, self-esteem, and techniques for managing their emotions. Learning how to do self-care and techniques to calm down through mindfulness, journalling, meditation, and other healthy activities to work on the mixed emotions that arise throughout the relationship. Carefully communicate with your partner and make them feel comfortable with you.

Practice self-acceptance and self-worth through positive affirmations, meditation, and with loving-kindness, and other recommendations from their therapist. A disorganized attachment style may become worse when they select a backup partner because of feeling insecure and lacking trust. Furthermore, these insecurities make them feel impulsive and do things out of impulse. Do not attempt to help your partner without professional therapy, counseling, and behavioral services. Below are links about disorganized attachment style.


The Forgotten Attachment Style-Disorganized Attachment-Psychology Today:

The Forgotten Attachment Style: Disorganized Attachment | Psychology Today

Disorganized attachment style:

50 Dating with Disorganized Attachment: 

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

International Boost Self-Esteem Month

International Boost Self-Esteem Month is dedicated to improving your self-esteem. Generally, men's self-esteem is higher than women's self-esteem. However, some men have low self-esteem due to failures, rejections, childhood experiences, and other reasons. Yet, women can have low self-esteem because of appearances, childhood experiences, comparisons, criticism, abuse, and failures in school experiences. But both can have low self-esteem because of their parents who did not motivate them. 

Self-esteem is susceptible to being damaged by self-rejection. Also, by not persevering in your ambitions. Staying with people that mistreat you because you feel you do not deserve anything better. Additionally, being influenced by social media, and magazines, and want to have fame. Hurting yourself with negative self-talk is another example of self-rejection. 

Boosting your self-esteem is necessary for your physical health, mental health, and relationships. Learning to work on your self-esteem internally and not externally. Some women rely on their appearances to develop their self-esteem externally. It is useful to have a good appearance but more important to love yourself. Moreover, feel proud of your accomplishments. 

Let yourself be understood by you even if people do not understand you. Be yourself and not make self-judgment. Being harsh to yourself lowers your self-esteem. Do not do self-comparison either because you feel neglected or believe someone's negative comments about yourself. Sometimes people closer to you cannot say something nice. 

Do self-love, self-care, body positivity, mindfulness, meditation, and therapy if needed to develop your self-esteem. Keep your distance away from people who call you names and have a negative attitude. Work on your attitude to understand yourself. Do items that fortify and keep your self-esteem high. Here are links about improving your self-esteem. 


10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem-Psychology Today:

10 Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem | Psychology Today

6 Tips to Improve Your Self-Esteem-Psych Central:

6 Tips to Improve Your Self-Esteem (

* Fonts, borders, hearts, background, and more from PiZap

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Grapefruit and Yogurt

Grapefruits are so savory and have a calming scent. Consuming grapefruits is beneficial for your immune system and may help with losing weight. Although it is not recommended to eat it while taking certain medications; Grapefruits make a good snack when paired with other fruits. It is tasty by itself and has vitamin C. You can add yogurt to your grapefruit to make a quick snack. 

Furthermore, grapefruits can be part of your breakfast because it helps you to have energy. It has fiber, magnesium, and potassium. Also, grapefruit are good for your skin because of the antioxidants.  You can add grapefruit to your tropical smoothies. Here is the recipe for this quick and delicious snack. 


One grapefruit 

One banana 

Plain yogurt 


Peel one banana and slice it. Next, peel one grapefruit and add the slices to a bowl. Add the banana slices to the bowl. Then add a few spoons of plain yogurt. Be careful with the seeds of the grapefruit. 

Eat your snack slowly. You may feel relaxed and in a good mood after eating grapefruit. The bananas make this snack sweet and sour. This recipe serves one or two people. Here are links about the benefits of grapefruits. 


Grapefruit Facts:

Health Benefits of Grapefruit:

* Fonts and Collage from Photo Collage Maker 

Friday, February 17, 2023

Tips for Bloggers 2023


Blogging can be a lot of fun and it keeps your mind busy. It has been six years since I started to write in a blog. However, as a blogger you stumble upon new guidelines that every blogger should know. If you are new in blogging, you must follow the community guidelines that each blog web host has for all writers. Read the guidelines carefully because they often change from time to time.

