
Sunday, April 30, 2023

Cucumber and Bell Pepper Sandwich

Today is the last day of National Afternoon Tea Month. However, you can appreciate eating a cucumber sandwich with hot tea any time of the year. Make afternoon tea a tradition in your home or your work. It also makes your break time more enjoyable with a mini vegetable sandwich as a snack to go with your tea. There are a variety of ways to make finger food sandwiches. 

You can use salmon, tuna, shrimp, bacon, ham, eggs, and vegetables. However, today’s sandwich snack is made of cucumbers and bell peppers. You can cut the crust of the bread if you want to. After making your sandwich, select your hot tea or make iced tea. Although National Tea Day was on April 21st, you can enjoy drinking hot tea today and any time of the month.

Finger food sandwiches go well with bubble tea. Bubble tea became popular in the 1980s because of the tapioca boba that was added to iced tea with milk and sugar. You can celebrate National Bubble Tea Day on April 30th which is celebrated every year. Bubble tea is also called Boba tea. No matter what tea you drink, decide on what type of sandwich you want to make.

Before making your sandwich, select your sandwich spread. You can choose cream cheese, guacamole, mustard, mayonnaise, or dips depending on the type of sandwich. Decide on what type of bread you want to use such as wheat bread, rye bread, rustic bread, croissants, white bread, honey wheat bread, multigrain bread, or another type of bread. Last, you can garnish your sandwich with olives, mint leaves, watercress, or with black pepper. Here is the recipe for making this cucumber sandwich.


One Cucumber

Cream cheese

One bell pepper

Sourdough bread or another type of bread

Tea bags or loose-leaf tea 

Preparation and Teatime: 

Use one slice of bread and spread cream cheese. Wash one cucumber and slice it. Wash one bell pepper and remove the seeds. Slice the bell peppers. Add the sliced cucumbers, bell peppers, and black pepper to the slice of bread. 

Next, make your hot tea, iced tea, or bubble tea. Once the tea is ready, serve your tea and your cucumber sandwich. You can enjoy your afternoon tea more by playing your favorite instrumental music. Similarly, you can read a short story while you have your tea and snack. Happy National Afternoon Tea Month. 




*Fonts from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Saturday, April 29, 2023

How to have a Positive Day? (Mini Positive Quote Cards)

You might be wondering how to have a positive day with all the stress of doing household chores, medical appointments, family issues, and your career job stress. All you need is to find some time to do self-care whether it is at night or early in the morning. Then, spend some time by yourself to think about good thoughts and that you will have a good day. Also, you can use positive affirmations or positive quotes to help you change your mindset to a positive one. If you like to read quotes in the morning, you might like these mini-positive mini cards.

Each positive mini-card has a quote to make you motivated to begin your new day. Additionally, doing positive self-talk helps with your mental health and improves your mood. Have a night or morning routine to assist you to wake up to an optimistic mindset. Do something for yourself such as listening to your favorite music, wearing your favorite perfume, or having a bubble bath in the evening. Blow bubbles in your garden or plant fresh flowers in your garden. 

Practice gratitude and listen to funny jokes. Watch comedies to make you laugh. Smile in the morning when you wake up and stretch your body before having breakfast. Drink water and have a healthy breakfast to begin your day. While you are having breakfast, color one of the mini positive quote cards.

If you do not have time to color your positive quote card, take one of the positive quote cards in your purse with colored pencils. You can color one of these positive mini-quote cards during your lunch work break. Similarly, you can take one of the positive mini-quote cards already colored and frame it to put on your office desk. This will remind you to stay optimistic no matter how your day goes. As well as placing one or all of the mini cards on your binder to read them when you need encouragement. 

These positive mini-cards can be colored and cut into four cards. Then, you can use these four cards as bookmarks, frame them, or insert them in a greeting card to inspire someone positively. You can feel inspired by reading these mini cards before starting your day. These hand-drawn cards are ready to be printed and to be colored. These coloring mini positive quote cards are free to print.

Below are website links with tips on how to have a positive day and the positive mini-quote cards. You can print out these quote cards on colored paper or card stock paper. Also, you can laminate it once it is colored to use as a bookmark. These positive mini-quote cards are for your personal use. Enjoy!

