
Thursday, August 31, 2023

World Distance Learning Day

World Distance Learning Day is celebrated on August 31st to show appreciation and support for online learning. Before the COVID-19 pandemic, most students took online classes in college to get ahead with their career goals. However, many of the students took online classes during the pandemic to complete their academic goals for graduation in elementary school or high school. During this time, online classes were the only way to continue studying in school and college. Some students continue taking online classes more and are surprised with how much they have accomplished in their general education studies. 

Yet, students need to have self-discipline, time management, and be interested in studying new things. Also, if you are not a student, it is a promising idea to learn new skills in technology. Technology might not come easily for some, but it is important to be updated about how to use it wisely. Online classes might challenge you to learn distinctive styles of learning. My experience with online classes was positive and helpful in learning about my career.

Online classes save you time to get ready for college in the morning. It helps you save financially because there is no need to use transportation unless it is hybrid class. Hybrid classes make you learn online at home and in a college classroom. These classes help you to get to know your classmates in a classroom and the online classes. Focusing might be an issue if you have a tough time staying awake at night or in the morning.

Nonetheless, there are online classes where you can take the class at any time and turn in the homework. Before you sign up for an online class in college, read the description of the class. As soon as you are logged in to the online class, print out any classroom guidelines or other materials that are provided for your class. Some professors will give you a list of all the assignments and test days. Print and keep your assignments list, classroom guidelines, classroom contract, and other documents in a brightly colored folder.

Another interesting thing about online classes is that you can read your assigned book for the class before taking your online class. Be alert and look for extra credit assignments if they are offered in your online class. Additionally, if there is a group homework assignment, get to know your classmate's names. Get their e-mail addresses and telephone numbers to help each other with the group project. Take your online class with dedication and endeavor.

Take one or two online classes in your college semester. Like any class, studying is a priority, and you must find time to study. Do not feel guilty for turning down a party event. Being responsible in your studies is what will help you graduate or transfer to a university. Here are website links with online learning tips.


Eight Tips for Successful Online Learning-Literacy Worldwide:

Eight Tips for Successful Online Learning (

21 Strategies for Teaching Online-The Ultimate Guide-Albert Resources:

21 Strategies for Teaching Online: The Ultimate Guide | Albert Resources

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Meditating with Mantras, Positive Affirmations, and Sentences

Meditating with mantras and positive affirmations might seem repetitive at times. Yet it is common to quit meditating after three weeks, especially if you use the same mantras and positive affirmations. To feel reassured about meditating with the intention of relaxation for your mind and body; It is necessary to vary your positive affirmations and mantras with what you want to accomplish or feel in those minutes of meditation. Sometimes, you might want to meditate on a sentence or two sentences to help you remain calm and collect your positive thoughts. Therefore, this list can help you get started in writing your sentences for meditation.

  1. I can pass my academic tests and excel in everything I want to achieve.
  2. I can remain calm in any situation or natural phenomena events.
  3. I cannot feel powerless, but I will have the strength to continue.
  4. I can be successful no matter how big or small the successes are.
  5. I can do my best to help others.
  6. I cannot complain about my health, but I will maintain it with healthier nourishment.
  7. I can do anything I set my mind to, but I will be cautious.
  8. I can be comfortable and can feel safe during any weather event.
  9. I can have confidence in myself and can boost someone’s confidence.
  10. I look forward to each day I wake up and to each day I find happiness.

Meditating with sentences can often make one feel boredom but it is best to do a physical activity to avoid feeling boredom while you meditate. Meditating with mantras can be simple by using shorter sentences to focus on your breathing. Positive affirmations can also be used by using the statements “I am,” "I feel," "My", and other words to reflect on yourself and to help you feel good about yourself. Meditating does take time to learn. However, here is a list of positive affirmations to help you meditate with positivity. 

  1. I am filled with strength and use my momentum wisely.
  2. I feel kindness for myself, for my body, and for my thoughts.
  3. I can polish up on my errors and feel determined.
  4. My heart is at peace with my mind.
  5. My mind is not restless, but it is ready to focus.
  6. I feel caring thoughts for myself.
  7. I can be myself with my family, friends, and acquaintances.
  8. I can be at peace and feel love from everyone who knows me.
  9. My body is not tired but needs to take a break at times to replenish my energy.
  10. I feel positive vibes and can feel my body heal itself from this flu.

Positive affirmations can be written for many purposes and can help you sleep better. Nevertheless, if you do not have time to use positive affirmations, a mantra can help you meditate in five minutes or less. Depending on how much time you must meditate, it is important to continue meditating for your mind and your body. Besides meditating with mantras, positive affirmations, and sentences; Any word that is appropriate, respectable, and appreciated can be used for meditation. Here is a brief list of mantras. 

  1. Forget errors.
  2. Love and be loved.
  3. Slow down but focus.
  4. Be in peace.
  5. Be yourself.
  6. Love.
  7. Peace.
  8. Hope.
  9. Encourage yourself.
  10. Encourage others.
  11. Encourage and strive.

Mantras can be easy to do when you want to focus, feel relaxed, and practice yoga. It is best to practice using mantras, positive affirmations, and sentences in the morning before you begin your day. Additionally, positive affirmations can be used for your wellness and for reducing stress. Positive affirmations begin with “I am” but it can be written in a manner of self-positive conversation for your thoughts. Here are resources about meditating with mantras, positive affirmations, and sentences. 


50 Meditation Affirmations to Feel Grounded & Secure-Zanna Keithley:

50 Meditation Affirmations to Feel Grounded & Secure (

Mantra Meditation-Benefits, How to Try It, and More-Health line:

Mantra Meditation: Benefits, How to Try It, and More (

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker

Friday, August 25, 2023

Overdose Awareness Month in August

The entire month of August is dedicated to drug overdose awareness and to remembering the people who lost their lives from a drug overdose. Promoting drug use prevention programs is one way to bring an understanding of the drug epidemic. Additionally, it brings awareness about drug addictions, substance abuse, and recovery from substance abuse on social media. Talk to your preteens, teenagers, and young adults about addictions and substance abuse. As well as not blaming yourself or your child if they are struggling with a drug addiction. 


Notice any changes in their behavior, mood, and in their appearance. Never leave them alone. If there is evidence of drug use, do not yell at them either. But do call an ambulance or a poison center if they have passed out or are unconscious. Look for other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, chest pains, sweating, cold chills, seizures, and breathing issues. Make sure they always stay awake and do not give them a bath or shower.

Furthermore, do not give them anything to drink or eat while they wait for the ambulance. Since this will prevent any interactions with the drugs, alcohol, or other substances that were misused. Stay there until the paramedics take the person to the hospital. Rehabilitation, therapy, and detox treatment programs can prevent another relapse from addictions, drug abuse, and substance abuse. Yet, support from family and friends is vital for supporting someone who is recovering from an addiction.

Often teenagers might not listen to their parents but might listen to their uncle or aunt for emotional support and for advice. Forty six percent of teenagers have tried illicit drugs due to peer pressure, to fit in their group of friends, or out of curiosity. Approximately more than one hundred thousand teens die from a drug overdose each year which continues to increase. Moreover, storing prescribed medications in a safe place where children and the youth cannot retrieve. Also, make sure there are adult supervised activities in your child’s school and at home.

Do not eat medicated cannabis brownies, candies, and other cannabis items in front of children. Instead purchase medicated cannabis in a different edible form and lock it in a safe place. Also, any recreational drug for relieving pain must be hidden from teenagers and children. Always seek medical help and have frequent conversations with your children. Ask them questions about their school day, peer pressures, and take care of their mental health.

Purple is used to bring attention to Overdose Awareness Month and to remember those who lost their lives. As well as having conversations with your children during Overdose Awareness Week which is on August 27th- September 2nd. Devote some time to bring awareness of drug abuse, substance abuse, and alcohol with conversations with your children. Post on social media statistics and other resources about preventing drug overdose before or on August 31st for International Overdose Awareness Day. This day is about bringing awareness and promoting prevention methods to prevent drug overdose.  

It is also a day of remembrance and to give support to people who are recovering. Wear purple and post educational information in purple on social media. Call 988 if you are struggling with an addiction, substance abuse, alcohol, and other issues. Get enough information to help someone online and with someone that you know that is fighting with drug and alcohol use. Here are resources about drug overdose prevention. 

Fentanyl Overdose Prevention:

Overdose Prevention-Vital Strategies:

Overdose Lifeline Organization-Youth Prevention Programs:

Beware of Cannabis Brownies, Candies, and Other Treats That Appeal to Kids:

Beware of cannabis brownies, candies and other treats that appeal to kids (

What Should You Do During a Drug Overdose-Get Smart About Drugs:

What Should You Do During a Drug Overdose? | Get Smart About Drugs

988 Lifeline:

Lifeline (

* Font and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Wednesday, August 23, 2023

How to Remove Deodorant Stains?

Deodorant stains can be tricky to remove from clothes. Sometimes the washing machine leaves deodorant stains or remnants of the deodorant stains. It is recommended to pretreat the deodorant stains before washing the garment. Depending on the type of fabric and the color of the garment, you can use hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. An alternative method can be hydrogen peroxide and salt. 

Use freezing water or warm water depending on the fabric wash instructions and color. Deodorant stains can easily be removed by gently rubbing salt paste by hand or using baby shampoo with baking soda. Then put your garments immediately in the washing machine with a plant-based laundry detergent or wash it by hand with shampoo. Another way is by using lemon juice or vinegar with baking soda which is recommended to use only on white garments. Then use cold water to rinse off the leftover deodorant stains. 

However, hydrogen peroxide is safe to use on colored garments. Dish soap and hydrogen peroxide can be used to remove the deodorant stains. Sometimes soaking the garment in water with dish soap can help to remove the toughest deodorant stains. Add a small amount of baking soda to the washing machine to remove any remaining deodorant stains. These ingredients can also help to remove sweat stains from your clothes. 

Sweat stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide and dish soap. Let it soak in water. Wait thirty minutes before washing the garment. Another tip is to wash your garments inside out before putting them in the washing machine. It is recommended to use clear deodorant or liquid deodorant to prevent deodorant stains. 

Lemon juice and salt can also be used to remove sweat stains. This brightens your white clothing. Sort your clothes carefully and slowly before putting them in the washing machine. After washing your clothes, make sure there are no deodorant stains before putting them in the dryer. Here are websites with more laundry tips. 


How to Remove Deodorant Stains-5 Solutions Plus How to Prevent It:

How To Remove Deodorant Stains: 5 Solutions + How To Prevent It | mindbodygreen

How to Get Deodorant Stains Out of Shirts-Remove Deodorant Residue-Reader's Digest:

How to Get Deodorant Stains Out of Shirts — Remove Deodorant Residue (

* Font and collage made in Photo Collage Editor Maker

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Making Meals with Sardines

Sardines make a quick and delicious side item for tofu. Tofu is so versatile to use for making an appetizing meal. Coriander seeds have vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, iron, and calcium. These seeds have antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. It gives tofu some texture and flavor with barbeque sauce.

Adding these seeds can help you with weight loss, and blood pressure, and may prevent diabetes. Before using coriander seeds, consult with your primary care doctor because of any side effects of certain medications. Coriander seeds come from cilantro. It may lower your cholesterol. Here is a recipe for using coriander seeds or for making barbecue tofu. 


Coriander seeds







Black pepper

Chili and lime powder

One onion

Bell peppers

One can of sardines

One box of tofu

Barbeque sauce

Extra virgin olive oil




Two lemons

Oregano (optional)


Begin by making tofu. Remove the excess water from the tofu. Add the following spices: cardamom, ginger, curry, turmeric, paprika, and cumin. Peel one onion and slice the onion in half. Slice onions and add them to one skillet with extra virgin olive oil. 

Add sliced bell peppers or coriander seeds. Then cook the tofu from all sides. After that put barbecue sauce on top of the tofu and cook for ten minutes with the sauce. Make a cucumber salad by adding radishes and raw onions or cucumbers with tomatoes. Then pour lemon juice on the cucumber salad. 

Serve the tofu with the coriander seeds with the cucumber salad and sardines. Add black pepper to the tofu or the cucumber salad. Then add chili and lime to the cucumber salad. Next, add the grilled onions or the grilled onions with bell peppers. Slice half of the lemon and add lemon slices to the plate.

This meal can serve two people especially if you cut the tofu in half before cooking it. Instead of coriander seeds, you can use oregano to cook the tofu. Add lemon juice to the sardines. Nonetheless, coriander seeds might help reduce menstrual cramps and help the digestive system. Here are website links about the health benefits of coriander seeds. 

Health Benefits of Coriander:

Coriander Benefits:

* Font and Collage from Photo Collage Editor Maker


Monday, August 21, 2023

Why have a College Mentor?

When you are in college, you might be undecided about your career, your future career goals, or what you are passionate about for a successful career. However, there are mentors in college who can help you to find your career and can help you decide to transfer to your selected university. A mentor is someone who has experienced college life and can guide you to your future career goals. Mentors give guidance and may offer advice on how to reach your career goals positively. For example, your mentor might advise you to take certain classes to help you find your career or to work on your general education classes for the first year of college.

As soon as you have found your career, your mentor can continue giving you the support that you need as a student. Your mentor can encourage you to work on your college grade point average and can advise you to slow down in taking your college classes all at once. Nevertheless, your mentor will give you enough advice for you to study better and regain your confidence as a student. It is common to feel frustration, anxiety, and lack of sleep during your college years especially if you are working while you are in college. Sometimes, you might need to work part-time so you can focus on your college classes.

Mentors can provide you with resources for finding the university you want to transfer to. Additionally, a mentor is someone who you can trust and give you tips on how to save money for your university. Also, they can discuss scholarship opportunities, financial aid, and student loans. There are numerous types of mentors and finding one that you feel comfortable speaking to makes a difference in your life. A mentor is a college role model for you and will direct you to the classes that you will need for graduating or transferring.

Approximately fifty percent of students in college have a mentor or several mentors. You will see your mentor once or twice a month to review your grade point average, your selected career, and advice on what you need to improve for transferring or graduating. Yet, your mentor can also advise you in time management between your work and your college classes. Overall, a mentor can provide you with resources for universities, organize your notes, and may advise you to go to tutoring if needed. As well as encouraging you to work on your creative hobbies. 

After you graduate from college or a university, you can become a mentor for someone who is in college. Yet, you can find mentors in your high school before you go to college. Mentors are beneficial for your emotional and social development in college and for your future career. Last mentors give you the motivation you need to enjoy your college classes and to feel peaceful with your chosen career. Here are resources about college mentorship.


Having a Mentor as a Student-6 Benefits You Shouldn't Ignore-Ivy Panda:

Having a Mentor as a Student – 6 Benefits You Shouldn't Ignore (

Mentors in College-What They Are and Why They Matter-Road 2 College:

Mentors in College—What They Are and Why They Matter - Road2College

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Bird of Paradise (Free Flower Coloring Pages)

The bird of paradise flower can grow up to six feet tall. These flowers can make anyone feel joyful. Also, this flower is generally given to a couple that celebrates its ninth wedding anniversary. It comes in bright colors such as yellow, blue, orange, purple, red, and white. When growing a bird of paradise make sure you have plenty of light and sunlight in the area where you plant it in your garden.

Additionally, the bird of paradise is an exquisite and beautiful flower to include in your garden. It is also called a crane flower because it looks like a bird. These flowers symbolize love, faithfulness, and pensiveness. Today, I have created three coloring pages of the bird of paradise. Each coloring page is free and for your personal use. 

Website links for taking care of Bird of Paradise:

Bird of Paradise-Plant Care & Growing Guide-The Spruce:

Bird of Paradise: Plant Care & Growing Guide (

Growing Conditions for Bird of Paradise Flowers-Gardening Know How:

Growing Conditions For Bird Of Paradise Flowers (

* Font from LunaPic

* Font and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Friday, August 18, 2023

Allspice Essential Oil Benefits

Allspice essential oil is beneficial for achy muscles, sleep, and the skin. This essential oil is made from a fruit of a tree. The dry berry is called pimento or pepper which gives off an earthy and warm scent when it is made into an essential oil. Do not confuse allspice in a spice powder form which is used in culinary cuisine. Nevertheless, allspice essential oil has antioxidants and antiseptic properties.

Generally, allspice can also be found in colognes, lotions, perfumes, and for aromatherapy use. If you tend to get insect bites in the summer, you can try allspice, lavender, or eucalyptus essential oils to heal your skin. Allspice essential oil protects your skin and cleans the area of the bug bite. It also helps with skin rashes, cold sores, and skin irritations. Whereas the eucalyptus essential oil gives a cooling effect to the skin.

You can blend allspice essential oil with other essential oils such as lavender, lemon, oranges, geranium, patchouli, and ylang-ylang. Eucalyptus, clove, and cinnamon also blend well with allspice essential oil. Before applying it, test a small area on your skin. You can use carrier oils such as Jojoba oil, Sweet Almond oil, or olive oil. Unscented lotions can be used to blend three drops of allspice essential oil. 

Massage your achy muscles and stiff joints. Allspice essential oil can give you relief from muscle cramps, headaches, and muscle pain. Furthermore, allspice essential oil can help you sleep because of its calming effect. Blend allspice essential oil with vanilla, bergamot, and sandalwood to feel its soothing properties. Cocoa butter makes it easier to apply allspice essential oil and other essential oils to massage onto the skin.

It has a sweet and spicy scent which makes you feel less nervous as the summer season transitions to the autumn season. You can enjoy its scent by using a reed diffuser. If you can not find allspice essential oil, you can use clove or cardamom essential oil. Nonetheless, allspice essential oil makes a wonderful addition to your aromatherapy. Here are website links about the benefits of Allspice Essential Oil. 

7 Benefits of Allspice Essential Oil-Healthy Focus:

7 Benefits of Allspice Essential Oil - Healthy Focus

Allspice Essential Oil Uses and Benefits-Aroma Web:

Allspice Essential Oil Uses and Benefits | AromaWeb

10 Best Benefits of Allspice Essential Oil-Organic Facts:

10 Best Benefits of Allspice Essential Oil | Organic Facts

* Olive Oil bottle clip art png:

Free download Fat Cartoon . - CleanPNG / KissPNG

* Allspice clip art png 

Seasoning Food png download - 1024*1024 - Free Transparent Seasoning png Download. - CleanPNG / KissPNG

* Background and font from PiZap

Thursday, August 17, 2023

Tips and Approaches to Prevent Domestic Violence Among Teens

When someone experiences domestic violence as a teenager, it makes it difficult to sleep and causes more anxiety. Depression, substance abuse, and addictions might occur due to traumatic events. Also, post-traumatic stress disorder is one side effect of domestic violence among teenagers. However, other side effects such as eating disorders and harming themselves are another reaction to remembering those painful moments. Yet, risky behaviors and isolation are another worrisome issue that transpires from violence in dating at an early age.

Dating violence happens to some during high school and it might continue in college. This pattern continues if the traumatic experiences are not treated with therapy and medical professionals. Domestic violence among teens can be prevented by attending workshops at school that bring awareness of dating safely and promoting awareness campaigns. Additionally, having workshops or sessions with parents at school to discuss dating violence among teenagers. It is necessary to find time to listen attentively and to attend a session or workshop for preventing violence while dating as a teenager.

As a parent, get to know your teenager's friends and their dating partners. Let them know they can trust you. As well as not keeping secrets between you and them. Talk about back-to-school events or what happened throughout the day. Make it a priority to talk about healthy relationships and unhealthy relationships. 

Review the warning signs of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual bullying, and unhealthy relationships. But do not be too forceful in making it a speech. Instead, make it part of a natural conversation with your teenager. Observe any changes in behavior, changes in appearance, and antisocial behavior. Furthermore, any changes in hygiene, eating habits, and low grades in school.

Be available for your teenager if they need to discuss peer pressure, bullying, or a controlling partner. Be open-minded and reserve your opinions. Listen assertively and never leave them alone if they have suicidal thoughts. Approach your teenager with finesse. Speak to their friends if needed if they suspect dating violence. 

Before your teenager goes on a date, review safety tips with them. For example, never leave your drink or food unattended. Always have your cell phone fully charged and a person to contact in case you need to leave early from your date. Carry enough money in your purse, wallet, and pockets. Let your parents know what day, what time, and where you will be with your dating partner.

Moreover, say it delicately and without shouting at your teenager. If needed have a curfew time so you can feel less stressed out as a parent. Set good examples as a couple for your teenager's awareness of what a healthy relationship looks like. If you are a single parent, make sure your married family members are good role models for your teenager. Furthermore, if your teenager is in an abusive relationship, end it as soon as possible.

Change schools and monitor your teenager's online usage. Take necessary actions with the police. Follow any instructions and fill out the necessary documents. Follow up on any legal actions. Do not skip any behavioral services or therapy for your child. 

If you are a teenager experiencing dating violence, do not be afraid to use your voice. Speak to your parents if you are in an abusive relationship or dating violence. Get resources from a school professional, or school therapist, and report dating violence. Do not blame yourself for letting it happen. Be courageous and report it immediately to your parents. 

Speak to someone you can trust, a school professional, and communicate with authorities if you are in an abusive relationship. Do not take a shower and let a medical professional collect evidence for reporting purposes. Take pictures of any bruises to report to the police. Attend therapy sessions for your mental and physical healing. Here are resources about dating violence among teens. 


Domestic Violence Support-National Domestic Violence Hotline:

Domestic Violence Support | National Domestic Violence Hotline (

The Cycle of Teen Domestic Violence-Very Well Family:

The Cycle of Teen Domestic Violence (

Children, Youth, and Teens-Futures Without Violence Futures Without Violence:

CHILDREN, YOUTH & TEENS - Futures Without Violence Futures Without Violence

10 Ways You Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence Locally- Domestic Shelters:

10 Ways You Can Help Prevent Domestic Violence Locally (

* Artwork, fonts, and background made in Photo Collage Editor Maker

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Relaxation Day 2023

Every August 15th is National Relaxation Day. This day is about finding ways to relax at work and home. It is also a day to reflect on how you can relax daily besides relaxing on this special day. National Relaxation Day began with a fourth grader Sean Moeller in 1985. A day dedicated to not doing anything of importance and simply to feel serene.

Relaxing is about feeling calm emotionally, physically, and mentally which often you might take for granted. Listening to music at work is one way to relax but it depends on what type of music is being played. Furthermore, there are some offices or business settings that might play the wrong type of music while their employee’s work. Keep in mind that some types of music might be better for a different type of environment and not for a business setting. Some types of music might make it difficult to concentrate, hear, or not feel distracted while at work.

However, if you are at home and want to create a relaxing atmosphere, you can play music that makes you feel less anxious or nervous. Make lemonade, iced tea, or any other drink you like to drink to help you relax while you listen to music peacefully. Yet, if you are at work find music that makes you feel awake and that stimulates your brain but does not disturb other employees. It is recommended to play music without words so you can do office work, especially if you must use the telephone to call clients or patients. In addition to music, always have healthier snacks to keep you awake when you feel sleepy in the afternoon. 

Another way to relax at work is by always stretching your arms and legs when you tend to sit for too long on an office chair. Drink plenty of water and hydrating drinks to wake you up from those long stressful work hours. Use reed diffusers with essential oils and have them on the side of your office desk to make you feel energized, and alert, and to concentrate. Meditate or use a mindfulness app for five minutes during your lunch break. Wash your face before you go back to work.

At home, you can remove your shoes and put on your comfortable shoes or socks. Then you can quietly observe nature by looking out your living room window. You can also watch television, read magazines, or blog posts that make you feel inspired. Do things that make you feel relaxed instantly. Silent your cell phone without worrying who might call you or text you.

Relaxation must be included as part of your lifestyle. Relax for five minutes or an hour depending on what you do to feel serene. Lay on a hammock, spend time in your swimming pool, or sit on your recliner as you observe nature. Happy National Relaxation Day! Here are resources about National Relaxation Day. 


8 Things to Do on National Relaxation Day:

8 Things to Do on National Relaxation Day (And Why You Should) - Soothe

7 Ways to Help Employees Unwind on National Relaxation Day-Total Wellness Health:

7 Ways to Help Employees Unwind on National Relaxation Day (

* Font, backgrounds, and border from PiZap

Sunday, August 13, 2023

How to do Self-Exploration for Self-Awareness?

Self-exploration is about your emotions, values, feelings, thoughts, and beliefs. Discover yourself through self-exploration and a personal development plan to help you with your thoughts. A personal development plan assists you in improving your relationships and understanding yourself. Yet, a personal development plan is just one way to get to know oneself. It might take several months to get comfortable with a personal development plan.


In addition to a personal development plan, you can practice yoga. Yoga helps you to remain calm and to do self-exploration. It makes you get to know your mind and your strength in balancing your body. Furthermore, yoga can be added to your personal development plan. Sitting, standing, or laying down with your thoughts can help you to sort out your feelings.


Be in a comfortable position and say your intentions to yourself by using mantras or a positive word. For example, you can say “I am genuine,” “I have honesty,” or “I am realistic.” Think about your qualities and what makes you unique from others. Additionally, think about your abilities and not what you lack in skills. Fold your hands or use a relaxing position for your hands while you meditate.


Yoga makes you to be self-aware and assists you in self-acceptance. You can feel self-confident. It makes you practice body awareness. As well as discovering your strengths. Self-exploration can help with your career and find your true self. 


Sit on a bench or the sofa. Ask yourself questions and self-reflect. Write down your answers in a notebook. Practice contemplation with meditation. Self-criticism, pessimistic thoughts, and insecurities might appear within your self-reflection.


It is recommended to be alone to do your self-discovery. You can practice mindfulness, positive affirmations, and self-care while you find yourself. Listen to your intuition and see what type of person you are not. Walking meditation can help you to sort your thoughts. Mindfulness can help you declutter your thoughts while you are cooking, doing the laundry, or washing the dishes.


For example, a pile of laundry is like your cluttered thoughts. Every color of your clothing can represent the variety of emotions that you are feeling. Therefore, separating your clothing, feeling the fabrics, and washing your clothes can be one way to do mindfulness for rediscovering yourself. Try new hobbies and interests to boost your self-confidence. Self-exploration allows you to embrace your shortcomings.


Self-exploration can be done in a therapy session to assist you in addition to practicing self-compassion. Discovering yourself does take months or can take a longer length of time. Yet, self-exploration makes you see yourself and transform into the person you want to be. It might feel complex, but it is beneficial for feeling gratified about yourself. Here are website links to begin your self-discovery.


9 Ways to Kick Off Your Self-Discovery Journey-Health Line:

9 Ways To Kick Off Your Self-Discovery Journey (

Self-Exploration-Benefits and Tips for Getting Started-Psych Central:

Self-Exploration: Benefits and Tips for Getting Started (

* Artwork, font, background, and border from Photo Collage Editor Maker

* Quote by GoodReads

Friday, August 11, 2023

Kids Eat Right Month

Eating healthier can get complicated, especially during the busy season of back-to-school and new work goals. Also, being on a budget makes it tough to make healthier meals or snacks. However, by making time in the morning or the afternoon before your children come back to school, you can make healthier snacks that take less time to do. It is a good idea to have hummus, peanut butter, and salad dressing to create snacks for your children. Always have vegetables and fruit ready to add to their afternoon snack. 

Sometimes, children tend to skip their breakfast or lunch, especially among teenagers for several reasons. It might be that they are meticulous eaters or are at the stage of being self-conscious about their body image. As well as having body issues due to weight and wanting to look like their favorite celebrities. Yet, it is important to discuss with your teenager about body image issues. They must learn how to balance exercise and healthy eating without worrying about their weight. 

During August, you can bring awareness of Kids Eat Right Month which is about eating healthy and doing physical activities that promote exercise. Eat healthier and together as a family. Do not focus on your child's weight but do add a variety of vegetables, fruits, and protein in the meals. Encourage doing activities that require exercise such as using the stairs, jumping rope, bicycling, or doing a dancing session. Make exercising delightful and essential for everyone's health. 

Have a variety of dipping sauces to change the flavor of the snacks and meals. If you are concerned about diabetes, read labels carefully and look at the sugar content. As well as the sodium content on the labels. Motivate your children to have breakfast or something to eat before going to school. Eat together by having oatmeal, a fruit bowl, or scrambled eggs in a tortilla wrap for breakfast. 

After your children come back from school, have a healthy snack already prepared for them. Mix baby carrots, grape tomatoes, and apple slices so they can dip them in hummus. You can also use celery sticks, cucumbers, and pears dipped in hummus. Additionally, varying the snacks with peanut butter or ranch dressing depending on the vegetables or fruits that are used. If you are concerned about the apples turning brown, you can use salt water to keep the slices fresh. 

Furthermore, you can also make popcorn and have it ready as a snack. Have broccoli or cauliflower with salad dressing or melting cheese on top of these vegetables. Prepare your meal planning by adding different snacks per day. Get creative by serving vegetables they like and do not like together in a meal. Hide vegetables they do not like in the meal by using a food processor, in a sauce, or chili beans.

Learn how to make your meals healthier and with lots of flavors. Set a good example by eating healthier in front of your children. Serve reasonable portions for their snacks and meals. Seek professional help if your child has an eating disorder. Here are resources with more tips for Kids Eat Right Month. 

Kids Eat Right Month:

Food Tips and Kitchen Hacks-Reader's Digest:

Food Tips and Kitchen Hacks | Reader's Digest (

28 Healthy Snacks Your Kids Will Love-Healthline:

28 Healthy Snacks Your Kids Will Love (

* Font, background, and border from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Tuesday, August 8, 2023

National Happiness Happens Day

Every August 8th is National Happiness Happens Day. This day is about doing things that you like to do and things that make you feel happier. Moreover, this happiness happens with a spontaneous smile that you might not see but others will see it. Nevertheless, some days might be tough to feel happier. When this occurs, you must not give up on yourself and others.

One way to feel happier is by doing positive affirmations as soon as you wake up in the morning. Do your morning stretches and say a positive affirmation to help you be motivated. You can also make positive affirmations before going to sleep and feel grateful for what you accomplished throughout the day. Lay down and close your eyes while you say, " I'm thankful for everything good in the day." Open your eyes and smile before going to sleep. 

In addition to positive affirmations, you can read happiness quotes. Quotes are quick to read and can lift your spirits during your lunch break. Depending on your workload, quotes can cheer you and your co-workers. You can write one quote on a sticky note and place it near your office area. Have a notebook filled with quotes so you can read them often during those difficult workdays. 

Although National Happiness Happens Day is one day to celebrate every year, you can still celebrate Happiness Happens Month in August. Happiness varies from one person to another but make sure you feel gratitude. To feel happier, gratitude is a valuable addition to your happiness. Also, love what you do to feel happiness instantly. Know that there are times you might take life too seriously and at the same time feel happiness without showing it to others. 

Find time to laugh and cry joyfully as you watch a movie that inspires you. Talk to someone that makes you feel good about yourself. Do not be afraid to express your happiness. Practice smiling in front of a mirror and saying positive affirmations before going to work. Here is a list of positive affirmations for happiness.

  1. I love what I do at my job. 
  2. I like to help others and feel gratitude for helping. 
  3. I feel happiness with my family, friends, and with myself.
  4. I feel joyful with my spouse. 
  5. I am filled with happiness and spread happiness to others.
  6. I am grateful for everything that I have.
  7. I feel happier with each smile and loving action that I received.
  8. I am happy with my friends that appreciate me.
  9. I am healthy, and strong, and feel happiness each day.
  10. I am filled with love and happiness with myself.

Write down what makes you feel happy. Happiness needs to be developed within you. Do not rely on others for your happiness. It is important to focus on yourself and what makes you feel happier. Here are links to happiness quotes and tips for Happiness.


Happiness Quotes:

37 Ways to Be Happier at Work ASAP-The Muse

37 Ways to Be Happier at Work ASAP | The Muse

50 Things That Make You Happy:

* Font, background, stickers, and border from PiZap