The guidelines are not to frighten you but as a handbook to follow when you are writing in your blog. As a blogger, you must be aware of how you write reviews in your blog. But not all blogs have product reviews because it is somewhat complicated to write about. Therefore, if you want to write a review make sure it coincides with the community guidelines. If not choose a different topic to write about in your blog.

In addition, to community guidelines, a blogger must know how to delete old blog posts and to update them with new blog posts. A blog needs to be updated every day or every week with the latest information for your readers. Give credit to free courtesy images or clip art that is used in your blog images. Also, make sure the images are appropriate for your blog. Last, try to make your blog images look unique from other blogs.

Proofread your blog posts using a grammar app or the built-in feature of correcting your blog posts in your computer typing program. If you use quotes, make sure you give the person’s name after or at the beginning of each quote. Remember the grammar rules that you learned from your English classes. If you are not sure about a sentence, you can read it aloud to see if it makes sense to you and your readers. Always take breaks between your writing so you can be ready with fresh ideas to write in your blog.

Be creative when writing and make sure you do not spread hate in your blog posts. It is best to keep your language simple or write things without offending people. After six years of blogging, I have learned so much about writing in a blog with various topics. I hope to continue writing this year and in the future in this blog. Below are links about what bloggers should know about when they are blogging.

5 Things Every Blogger Should Know:

5 Things Every Blogger Should Know - Hedonisitit (

12 Things New Bloggers Should Know:

12 Things New Bloggers Should Know | Chuzai Living

* Fonts and stickers from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Self-Love & Yoga

Courtesy Photo by Pexels-Tiffany Freeman

Self-love can be practiced through yoga by using mantras and opening the heart with specific poses. For example, the Knees-to-chest Pose is done by bringing your knees to your chest while wrapping your arms around your legs. This pose is also called the Pig Pose or the Wind Relieving Pose. This yoga pose is used for digestion, but it can also be used for developing self-compassion for yourself. Use a mat, a yoga pillow, and comfortable clothes while doing this pose lying down.

Another pose is the Eagle Pose where you wrap your arms and cross your legs. This pose helps you balance yourself while standing up. You can do the Eagle Pose on a chair for a comfortable position or as an alternative pose if you have problems with your balance. This pose helps your respiratory system and makes you focus more. You can also say a mantra or a positive affirmation.  

An additional yoga pose is the Rabbit Pose. This pose is done by bending your knees and touching the heels of your feet. This pose helps you to stretch your arms and your entire body. You bend your neck, and your head almost touches your knees. Another variation of this pose is by putting your arms up on your back with your hands folded.

Then, you can do a Lotus Pose by putting your hand on your chest and one hand on your stomach. After that do breathing exercises while you close your eyes or without closing your eyes. The Lotus Pose can be done by sitting down but you can also do the Lotus Pose by standing up. You can raise one leg and place it on top of your thigh while putting your hands in a Salutation Seal or Namaste position. The Salutation Seal is used for beginning and ending your Yoga session.

Namaste means “I bow to you”. But it can also mean “I bow to the divine in you.” This salutation is used to show respect and honor to someone in yoga classes. However, if you want to say hello in Hindi, it is best to say “Namaste Ji”. Furthermore, if you join a yoga class or practice yoga in school, you will learn to say “Namaste.”

Keep in mind that there are diverse types of yoga for physical, intellectual, social, and for spiritual health. It is good for your heart and for your overall health. It is not a religion although some people confuse yoga with religion. Yet, yoga is one common practice for calming down from the stress that is received from people and from our daily lifestyle. These are only a few examples of practicing self-love with yoga.

Self-love is a daily process that needs to be exercised and only you can achieve it. It is more difficult to do these days because of bitter people who try to make you feel less than. As well as people who are not happy with themselves try to make other people feel horrible and not enjoy the beauty of life. Whether those people have children or not, they are still bitter from the inside, which is obvious by their actions, mannerism, and with their facial expressions. Not everyone is like this but always practice self-love as an alternative to people’s bitterness.

Although, you do not know what these people are feeling from the inside while they look harsh from the outside; You can still sense their anger and bad attitude. Unfortunately, you cannot help these people even if you are a professional psychologist or a therapist. Yet, you can care for yourself by working on your self-love. This will help you with your mental health and for your happiness. Here are more resources about practicing self-love with yoga.