Psychologists Explain 12 Reasons Why Positive Self-Talk Improves Mental Health-Power of Positivity:

Psychologists Explain 12 Reasons Why Positive Self-Talk Improves Mental Health (

How to Have a Good Day and Stay Positive No Matter What-The Law of Attraction:

How To Have A Good Day And Stay Positive No Matter What (

How to Think Positive and Have an Optimistic Outlook-8 Tips:

How to Think Positive and Have an Optimistic Outlook: 8 Tips (

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Friday, April 28, 2023

Embroidering Socks

Embroidering socks are a wonderful way to save an old pair of socks that has holes in them. Depending on the size of the hole on the sock, the socks can be saved by embroidering them. You can design anything on your sock depending on the size of the hole. In this example, a flower was embroidered onto a pair of socks. The hole was covered with the leaf of the flower.

You can use the same color floss thread or assorted colors to make your flower embroidery onto your socks. In this example, the same color thread was used for both socks. Make sure you have enough embroidery floss thread before beginning this project. After you are done embroidering the flower onto each sock, you will be able to wear your socks with your tennis shoes. Here is the tutorial for embroidering a flower onto your socks.


Embroidery floss thread

Embroidery needles

One pair of socks


Regular thread

Regular needle

Tennis ball


Begin by washing your socks. Wait for your socks to get dry. Then, make sure the fabric of the socks stretches so you can embroider your flower. Sew the hole in reverse with a ball inside the sock. Once you are done covering the hole, you can reverse the sock to the front side.

Use a circle stencil to embroider the leaf. Then, fill in the circle. The circle will begin taking on a new oval shape. After that continue filling in the circle with thread. Then, make the stem of the leaf with your embroidery floss thread.

Next, continue adding the stem. Once you have the stem, you can add a flower. You can use a flower stencil to make your flower. Embroider the flower by outlining the flower. Continue adding thread until your tulip is complete.

Trim the leftover threads with scissors. Repeat the same steps to make the second flower on the other sock. Try to make the same flower on the other sock. Do not worry if the flowers do not line up the same way on both socks. Nonetheless, have fun saving your old pair of socks with embroidery. 

* Font and collage made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Thursday, April 27, 2023

College Tips

College is the best time to learn about your career. However, if you are unsure about what you want to do, you can speak to an academic advisor to discuss what you like and dislike. Your advisor can help you select what type of career you want to pursue such as a Teacher, Business Administrator, Nurse, Accountant, or other types of careers. Once you know what you like and want to do for a future job, you and your advisor will help you select the classes that you need. Then, together you can review the schedule of your classes. 

Also, if you do not want to start with your career classes as a first-year student; You can begin taking your general education classes. Your general education classes consist of math, English, science, history, art, and other classes that might help you select your career. Also, speak to a counselor about student loans, scholarships, and about working in your college as a student. As well as learning how to manage your work schedule and class schedule. The more you learn about your classes and managing your time; The less stressful it will be for you to graduate.

It is important to do self-care and to have some time to relax. Exercise during your break between classes. Relax by going to your college library for one hour by reading a random book. Take a yoga class in college if it is offered in your college. Practice yoga, mindfulness, or breathing exercises to relax before going to your next class. 

Before selecting a teacher for your classes, ask other students who they had as a teacher for the classes. Also, read online reviews about college classes and the teachers. This will help you a lot in terms of the amount of homework and the days of going to your classes. Purchase your books used especially if it is for your general education classes. Use a color code system for your binders, notebooks, and college supplies before going to class.

Eat healthier and make friends in your classes. Often you can have things in common with students who are studying the same career. Study together at the school cafeteria or the nearest coffee shop. Take care of your mental health. Speak to your college psychologist if are feeling frustrated, sad, or worried.

The first year of college is challenging. Yet, the key is to manage your time, and preparation, and discover what you want to do for a job. Learn about the services that your college offers such as babysitting, student jobs, tutoring, and special education. Save money on your clothes by purchasing at thrift stores or second-hand clothes. Share clothes with your siblings or wear their hand-me-down clothes. 

Have a monthly budget. Join or participate in your college events if you have time. Do your hobbies and favorite activities. Do not overload your college semester with too many classes. Focus on three or four classes per semester to have some free time between classes. 

The first year of college is the most crucial time to learn about your career and yourself. The first year is exciting, scary, and fun. Most of the time you might feel nervous going to class and nervous making new friends. But, by following these tips your first year in college will be amazing. Check out this infographic and more college tips from Ivy Panda Blog.

Infographic by Ivy Panda Blog

* Infographic by Ivy Panda Blog

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

How to Speak to Rude People?

Sometimes working in an office and other public places, you meet unique people with spontaneous, happy, and energetic personalities. But other times you meet people who get offended easily, are rude, or are always in a rush to get information. Yet, some people may seem rude with their comments although it depends on how you interpret what the person is trying to say. Moreover, some people get annoyed and may look rude to you. Therefore, before assuming that someone is rude, look at their body language. 

Often a person is voicing their opinions and their body language says something else. Never assume someone is rude because they are having a difficult day or have personal problems. Sometimes words, text messages, and handwritten messages get misunderstood. However, if you see the same person every day at work with a bad attitude, no manners, impoliteness, and inconsiderate towards others; You must remain nice to them with a good attitude. Simply smile at them and ignore their negative behavior. 

Avoid being rude to someone. Use laughter and appropriate jokes at the right moment to calm down the rude person. Be kind by not being offended by a person's negative comment about someone or you in the office. Even if you do not work in an office, it is common to be confronted with rudeness and negativity. Rudeness has incrementally increased throughout the pandemic due to social distancing, wearing face masks, and frequent hand washing. 

Although the pandemic was declared over, Covid-19 is still affecting people globally. It has made many people change their behavior in a negative aspect, to be more withdrawn, anxious, and acting rude to others. This continues to be a never-ending issue in workplaces, hospitals, and other public places. Rudeness affects a person's mental health and behavior. Similarly, rudeness affects a person's relationship especially if they are sarcastic, inconsiderate, and not having any manners. 

Bad behaviors in relationships are harmful for both partners. Rudeness, aggression, offensive, and negative comments ruin any relationship. Both partners disrespect each other, and it is something that all couples must avoid having a healthy relationship. These days rudeness cannot be avoided in public places or public events. Listen attentively if your partner is being rude to you.

Distance yourself and stay away from the subject. Additionally, do not get angry at yourself if your partner is being impolite. Show respect to your partner. Communicate how you feel in a genuine manner. Set boundaries with your partner.

Other times ask them why they are being rude to you or why you feel that they are being rude. Most of the time it can be a simple misunderstanding or how they interpret your words. If they begin to say obscenities or other aggressive words, maintain your distance, and let them cool off. Seek couple counseling if your partner is disrespectful and rude to you. Here are more websites about speaking to someone who is rude. 

How to Deal With Rude People-Science of People:

Five Ways to Deal with Rudeness in the Workplace:

How Rudeness Can Negatively Affect Your Mind-Psychology Today:

How Rudeness Can Negatively Affect Your Mind | Psychology Today

Why People Are Acting So Weird-The Atlantic:

Why People Are Acting So Weird - The Atlantic

* Font, background, frame, and more from PiZap

* Quote from GoodReads

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Salad with Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are so delicious and crunchy to eat in a salad. It may reduce the risk of diabetes Type 2, heart disease, and cancer. Macadamia nuts can be roasted in sea salt, roasted in honey, garlic, or with other flavors. By eating macadamia nuts, you will nourish your body with fiber, vitamin B1, magnesium, copper, iron, potassium, and zinc. Also, macadamia nuts protect your brain because of the antioxidants, selenium, manganese, and folate.

If you want to lose weight or maintain your weight you can add macadamia nuts to your meal plan. Macadamia nuts have Omega 7. When purchasing macadamia nuts make sure it has less sugar and less salt. Macadamia nuts make a good substitute for bacon and for croutons when you are making your salad. Here is a basic salad recipe with macadamia nuts.


Garlic and Onion Macadamia nuts or plain Macadamia nuts

One bell pepper (any color)

One or two tomatoes

One cucumber

Iceberg Garden Salad in a bag

Italian Salad Dressing or other salad dressing

Preparation and Salad Toss:

Wash one bell pepper. In this example, a green bell pepper was used. Remove the seeds. Then slice the bell pepper. Wash and slice the tomatoes.

In one bowl, add the iceberg garden salad. Then add the sliced bell peppers and the tomatoes. Wash and peel one cucumber. Slice the cucumber and add the sliced cucumbers. Add the macadamia nuts.

After that add your favorite salad dressing. The Italian salad dressing was used to mix and toss the salad. Then, serve the salad to your family and friends. Make sure your family and friends are not allergic to tree nuts such as macadamia nuts before serving this salad. Macadamia nuts improve sugar levels, reduce inflammation, and give more flavor to side salads.

Macadamia Nuts-Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Preparation Information, and More:

Macadamia Nuts: Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Preparation Information, and More (

Macadamia Nuts-Their Nutrition, Calories, and Benefits-The Healthy:

Macadamia Nuts: Their Nutrition, Calories, and Benefits | The Healthy

Benefits of Macadamia Nuts-Preventing Heart Disease and More-Medical News Today:

Benefits of macadamia nuts: Preventing heart disease and more (

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Monday, April 24, 2023

Days of the Week Hand Embroidery (DIY Part 2)


Embroidering the days of the week can be a long project to do. But it is a great accomplishment once that embroidery is complete. When you are embroidering the days of the week it might feel like a challenge to fit in all the letters in the underwear. Yet, you can embroider the days of the week on the back of the underwear. Also, you can include a snowflake, butterfly, or a flower on the side of the days of the week underwear.

Begin by outlining the letters of the day of the week onto the underwear. Then, embroider each letter by outlining it with thread. After that add more embroidery thread to make the letters a little bit thicker. You can also fill in the letters which is optional. Additionally, you can make a small design inside the letter by making dots with the thread.

Nonetheless, use a letter stencil or print out letters to make it easier to embroider the letters onto the underwear. If you make a mistake in stitching the letters, use tweezers or the embroidery needle to lift the thread. Make sure you have enough thread to embroider. Before you embroider, make sure the underwear is washed and dry. Wet fabric stretches and makes it more complicated to embroider.


After you have embroidered each letter, use another stencil, or draw a flower, butterfly, or a snowflake. In this example, a butterfly was embroidered on the side of the Thursday underwear. Thursday was embroidered with white floss thread. Also, the butterfly was embroidered with brown and cream floss thread. However, you can use any color floss thread to embroider the days of the week onto underwear.

Two butterflies were embroidered onto the underwear. Use fabric marker or a pen to stencil the butterflies or to draw them. After that embroider the butterflies. This embroidery project might take about two or three weeks to do depending on how much time you have for embroidering. Wash the embroidered underwear on reverse so the embroidery can last a long time onto the fabric. 

Trim the leftover threads with scissors. Embroider slowly to avoid the thread from getting too many knots. Embroidering the days of the week makes a fun and long rainy-day project. Take turns embroidering the days of the week on the front of the underwear and the other half of the embroidery on the back of the underwear. Have a joyful day embroidering. 

* Font and Collage made in Photo Collage Editor Maker

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Alcoholism & Sleep (National Alcohol Awareness Month)

Consuming too much alcohol makes anyone to have a loss of memory and lose control of their behavior. Also, alcohol changes a person's mood and creates sleep disturbances. It has been a major cause of concern especially at college fraternities, night clubs, and other public events. Alcoholism makes the brain have a constant craving which requires medications to lessen the craving. The craving and emotional problems need to be addressed with therapy, self-care, medications, and family support. 

Sleep Apnea, insomnia, and other sleep disorders get worse with alcohol. Alcohol cannot be mixed with medications because of the side effects and chemical reactions in the body. Therefore, it is vital to seek professional therapy and medical help to end alcoholism. Alcoholism has increased since 2021 among the elderly and the youth. It is a serious matter that needs to be managed with patience, care, and with supportive family members. 

Withdrawing from alcohol additionally makes someone have insomnia, sleep apnea, or other sleep disorders. The craving for alcohol gets more intense as one withdraws from it which creates alcohol withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms are sweating, rapid heartbeats, restlessness, anxiety, hallucinations, trembling, agitation, and sleep problems. In severe cases, it can cause seizures, vomiting, irritability, and nausea. Eliminating alcohol and addictions requires acceptance and asking for help to end alcoholism. 

Detox from alcohol along with therapy and medical intervention. Make a sleep schedule and follow it while you are withdrawing from alcohol. Use your room for sleep and remove your electronic devices. Drink water throughout the day and eat healthier. Do self-care before going to sleep such as a warm bath, reading a book, aromatherapy, or other items you enjoy. 

Write in a notebook if you cannot sleep. Do not give in to your cravings and keep your mind busy. Exercise to relax. Manage your emotions with the help of a behavioral therapist or professional counselor. Let your body and mind relax with your favorite hobbies.

Do not forget your motivations for quitting alcohol and other addictions. Sleep is necessary for your decision-making, concentration, and for your health. While you withdraw from alcohol, you might feel tired, confused, and unable to make good decisions. Ask for professional advice for improving your sleep as you withdraw from alcohol. Forgive yourself.

Permit yourself to receive the necessary advice and intervention. Decline attending events that only have liquor. Resist the urge to drink alcohol before going to sleep. Replace your craving for alcohol by distracting yourself. Eat healthier by eating seafood, chicken, and other sources of protein. 

Get evaluated for mineral and vitamin deficiency. Alcohol dehydrates and depletes your body from vitamins and minerals. Incorporate nuts and leafy green vegetables. Avoid taking naps while you withdraw from alcohol. Control your mood with a therapist and with a self-care routine. 

Wear a red ribbon to support National Alcohol Awareness Month. Be informed about helping yourself or someone who is struggling with alcoholism. Moreover, alcohol is not the solution for solving any issue. It is not an excuse for being intimate with someone. Alcohol is not a reasonable excuse for domestic violence, assault, or attacking someone inappropriately. 

National Alcohol Awareness Month is dedicated to informing, educating, and finding solutions to end alcoholism. Alcoholism affects the brain, sleep, behavior, and the entire body. It is necessary to treat alcoholism and a person's mental health. Chronic alcoholism and dependency on alcohol is devasting for families and friends. Here are websites about alcoholism and sleep. 

Alcoholism Treatment-Insomnia:

Alcohol and Sleep:

Health Effects of Alcohol:,drinking%20disrupts%20your%20sleep%20cycle.&text=Some%20people%20may%20find%20alcohol,sleep%20quality%20through%20the%20night.

*  Artwork made in Photo Collage Editor 

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Poetry for Mental Health (National Poetry Month)

Poetry can be used for therapeutic purposes and for taking care of your mental health. Writing down your thoughts in rhyme, without rhyme, or in any other poetry form can be useful for you to heal from traumatic events. Also, poetry can help you to release your emotional stress through writing. Poetry makes you self-reflect on how you are feeling at that time and makes you feel better about yourself. You can begin writing your poetry in a haiku, acrostic, sonnet, free verse, prose, list poetry, or any other poetry form in your journal.

Writing poetry helps your healing process. There are no restrictions in writing your poems. Write your thoughts and do not limit your words. Express yourself with your poems. Read poetry to assist you to open your deep emotions.  

Reading poetry allows you to relax and understand what the poet is trying to convey. It is an aid for making your mental health better. Take your time to write for five minutes a day in a journal or notebook. Feel creative in your writing. Poetry can help you with your grief, anxiety,  worries, and other issues. Yet, it is an accompaniment to your professional therapy sessions. 

Do not rely on just writing poetry without professional therapy. Poetry works for communicating how you feel through writing. But you will need a professional therapist to interpret what you write and diagnose your troubles. Therefore it is recommended to get professional therapy to improve your mental health. Write poems when you need a break and when you need to self-reflect. 

The whole month of April is National Poetry Month. However, you can write poems anytime for you to worry less. Write a short poem in the morning while you have breakfast. Write a poem during your work break. Last write a poem at night and compare your three poems. 

You will notice that all three poems might be similar, or different, or will make you feel calm as you review your day. Focus on how you felt and realize that those worries are temporary. Writing poetry might enable you to sleep better. Exercise your mind by writing poetry and see how it makes a difference in your mental health. Here are websites about poetry and mental health.


How Poetry Can Heal-Psychology Today:

How Poetry Can Heal | Psychology Today

7 Poems That Teach Us About Mental Health:

7 poems that teach us about mental health (

Poetry Therapy-Good Therapy:

Poetry Therapy (

* Font, background, and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Jazz Appreciation Month

Jazz music began in the late 1800s and consists of marching bands, blues, and ragtime music. Jazz music was heard and played before the Civil War. It began in New Orleans with wind instruments, string instruments, and percussion instruments. Famous musicians such as Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Miles Davis, and other musicians had made their unique jazz music. Today jazz music can still be heard and appreciated, especially in April.

But before jazz music began, blues music was popular to listen to and continues to be popular today. Other genres of music such as pop, hip hop, dance music, vaudeville music, hymns, and spirituals came out of jazz music. Jazz music was played, sung, and dances were created to their tempo. The entire month of April is Jazz Appreciation Month. You can listen to piano jazz music, saxophone, trumpet jazz music, and other jazz music to relax. 

Jazz music recordings began in 1917. You can listen to Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Frank Sinatra, Count Basie, and other famous jazz singers. Jazz Appreciation Month began in 2001 by the Smithsonian Museum of American History. It celebrates culture, heritage, and music. On April 30th, you can celebrate International Jazz Day which is celebrated worldwide. 

In 2011 UNESCO declared International Jazz Day. Many jazz musicians were born in April. You can listen to jazz music to lift your mood, for relaxation, or dance. Also, you can learn to dance to ragtime music, tap dance, and other dances. Paint and make art with jazz music. 

Drink your coffee or tea while listening to jazz music. Attend jazz music festivals or jazz events in your local area. Read about jazz. Sing and listen to your favorite jazz songs. Hear a jazz concert in person or online. 

Read the lyrics to jazz music. Listen to jazz music at home while you are cooking your meals. Celebrate and appreciate jazz music while you work on a puzzle. Watch a jazz film or documentary. Here are websites about jazz.


What is Jazz:

All About Jazz:


* Font, background, and more from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Tai Chi for Seniors

Courtesy Pexels Photo by Wes Chuan

Tai Chi is helpful for your health especially if you get older and want to stay strong. You can improve your balance, tractability, and your strength with Tai Chi. Tai Chi can be practiced for ten minutes or less and can be done with a chair. Also, you can take turns doing Tai Chi with a chair or standing up. This can be done individually or in a group inside your home or in your backyard.

Practicing Tai Chi may improve your sleep, and memory, and reduce your pain. Additionally, it reduces falls and may help with weight loss. Each movement is called form which can be done with a chair or standing up. You can hold a ball and sit on a chair while moving your body from side to side. Furthermore, you can do Tai Chi standing up by doing windmills, touching the sky, and twisting your torso.

Do Tai Chi slowly and at your own pace. If you begin breathing heavily, stop and rest. Drink water or an electrolyte drink to help you hydrate before and after doing Tai Chi. This form of exercise helps you have better mobility and helps you relax. Practice Tai Chi every day or every other day to strengthen your muscles and avoid stiffness.

Warm up your body by warming up your legs and arms. Know your limitations and do not overexert yourself. You can practice Tai Chi in the mornings to feel energized and to feel positive throughout the day. Wear comfortable loose clothing so you can do each form without having any restrictions. Each form can be done for a brief time as you transition to the next form. 

Make sure your pants are not too long. There is no equipment for doing Tai Chi. However, you can use a Tai Chi fan for marital arts Wushu training, Tai Chi sticks, and a reflex ball for hand exercises. Tai Chi is used for practicing meditation and for martial arts. It is used in self-defense classes.

Overall Tai Chi helps you meditate and exercise at the same time. Before you begin Tai Chi, make sure you do not slip with your shoes. Wear comfortable shoes and no jewelry. Consult with your primary doctor before doing Tai Chi. Here are websites about Tai Chi for seniors. 

Tai Chi Exercises for Seniors-Best Warm-Up, Seated, and Balance Tai Chi for the Elderly:

Tai Chi Exercises for Seniors: Best Warm-Up, Seated & Balance Tai Chi for the Elderly - (

Tai Chi for Seniors-3 Moves to Improve Balance and Stability-Healthline:

Tai Chi for Seniors: 3 Moves to Improve Balance and Stability (

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi-Harvard Health Publishing-Harvard Health:

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi - Harvard Health Publishing - Harvard Health

* Courtesy Pexels Photo by Wes Chaun

Monday, April 17, 2023

National Autism Awareness Month

Autism spectrum disorder is a developmental disability that affects children and adults and has been increasing throughout the years. More children are being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder which affects the brain as it develops through adulthood. Developmental disabilities make it difficult for socializing, learning, physical movement, and the language area of the brain. Yet, someone with autism can live a healthy happy life with family and with friends. Depending on the level of the autism spectrum disorder, children can learn at their own pace and their learning style.

There are three levels that teachers and professional educators consider when it comes to autism. The first level is considered mild, which does not interfere with school, work, or with socializing to form relationships. The second level is a challenge because a child at this level needs speech therapy or to learn how to socialize with their family, friends, and classmates. The third level of autism is more severe which needs more therapy for language skills, writing, reading, and other skills with limitations of their abilities. It requires nonverbal and verbal communication therapy.

One out of thirty-six children have autism but can live a normal life with proper speech therapy, language, and educational resources. ASD can be screened and diagnosed beginning at eighteen months or at twenty-four months. Children can also be screened for stuttering, hearing, sight, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Parents must recognize any behavior changes, trouble paying attention, impulsive behavior, and repetitive movements, not smiling and other facial expressions. As well as sleep disturbances and being nervous when there is too much sound around them.

It is necessary to know about the special education services that are offered in the schools for autism and other developmental disorders. Children with developmental disorders are visual learners but may need to learn other learning styles depending on the level of the disability. The whole month of April is National Autism Awareness Month where it is encouraged to wear blue, a puzzle ribbon, and donating to the Autism Society. Blue light bulbs can be used to display on your front porch, garden, and creating a sensory garden at home. Also participate in your child’s school activities especially if they have a workshop for autism awareness.

Acceptance is the first step as a parent who is struggling to understand autism spectrum disorder. Additionally, it is important to have acceptance as a society and understand that everyone has different abilities to have influence in the world. As well as not labeling anyone because of a disability. Moreover, everyone needs to educate themselves about developmental disabilities, learning disabilities, and intellectual disabilities. Here are more resources about autism spectrum disorder. 

How to Succeed as a College Student with Autism-The Mighty:

How to Succeed as a College Student With Autism (

Screening and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder-CDC:

Screening and Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder | CDC

SPARK-Spark for Autism:


High-Functioning Autism-Asperger's, Autism Levels & More-Healthline:

High-Functioning Autism: Asperger's, Autism Levels & More (

* Font, background, and border from PiZap

* Puzzle Ribbon clip art for Autism Awareness from ClipArt Best

Sunday, April 16, 2023

How to Avoid an Obsession in a Relationship?

An obsession in a relationship tends to be distressful, uncomfortable, and tense situations for both partners. It is a strong feeling that one partner has for the other while aiming to control their partner. Often a person with an obsession can be aggressive, anxious, and impulsive. Constant worries about their partner make them unable to sleep, eat, and to do daily activities. Obsessions are complex and make it harder to comprehend if they occur in the relationship.

Sometimes with an obsession it can lead to jealousy and domestic violence. Also, mental health issues occur when someone has an obsession in the relationship. It makes someone fantasize more and follow their desires that they have towards their partner. Furthermore, a person with an obsession can have an over-compulsive disorder. Yet, obsessions can be managed and treated to improve the relationship between you and your partner.

Begin with accepting that the obsession is harming the relationship. Obsessions change one’s behavior and actions while losing themselves in the process. Continuous thoughts and fears make them feel more nervous and more stressed. Therefore, an obsessive-compulsive disorder needs to be treated with a professional psychologist to find the main cause of what it is stressing you out or your partner. Similarly, you or your partner can speak to a mental health professional and a counselor in behavioral services. 

Obsessive compulsive disorder may be a result of genetics, changes in the brain, or family experiences, child abuse, or excessive stress. Obsessions may also cause anxiety disorder, depression, substance abuse, nervous tics, or other mental health disorders. Although obsessions cannot be prevented in a relationship, it is necessary to speak to your partner about your concerns, fears, and have an open discussion in a calm manner. Practice self-love, loving kindness meditation, or other methods to help you or your partner relax. Do not withdraw from your activities, hobbies, self-care, and from your daily routine. 

Be realistic in your relationship and respect each other. Avoid arguing with your partner. Always communicate with them with patience, kindness, and calmly. Not all partners with an obsession seek control but may seek reassurance. Constantly questioning where your partner is and what they do is not a solution to repairing the relationship. Both partners must have determination to manage the obsession from sabotaging the relationship.

It is possible to have a relationship, but it requires labor and support from both partners. Work on trust issues and communication issues if it arises in the relationship. Understand what an obsessive-compulsive disorder is and how you can support your partner. Be honest with yourself and with your partner. Follow the advice from your psychologist or their mental health professional for monitoring the obsession.

Obsessions cannot always be eliminated. Therefore, keep an eye on your partner’s behavioral changes, sleep disturbances, and irritabilities. Seek professional and medical help if your partner or you have negative thoughts that might be suicidal. Also contact the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. Here are more resources about obsessions. 

10 Steps to Overcoming Obsession in a Relationship:

10 Steps To Overcoming Obsession In A Relationship (

How to Break an Obsession-Pscyhology Today:

How to Break an Obsession | Psychology Today

Obsession Psychology-Causes, Types, Treatments-Psych Central:

Obsession Psychology: Causes, Types, Treatment (

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Saturday, April 15, 2023

How to do Sustainable Living?

Sustainable living is all about living simply. It is a way to use less plastic and reuse everyday items. Also, to recycle items that can be recycled. As well as using less energy consumption by using LED light bulbs. This lifestyle requires being less materialistic while using environmentally friendly products that can be reused. 

Yet, to live a sustainable lifestyle there needs to be more discipline and a mindful conscious to live simpler. To begin living a sustainable lifestyle one must learn about the reusable items that can be used in the kitchen, bathroom, and other rooms of your home. These days more products are being made with cotton, bamboo, and with eco-friendly materials. The more reusable items are used there will be fewer waste materials for the planet. Begin by using reusable shopping bags that can be washed in chilly water. 

Use mason jars and glass food storage for storing your food in the refrigerator. Also, use reusable water bottles and cotton pads for removing your makeup. Additionally, you can purchase reusable makeup applicators and brushes that can be washed with baby shampoo. Make sure the items you purchase are eco-friendly and reusable. Reusable straws also save you money and reduce plastic waste. 

There is an assortment of eco-friendly products that can be purchased online or in stores. Use cloth handkerchiefs, cloth napkins, cloth baby diapers, and other items that can be washed. Be conscious about what products you use and what type of products you can reuse. It may seem frustrating to start a sustainable lifestyle because it requires money and time to organize your home. Make a list of what items are necessary for you to reuse, recycle, and upcycle. 

Have a budget for purchasing your reusable items. Gradually make changes in your home. Reduce plastic waste in your kitchen and bathroom. Additionally, reduce paper waste by going paperless with your monthly payments. Although not everything can be recycled, you can reuse old items and repurpose them.

Some gardening items can be reused as pots for your plants. An old pair of rain boots or gardening shoes can be used for your plants. Be creative in remodeling old items into new items for decorating your home. Over time you will be saving money by reusing items and using environmentally friendly products. Living a simpler lifestyle makes you more aware of the everyday items that are used and thrown in the trash. 

It is necessary to have a sustainable lifestyle so future generations can appreciate the beautiful planet. Wash your laundry and reusable cloth items with a full load in the washing machines. Skip the dryers if you can and let the items air dry. If you do need to use a dryer, use a full load for drying your items with laundry wool dryer balls. Use less electricity to save energy consumption.

The reusable vegetable bags and reusable shopping bags dry quickly without a dryer. Cotton hand towels can be used as a substitute for paper towels. Bandanas can also be used as napkins and quickly air dry after washing them. You will be amazed at how much money you can save by living a sustainable lifestyle. Yet, it takes a lot of effort, time, and organization in your home. 

Use fewer chemical products when cleaning your home. Essential oils and natural products can be used to clean your home. Reduce your paper plate use by using compostable plates or reusable plates. It is possible to live a sustainable lifestyle and have a better understanding of eco-friendly products. Here are websites about sustainable living.


50 Simple Ideas to Begin Sustainable Living in 2023-Minimalism Made Simple:

50 Simple Ideas to Begin Sustainable Living in 2023 - Minimalism Made Simple

A Guide to Sustainable Living-UNICEF USA:

A Guide to Sustainable Living | UNICEF USA

What is Sustainable Living and 10 Ways to Get Started (DIY Natural)

What is Sustainable Living and 10 Ways to Get Started (

* Font, background, and more from PiZap