A Yoga Teacher & Yoga Student's Guide to Self-Love Through Yoga:

A Yoga Teacher & Yoga Student's Guide to Self-Love Through Yoga (

Yoga for Self-Love- A 5 Pose Home Practice (Yoga Journal):

Yoga for Self-Love | A 5-Pose Home Practice (

8 Yoga Poses that Promote Self-Love-Life for Me:

8 Yoga Poses that Promote Self-Love (

* Courtesy Photo by Tiffany Freeman

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

National Wedding Month


It is National Wedding Month. The entire month is dedicated to weddings. This is the month when more couples plan their weddings or get engaged on Valentine's Day. But before planning your wedding, keep in mind his or her perspective about their dream wedding. Do not be a bride queen by creating tension for the groom, his family, your family, and yourself.  

Some women become drama queens or divas while preparing for the wedding.  Stress, perfectionism, competition, or having a different unique wedding makes them act improperly. Wedding planning must not be frustrating, complicated, or filled with doubts. The brides-to-be tend to worry too much about the length of the veil, the style of the dress, and making everything look exquisite. Yet, they forget that what matters is that their family and friends enjoy themselves at the wedding.

The best weddings are the smaller weddings. A smaller wedding is more intimate and has a delightful atmosphere among the guests. The food is generally buffet style, with a DJ, a simple centerpiece, and space for the guests to dance. Also, the bride wears a simple dress, comfortable shoes, a flower, or a small tiara in her hair.  The bride and groom greet their guests.


The calmer the bride and groom are at their wedding will make their guests feel welcome. It is not a day to argue with everyone or with people with whom you can't get along. Limit the number of guests and your wedding will be serene. You do not need a lot of money to have a simple wedding ceremony and party. Do have a spending budget planner when preparing for your wedding.  

Choose wedding souvenirs that you will enjoy seeing after ten years of marriage.  Have a wedding theme, select appropriate music, and choose two colors for decorations. Discuss in advance your honeymoon with your bride or groom. Be yourself on your wedding day and do not show off your wedding rings. It is distasteful, disrespectful, and the wrong thing to do. 

Wedding rings are not for being flashy. Instead, the rings are a symbol of your commitment. Before you say, "I Do", make sure to discuss topics about children, lifestyles, religion, politics, and other topics.  Remember you will have wedding jitters which are natural. Here are websites for planning your wedding day. 


Expert Wedding Planning Tips and Tricks:

Complete List of Wedding Vendors-How Much Gratuity Tip:

* Fonts and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

* Photo filters from LunaPic

Monday, February 13, 2023

What is Phubbing?

Phubbing is the worst thing to do in a friendship or a relationship. It is being inconsiderate of others at the dinner table. Also, it shows that you are too busy to be there. Furthermore, it tells the other person that you do not care and have other things to do online. It shows them that you rather be somewhere else. 

Moreover, it is not a good habit to do when you are socializing in public. You might be asking yourself how phubbing is done. First, not doing eye contact is disrespectful but is one of the warning signs of phubbing. An example of this is when you are in a restaurant and a couple is not having a conversation.  Instead, both of them or one of them is staring at their cell phone. 

No matter how one tries to speak and have eye contact with their partner; Phubbing creates a barrier to communicating with them. It might be a habit when the person is anxious.  Other times he or she might be avoiding them to have a serious conversation.  Also, it is done out of boredom. This type of behavior damages the relationship or friendship. 

Phubbing can also occur when someone is having a conversation at the same time he or she text messages someone. He or she tells the person they are multitasking or texting work-related information outside of office hours. Whether they are saying the truth or not; it makes the person feel rejected and not appreciated. From a woman's perspective, phubbing is a destructive thing a boyfriend or spouse can do to her at the dinner table. It makes the woman feel uncomfortable and awkward communicating with him while he is busy with his cell phone. 

There has been a growing trend of phubbing which can be seen everywhere in a public setting. These types of people who do phubbing are not necessarily introverts.  Instead, they can be extroverts who may have an anxiety disorder, depression, an obsessive-compulsive disorder, or other issues. Additionally,  they have too many events to attend based on their lifestyle and work. But there is a way to stop phubbing people on dates, social gatherings, and family gatherings. 

Teach your young children and teenagers to keep their cell phones in the living room while you have your meals at the dining table. Keep a basket or a shoe box to place your cell phones in the living room. Put the cell phones in silence for one hour while your family has their meals. Turn off your tablets and laptops. Do not have any electronic devices in the kitchen or dining area. 

If you are eating at a restaurant with the family; Collect their cell phones and silence them. Let them know they will get their cell phones back after having their meals. Your kids or teens may whine but it is the only way to teach them good manners in this technology era. Bring mini-board games for the little ones who get bored or do tantrums at the dining table. Play old-school games or sing songs acapella style to keep their minds busy.

Children and teenagers should grow up with less screen time. The less screen time, the better their minds will fully develop language skills. As well as developing eye contact with their peers, family, and everyone else. Eye contact is so important because it shows respect, how they feel, and if they understand what is being said. When there is no eye contact it makes them look dishonest, distrustful, and improper.

It is unfortunate to see toddlers watching a cell phone while they eat at a restaurant these days. A parent or caretaker must speak to their toddler and keep them busy with appropriate age-related toys. Electronic devices are not the right toy for a toddler to play with while they have their meals. Their brains are still developing at their pace and need to build social skills. Some parents are not aware that their toddlers need to hear and see them. 

Toddlers observe everything and learn social language skills through their parents. Additionally, an adult can quit phubbing. Phubbing is inappropriate no matter who does it. Whoever is on the other end of that cell phone device must understand that you have priorities. Below are website links about ending phubbing. 

How 'Phubbing' Hurts Your Relationships: 

How 'Phubbing' Hurts Your Relationships (

Phubbing-What is it, Effects on Relationships, and How to Stop-Healthline:

Phubbing: What Is It, Effects on Relationships, and How to Stop (

The Problem of Phubbing-Psychology Today

The Problem of Phubbing | Psychology Today

* Stickers, fonts, and more from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

What is a Relationship of Convenience?

A relationship of convenience may feel comfortable, secure, and full of prospects.  Yet it may lack certain items such as love, knowing each other on a deeper level, and being there for one another. In a relationship of convenience, one person might feel they are in a one-sided relationship.  Other times he or she might feel like they are living with a roommate or a stranger. But they may remain loyal to them even if he or she questions the relationship.  

Every so often a relationship of convenience might turn into a marriage of convenience. When this occurs, it is because of financial reasons, loneliness, having children, or feeling safe with this person. Over time, one person may feel more sadness than the other person.  But a marriage of convenience may work. A person might fall in love with their partner despite the convenience. 

Depending on the reasons why the relationship is a convenience, it will require a lot of time to get to know each other.  Even if you get along as friends or as roommates, let your partner know that you want to change your relationship for the better. You must work on trusting each other and removing any insecurities you might have. Forget the reasons why the relationship is a convenience. Get to know each other emotionally, romantically, and mentally.  

The physical aspect of the relationship is not everything a relationship needs to keep going. There needs to be a genuine openness to getting to know a person's personality, needs, motivations, fears, and everything that makes them who they are. A person needs to initiate and be willing to be in a committed relationship without having their profits. There should not be a motivation for financial gain, selfish sexual satisfaction, and other personal growth. On the contrary, a relationship must have the two people grow together emotionally and have harmony between them.

A marriage of convenience takes time to break and put into a serious loving relationship. If the relationship of convenience began because of having a baby, make sure you get to know each other deeply. Do not think it was a mistake to have a baby but often this unites the two people together. Everything takes time in a relationship which should not be forced. Staying in the relationship because of your children and making your bond stronger with your partner is recommended. 

Both partners need to support each other and feel loved. There should not be any doubts about being together. Sooner or later the conveniences will be a memory as both partners strengthen the relationship. Yet, a person needs to feel happy with themselves and being with their partner. There should not be any competition for who makes more money, who is younger, or other arguments that seem silly. 

Eventually, the emptiness of the conveniences in the relationship gets filled up with time, patience, and bonding. However, if your partner is too possessive, jealous, narcissistic, or obsessed; Think about the consequences and the examples your children are observing. A marriage of convenience may be positive or negative depending on the person's attitude. Furthermore, a relationship of convenience takes cautiousness and less daydreaming. Here are websites about this topic. 

13 Clearest Signs You Are in a Relationship of Convenience:

Why Our Generation Chooses to be in a relationship of Convenience:'s%20a%20relationship%20in%20which,put%20ourselves%20out%20there%20again.

Marriage of Convenience:

* Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker