
Sunday, December 31, 2023

Gingerbread Woman & Gingerbread Man Coloring Pages


Now that the winter season is here and as you wait for the new year to begin. I would like to thank all of you for reading my blog and commenting on my blog. If you are looking for gingerbread man and gingerbread woman coloring pages for the winter season, you might like these two coloring pages. The gingerbread man has checkered pants and a snowflake or flower sweater. While the gingerbread woman has hearts on her pants and on her shirt.

Each gingerbread man and gingerbread woman are holding a heart with a ribbon along with their mittens. Your children can color the gingerbread family while they wait for the new year. You can also color with your children while you have hot cocoa together. Also, these coloring pages can be colored throughout the winter season. Have fun coloring these coloring pages.

The gingerbread man and gingerbread woman are symbols of winter and for the holidays. Yet, the gingerbread man and gingerbread woman can also be used for weddings and Easter. Nonetheless, today, I created two coloring pages with the gingerbread theme. One coloring page has a gingerbread man and the second coloring page has a gingerbread woman. These coloring pages are free and for your personal use. 

* Font from LunaPiC

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Gossiping & Relationships

Relationships can become fragile when they get damaged because of gossip. Gossiping can be harmless at times. Yet, when it comes to relationships it can make it difficult to trust and confide in anyone. Third-party gossiping can make a relationship complicated and add more strain to the relationship. Also, it adds suspicion between couples. 

Third-party gossiping can start with jealousy and often from an ex with an unrequited love. It can also occur to harm the couple emotionally and can be done due to revenge. However, third-party gossiping can be done by anyone who knows the couple. To prevent third-party gossiping in a relationship, one must not participate in giving details about your relationship. Furthermore, one must not participate in gossiping about your partner. 

Another recommendation is that one must not give out details about your intimacy with your partner to anyone who asks about your relationship. It is important to have an open, honest, and respectful conversation with your partner. Do not make assumptions, especially if the gossip is about your partner. Making your conclusions based on gossip alone is harmful to your relationships especially when the gossip is about your partner. Therefore, have a conversation with your partner regarding your concerns. 

If your partner goes on gossiping, ask them why they are talking negatively about you. It can be due to aggressive behavior, bragging, or other reasons that make them gossip about you. Nonetheless, gossiping in a relationship is unhealthy. Confronting your partner when you are upset is not the solution. Sometimes ignoring the gossip can make you feel worse, especially if your partner was doing the gossip about you. 

Gossiping from your partner makes you distrust them. However, gossiping can be a temporary way to avoid a difficult matter with you. Therefore, have patience with your partner. Seek counseling if the gossiping is deteriorating your relationship. Do not gossip about your partner even if they gossip about you. 

Other times gossiping can be done out of boredom during the holidays, insecurities, or the need for attention. Regardless of who does the gossiping, it is recommended to change the subject to stop the gossip. Trust your partner and do not let third-party gossiping hurt your relationship. Keep yourself busy and understand your partner. Here are websites with more tips about ending gossip.

Gossip Destroys Relationships:

Stop Gossiping:

* Font and artwork created in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Friday, December 29, 2023

New Year Poetry

Waiting for the new near takes a lot of patience and makes you feel nervous. The new year can make you feel lonely, and it makes you feel sad. Other times waiting for the new year can make you feel frustrated. You might feel anxious about the changes the new year might bring. Yet, reading poetry before and after the new year begins can calm your nerves.

It might not take away all your worries and doubts. However, reading poetry for the new year can make you feel comfortable while you wait for the year to begin. Read a new year poem in the morning before starting your day. You can also read a new year poem at night before you go to sleep. No matter what hour you choose to read poetry, try to read slowly without rushing to read everything.

Feel the poet with the use of words and what they are trying to say through their poetry. After reading poetry, you might want to write your New Year’s poetry. As well as writing how, you feel as part of self-reflection of what you learned in the old year. It can help you with your healing process. Additionally, it can help you accept the negativity from the old year and start fresh before the new year begins.

Poetry for the new year makes you practice your creativity, your writing skills, and makes you learn about yourself. You can use poetry prompts to help you get ideas on what to write in your writing. Nevertheless, you might use the poetry prompts for fifteen minutes or less depending how much you want to write in your poems. Poetry prompts can be a useful tool if you are writing poetry for the first time. However, you can write what makes you feel comfortable and what you want to accomplish through your poetry.

Sharing your poetry is a fun way to spend an hour with your family as you wait for the new year to arrive. Your children can draw something to go with their poetry. You can also frame their poems with their drawings as a reminder of how you spent New Year’s Eve. Another way is by selecting a word from a word jar to help you write your poetry. Here are resources to help you write your new year poetry.


Best New Year's Poems:

New Year Poetry:

Poetry Prompts for the End of the Year-Writing Forward:

Poetry Prompts for the End of the Year | Writing Forward

* Font, background, and stickers from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Mindfulness & a Deck of Cards (National Card Playing Day)

National Card Playing Day is celebrated every year on December 28th. Playing cards is fun during the winter season and anytime of the year. However, playing cards also makes it easier for having conversations with your friends and family. Although, online card games have become popular over the years; paper card games make it easier to have an honest conversation with your friends and family. Purchase a new deck of cards especially if you have any smudges or food stains on your old deck of cards.

Additionally, there are numerous decks of cards that can be purchased in store or online. Some decks of cards are considered traditional versions because of the hearts, diamonds, and spades. Yet, a deck of cards is all you need to play a basic card game with your friends or family. You can have a mini notebook and a pen or a pencil to keep track of the scores. However, the important part is to have fun and to get to know your friend or family member through a game with a deck of cards.

There is a deck of cards that are considered collectibles. Keep in mind that each deck of cards consists of fifty-two cards without counting the jokers. It is not recommended to buy a used deck of cards because some of the cards might be missing from the box. Nevertheless, a deck of cards can make a nice Christmas stocking item or for another occasion as a gift. Playing cards creates a connection with your family and friends.

Furthermore, it makes you feel creative and helps your brain to stay sharp. Playing cards can make you practice mindfulness because it makes you concentrate on the game. It makes you avoid any distractions and stops you from having negative thoughts. Look at the deck of cards that you have in your hand. Observe the colors of the cards.

Look at the design of the card from the front and from the back. Practice being in silence while you listen to your friend or family member speak. Listen attentively and wait for your turn to speak. Avoid eating while playing the card game so the deck of cards can stay clean. Focus on the conversation with them and focus on the cards while you are playing the game.

You can play music in the background, but it is not necessary when you are playing with a deck of cards. Purchase card sleeves to keep the cards clean. It is recommended to wash your hands and make sure your hands are dry before playing with a deck of cards. Another way to celebrate National Card Playing Day is by playing solitaire or any other variation card game of solitaire. Here are websites with more information about celebrating National Card Playing Day. 

How Card Games Help Keep Your Brain Healthy-Thrive Global:

How Card Games Help Keep Your Brain Healthy - Thrive Global

The Joy and Tradition of National Card Playing Day-Hearts Game:

The Joy and Tradition of National Card Playing Day (

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Walking in the Winter Season

Walking in the winter season can lower your blood pressure and manage your sugar levels. It also helps you to gather your thoughts and get ideas for your work projects. As well as feeling creative in other aspects. Meditating during a winter walk permits you to use your senses and enjoy the scenery. However, you might need to change your breathing techniques.

Breathing techniques make you feel calmer and slow down when you are walking. A smile breathing technique can help with your mood. This technique makes you smile while you breathe through your nose. Although, this breathing technique is usually done while sitting down; It can be done while you are walking and meditating. Smile as you walk, inhale, and exhale, and smile again.

Additionally, alternate nostril breathing can be done while walking slowly. This technique is done during Yoga. However, it can be done while walking outside. Box breathing and breathing deeply through your stomach are other options. The only breathing technique that is not recommended while walking is called Tummo; It is forced breathing technique that makes you visualize and meditate at the same time. 

Tummo breathing is not recommended because you can pass out. This technique makes you feel warm, but it is done when you are sitting down. Nonetheless, walking in the winter does require you to wear layers when walking outside. You can do walking meditation in the winter if you are alert and are safe. Walk for thirty minutes or an hour. 

Carry snacks and a hot drink on a thermos with you while you walk. Take pictures of the winter snow and anything that you see during your walk. Do not get distracted. Be careful while you take winter pictures during your walk. Last, be comfortable with your clothes and shoes.

Tie your shoes before walking. Make sure your shoelaces are secure. Always stay alert and watch your steps. Walking in the winter makes you enjoy the winter season. Here are websites about breathing techniques while walking.

Time Extender-Breathing Exercises:

Breathing-How to Breathe When Walking:

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Preparing for the New Year (Tips)

Preparing for the new year can be a worrying time especially if you have unfinished projects to do and need to unclutter your home. Also, it is a time to review your relationships, emotions, and overall wellness. Furthermore, you need to review your budget before hosting your New Year’s party. However, before you begin your new year preparation, you can start doing a few things to help you feel less stressed. Update your vision board to help you to feel encouraged and not to give up your dream job.

Set up a corner to place your items that can make you feel encouraged. Make the area comfortable for you to write in your journal, diary, or a list of positive quotes. Be persistent and establish a good routine to feel happier in your home. Practice updating your vision board monthly or whenever you need to feel motivated. Listen to yourself and strive to have a great new year. 

Do not give up on finding your dream job. A vision board is one way to start the new year. You can make a portfolio and review it each month. Love yourself and be proud of yourself. Save letters, cards, emails, or thank-you notes to feel gratitude for what you do and to continue looking for your dream job in the new year. 

If you already have your dream job, there might be other aspects that you might want to improve by making a wellness planner to incorporate more meditation, exercise, and self-care into your routine. Nonetheless, you can add new habits to your routine such as stretching before starting your morning or before going to sleep. Make a collage of photos to review the old year and to look forward to the new year. Also, you can make a joyful jar with pieces of paper that can remind you of what you accomplished throughout the old year. Furthermore, it does not need to be a physical jar, you can draw a jar on paper and write down a list of things that you have fulfilled in the old year.

Make a list of reminders for the new year as part of your wellness planner. Select one word for your motto for the entire year and write it down on a piece of paper. For example, your word can be “Rest” to remind you to take breaks throughout the year. Yet, if choosing one word makes you feel frustrated, you can choose one word or a quote per month. It is important to review what you need such as self-care, self-love, self-confidence, and improving your self-esteem. 

You can also make positive affirmations for the new year. Moreover, you can frame your selected positive affirmation or your word of the year to feel motivated. You can also put your quote, word, or positive affirmation on your cell phone. Preparing for the New Year can be challenging and filled with confusion. Therefore, take your time to relax, analyze, and review the old year with a cheerful outlook. 

Be grateful for the old year and the experiences. Believe in yourself and believe what you can accomplish in the new year. Take a bath, write in your journal, begin a new diary, and feel cheerful about starting a new year. Practice new ways to meditate and make your meditation a meaningful experience. Be patient with what you are struggling with now and take the necessary steps towards self-improvement. 

The new year might make you feel sad that the old year has ended, but the enthusiasm of the new year can make you feel hopeful. Do not let your fears stop you from what you can accomplish. Paint a symbol of hope, peace, love, joy, or any other word to depict your optimistic thoughts for the new year. Feel inspired to start fresh and with a new outlook for your relationships, finances, and total wellness. Schedule some time for laughter, socializing, and coffee breaks with your friends before the new year. 

Take care of yourself and look forward to the new year without having any doubts. Clean your closet, pantry, and other areas that need to be cleaned. Organize your items and sew anything that needs mending. Believe in possibilities, be kind, and share your optimistic attitude with others. Here are websites with more things to do before the new year.


12 Important Things to Do Before New Year-Plum Healthy Fine:

12 Important Things To Do Before New Year (

20 Ways to Reset, Reflect, and Refresh for the New Year-The Blissful Mind: 

20 Ways To Reset, Reflect, And Refresh For The New Year - The Blissful Mind

* Font in Photo Collage Editor Maker

Monday, December 25, 2023

Gingerbread Man & Gingerbread Woman Coloring Bookmarks

Gingerbread cookies are traditional for Christmas, New Year's, Easter, and sometimes for weddings. The gingerbread man or gingerbread girl is made out of nutmeg, cinnamon, molasses, honey, and other spices. Also, gingerbread make nice decorations when made out of paper or other materials. Gingerbread has been popular since Medieval times and continues to be popular during the holidays. Today, I created five coloring bookmarks of gingerbread man or gingerbread woman. 

The gingerbread girl symbolizes hope and that you can always find something sweet in life. Each bookmark has a gingerbread man or gingerbread woman. These five bookmarks are free and for your personal use. Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! 

* Font from LunaPiC

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Sunday, December 24, 2023

Meditation for Overeating During the Holidays

Overeating is due to too much stress, anger, and nervousness. This stress increases during the holidays and increases more tension when you cannot manage your emotions. Eating makes you feel better even when you are not feeling hungry. However, overeating can also be caused by feeling boredom, anxiety, and too much pressure to complete job tasks or household chores. During the holidays, the demand to finish shopping, wrapping, and cooking can make anyone eat too much due to a cluster of emotions.

Yet, overeating because of emotions also has other internal reasons that cause the impulse to eat more. Often emotional eating can be rooted in hurtful childhood experiences, trauma, painful breakups, painful divorces, or other experiences that make you feel blamed. Furthermore, overeating makes you feel guilty and makes you have lower self-esteem Therefore, emotional eating requires checking on your thoughts and feelings more often. It is recommended to have a good support system from family, friends, and people who know you.

Meditation, mindfulness, and yoga can help you be more attuned with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Practice mindfulness when you are eating with your family and with your friends. Mindful eating makes you slow down. You can also eat in silence with your family and friends to help you calm down while you are eating at the dinner table. Additionally, you can use your cell phone as a food journal or an application for your food diary.

Emotional eating can be managed with a food journal to process your emotions. Avoid participating in pessimistic conversations with your family and friends. Instead, practice a breathing exercise to help you remain calm and to feel less nervousness. This can lessen your stress and anxiety. Furthermore, practicing positive affirmations can permit you to control your emotions and help you feel relaxed during the family gathering. 

Keep your mind busy by joining in optimistic conversations with them. Take a walk before eating and after eating. The holidays can make you feel sadness, anger, loneliness, and nervousness all at the same time. Therefore, it is recommended to put paper clips of your emotions and go through each emotion one by one on pieces of paper. Keep a chart or a list of what you eat in your food journal.

Do yoga poses by listening to classical music or other instrumental music. Focus on the yoga poses and the classical music. Yoga poses such as the Plank pose, Wide-legged Forward Bend, Half Boat pose, Chair pose, Warrior Lunge Twist, Tree pose, and other poses can help you move your body and help your de-stress. In addition to yoga, you can use guided meditations that can be found on cell phone applications to help you feel less nervous. Here is a brief list of positive affirmations:

  1. I am in control of my body.
  2. My negative emotions can flow out as I breathe.
  3. Negativity might be like thunder, but my optimism is like a rainbow.
  4. I am more than emotion and I eat when I am hungry.
  5. I listen to my stomach signals for hunger.
  6. I love myself and food is my nourishment.
  7. My emotions bounce and go but I am full of strength.
  8. I am unique and love my body.
  9. My negative emotions wash out and my optimistic emotions stay.
  10. I am in control and ignore negativity.

Positive affirmations can help with negative thoughts before binge eating, overeating, or eating due to emotions. Focus on your conversations and concentrate on mingling with your family and friends. Practice forgiveness by meditating and change your thoughts about food. Build a positive mindset with food and separate your emotions with food over time. Here are websites with more information about meditating for overeating.

Affirmations for Forgiving Yourself for Binge Eating-Recovery Warriors: 

Affirmations for Forgiving Yourself For Binge Eating - Recovery Warriors

Best Yoga Poses for Appetite Control and Weight Loss-Prevention:

Best Yoga Poses For Appetite Control And Weight Loss | Prevention


Emotional Eating with a Mindful Approach-Mindful:

Emotional Eating With A Mindful Approach - Mindful

How to Overcome Emotional Eating Using Mindfulness Meditation-Better Humans:

How to Overcome Emotional Eating Using Mindfulness Meditation | Better Humans

* Font, background, and stickers made in PiZap

* Woman meditating clip art:

Meditating Woman clipart. Free download transparent .PNG | Creazilla

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Mineral Oil & Essential Oils

The winter season can make your skin feel dry, itchy, flakey, and without moisture. However, you can use essential oils with mineral oil for your dry skin and dry hair. Baby oil can be used for dry damaged hair as a temporary relief from an itchy scalp. Yet, mineral oil can clog your pores especially if you get acne on your scalp and face. Nonetheless, mineral oil makes your skin feel soft and is absorbed quickly on the skin. 

Mineral oil has many uses in addition to using it on your baby's skin. This oil can be used to dilute essential oils for your skin and your hair. Also, mineral oil can be used to clean your belly button with a q tip especially if it is an outie belly button. It makes it easier to remove dirt and clean your belly button before taking a shower. Baby oil can be used to heal cracked dry skin on your hands and feet. 

Be careful when using baby oil in the bathtub. It can make your bathtub slippery. However, you can apply baby oil before taking a bath or a shower. Also, mineral oil can be applied after taking a bath or shower. You can use any essential oil with carrier oil along with baby oil to soften your skin. 

Essential oils that can be diluted in mineral oil are Tea Tree essential oil, Lavender, Rose, Jasmine, and Geranium. Yet, you must use a carrier oil to dilute the essential oil with the baby oil. Apply your essential oil blend at night for your dry winter skin. Then, put on gloves or socks to moisturize your skin. This can also make you feel relaxed before going to sleep.


Use an old pair of gloves or socks after applying baby oil on your feet and hands. Baby oil in a gel form can stain your clothes, therefore apply it carefully to your hands and feet. Baby oil can help with seborrheic dermatitis. Apply mineral oil on the scalp and massage your scalp. Leave the mineral oil on the scalp for thirty minutes or an hour before washing your hair. 

It is not recommended for greasy hair. Baby oil can be applied to the ends of your hair before washing it. Furthermore, mineral oil is not recommended for facial acne and body acne. Nevertheless, baby oil can be used to moisturize your elbows, hands, and feet. Always evaluate a small area on your skin before using it with essential oils. 

It is recommended to clean your belly button and your face gently when using mineral oil or other skin care products. Baby oil might help improve and temporarily relieve dry itchy skin. Before using mineral oil, consult with your primary doctor or your dermatologist. Mineral oil is safe to use and avoids getting the oil near your eyes. Here are websites about mineral oil.

Seborrheic Dermatitis:

Baby Oil for Hair:

What Exactly is Baby Oil:

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Heart Snowflake Coloring Pages 2023

If you are looking for winter coloring pages or looking for snowflake coloring pages, you might like these three new snowflake coloring pages that I have created. Snowflakes symbolize joy, transformation, and uniqueness. It is a symbol of winter because snowflakes are made from ice crystals that fall from the sky. Ice crystals are so intricate, and it takes one ice crystal to make one snowflake. Coloring snowflakes with blue, pink, purple, and silver has calming effects on the brain.

Coloring decreases any nervousness and can change your mood. Therefore, take a break by coloring and feel calmer. These coloring pages are free and for your personal use. Each snowflake coloring page has a heart. Have fun coloring these snowflakes. 

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

* Font from LunaPiC

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Meditating with a Candle (World Peace Meditation Day)

Meditating with a candle helps you find your inner peace and helps you focus. However, you can also use a candle for World Peace Meditation Day. World Peace Meditation Day is every December 31st. Gazing at a candle helps you relax and feel peaceful. Light a candle and stare at the candle making the candle your entire focus.

Scented candles can be used to do this form of meditation. Although an unscented candle can be used for meditation; Scented candles can boost your mood and feel less nervous. You can use a battery-operated candle as well, but it is recommended to use a natural candle for this type of meditation. Make sure you have a comfortable area to meditate in a lotus pose with the candle or a comfortable chair to place the candle on a table. Before you begin meditating with a candle, create a meditation area with pebbles, a journal, a water bowl, and other items to help you meditate.

Also, you need to be fully awake to focus on the flame of the candle. Stare at the candle for five minutes by letting your thoughts go by. Completely gaze on the flame, the shape of the candle, the size of the candle, and inhale the aroma. Do breathing exercises and breathe slowly while gazing at the candle. After five minutes, write in your journal or on a piece of paper while the candle is flickering.

Then, extinguish the candle when you are done writing one page or half of a page in your journal. Meditation with a candle helps you concentrate and feel peaceful any time of the year. However, you can light a candle for World Peace Meditation Day to begin a new year with peace, harmony, self-love, and for your self-development process. Lighting a candle helps you to practice self-control and self-responsibility while you find your inner peace. This simple meditation permits you to calm down and understand your personal growth.

Additionally, lighting a candle helps you heal from painful experiences, the loss of a loved one, and the loss of a pet. You can light a candle in remembrance of a loved one on World Peace Meditation Day. After meditating with a candle, you can feel optimistic about starting a new year. You can meditate by yourself or in a group on this day with a candle to help others bring awareness of World Peace Meditation Day. Here are websites about meditating with a candle. 

Candle Meditation:

How to Do Candle Meditation:

* Font and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Conscious Awareness & Meditation

Conscious awareness is something that one aspires to accomplish through meditation. This awareness unites your feelings, thoughts, memories, sensations, and what you see in the world. It makes you see your true self. Yet, it is not difficult to practice conscious awareness. Although there might be distractions and changes that occur daily; Transcendental meditation permits you to meditate without concentration. You do not have to empty your endless thoughts. 

Therefore, this type of meditation can help you reach the state of consciousness. The state of conscious awareness is practiced through Transcendental Meditation. Transcendental meditation can be done in silence by repeating a mantra or repeating a sound such as Om (Aum). This type of meditation is used for relaxation, self-development, and for reaching a higher state of consciousness. There are many levels of consciousness when you practice this form of meditation which needs to be understood. 

There are seven levels of conscious awareness. Each level helps you heal through meditation. The first level is waking up. You observe how you feel in silence. Also, you use your five senses.

The second level is dreaming. When you are dreaming, your subconscious is more open to your hidden thoughts, hidden emotions, and deep inner thoughts. The third level is sleep. The fourth level is Transcendental consciousness. The fifth level is Cosmic consciousness. 

The sixth level is divinity, and the seventh level is unity. As you go through each level of conscious awareness, you can strengthen your intuition. The conscious level separates everything and is analytical. The more you develop awareness, you can transform yourself and feel inner peace. Additionally, you can feel self-love and feel united with creation. 

This unity is part of the superconscious aspect that makes you be filled with enlightenment. Before you begin Transcendental meditation, practice being in a room with total silence. As well as sitting in a comfortable position. Avoid looking at your cell phone, computer, tablet, and other electronics. It is recommended to have a certified teacher to practice Transcendental meditation. 

Practicing conscious awareness does have spiritual aspects but keep in mind it is not a religion. According to the Transcendental Meditation Movement, it is not done for religious purposes but for relieving stress, conscious awareness, and self-development. All you need to do is sit in silence and close your eyes while saying a mantra, phrase, or sound. Repeating it for twenty minutes to help you relax. Here are websites with more information about Transcendental meditation.

Transcendental Meditation and Its Many Benefits-Very Well Mind:

Transcendental Meditation and Its Many Benefits (

What is Spiritual Meditation-Healthline:

What is Spiritual Meditation? (

Meditation and the Consciousness-States of Consciousness-Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming, Meditation:

Meditation and the Consciousness | States of consciousness | Waking, Sleeping, Dreaming, Meditation | The Art Of Living Global

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Winter Holiday Poetry

During the winter season and the holidays, you can read poetry to feel motivated. Winter poetry makes you feel what the poet feels and thinks about the seasons. Additionally, winter poetry makes you imagine you are in a winter snowy forest or other winter landscapes. It temporarily transports your mind and makes you feel calm. You can read winter poems to yourself and your family. 

Some winter poems create a story in your mind. While other seasonal poems might make you feel various emotions. Practice writing your emotions with seasonal poems. Your poems do not have to rhyme in every stanza, but it does open your creativity in writing. Read winter poetry to help you draft your poems. 

If you want to write a winter poem, you can use a landscape or holiday picture to describe what you see in the picture. Another way to write your winter poetry is by drafting your poem with scrambled words. Drink hot cocoa, eat candy canes, or a holiday treat while you write your holiday poem. Oftentimes taking a walk helps you write poetry. Winter poems can have short stanzas or longer stanzas depending on how it is written. 

Sometimes, winter poetry inspires you to draft poems of past winters. Winter poetry is also fun to write about. It makes you practice your creativity and your vocabulary. You can write winter poetry in any writing style. Here are websites about winter poetry.

6 Poems for the Winter Solstice:

Winter Poems-Poetry Snow Frost:

* Font and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Monday, December 18, 2023

Vegetable Tofu Soup

Making winter soups takes preparation, time, and selecting various vegetables to include in your soup. As well as taking your time in choosing the type of broth that you want to use for your soup. Winter soups are comforting and calming to eat for lunch or dinner. Tofu makes a super addition to vegetable soup because of its texture, and it quickly absorbs the flavors of the soup. It makes a nice addition to any plant-based meal and a meatless vegetable soup.

You can use soft tofu but firm tofu keeps its s However, if you prefer firm or extra firm tofu, you can cook it for fifteen minutes and add it to your vegetable soup. Nevertheless, tofu tastes delicious with vegetable soups no matter what broth and spices are used to make the soup. In this recipe, spices were used with water with a little bit of salt without bouillon. Here is the recipe for making this tofu vegetable soup. 



Butternut squash

Yellow squash



Green onions



Garlic cloves



Curry powder



Garlic powder

Salt (optional)

Preparation and Cooking Time:

Wash, peel, and cut the carrots with a knife. Also, you can use carrot sticks to make this soup by cutting the carrots into cubes. Wash, peel, and cut the potatoes. After that wash, peel, and cut the butternut squash into smaller pieces. Next, wash and peel the leaves of the cabbage.

Wash and cut the yellow squash into small pieces. Begin cooking the vegetables with water in a big cooking pot. After that use garlic cloves and a garlic presser to add the garlic to the vegetables. Add the following spices: Curry, Oregano, Rosemary, and Garlic powder. Then, add salt which is optional. Cook the vegetables until they are soft and tender.

Wash and add the cilantro leaves and green onions to the vegetables. Open one box of tofu and rinse out the water. In another pot cook the tofu in water using the same spices. Cook the tofu with the spices for about fifteen minutes. You can use firm, extra firm, or soft tofu depending on your preference.

Firm tofu was cooked in water with the spices for fifteen minutes. Serve the vegetable soup in two or more bowls. Then, add the tofu to the vegetable soup. Last you can add garlic bread, unsalted crackers, or just lemon slices to eat the tofu vegetable soup. This vegetable and tofu soup serves two or four people. 

* Font and Collage from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Sunday, December 17, 2023

National Re-Gifting Day


Every first Thursday before Christmas arrives is National Re-gifting Day. This day is about recycling gifts that have never been used. Sometimes, gifts get duplicated such as an extra coffee pot, rice cooker, or a toaster oven. Also, there are gifts that do not make you feel happy, and you might feel you can use it. Therefore, participating in regifting your gifts can make you motivated, especially if the gifts are new or never been used.

Be careful in giving gifts that have a sentimental value in the family. Additionally, give gifts that you feel another person can use based on their personality and what they might like. Do not second guess what someone might like. For example, not everyone likes to use scented candles, but they might prefer a reed diffuser with essential oils, or a lotion set. Nevertheless, select the gift for regifting by thinking about what the person might need and their preferences.

Another way to re-gift gifts is by making a gift basket with added items especially if they are coffee mugs, new socks, new toothbrushes, and new hand towels. If you regift food or cosmetic items, make sure they have not been expired. Gift baskets with a theme make it easier to make, especially if it is for a friend or for someone in the office. You can also make a gift basket if someone is expecting a baby or for another occasion. Re-gifting gifts has become popular in office parties over the years which most people do not notice that they are re-gifts.

Re-gifting in the office consists of new throw blankets with the tags, new crock pots, or coffee mugs with hot cocoa wrapped with a nice bow. Other times the re-gifts are new notebooks, new planners, or a new pen set with a box of chocolates. It can also be plants, a tabletop fountain waterfall, a mini–Zen Garden kit for the desk, or something decorative for the desk. Yet, any item that is new can be used for re-gifting especially for office parties or for family parties. As well as re-gifting items with the same color theme make a nice gift especially if it is someone’s favorite color.

Make sure the gift is new and in good condition. Second, make sure there is a tag on the gift but without showing the actual price of the gift. Third, you can include a gift card in addition to the re-gift or a box of chocolates to go with the re-gift. Fourth, do not give a re-gift especially if it is from your partner. Last, the re-gift can be personalized with a small Christmas card or with a Christmas tag. 

Before you re-gift an item, make sure there are no personalized cards taped to the gift. Re-gifting can be a joyful and fun time for the person giving a gift. Also, it might be something the other person has been looking for based on practicality and the purpose of the item. National Re-gifting Day varies each year. Here are websites about giving gifts for Christmas or for any other occasion. 

15 Regifting Rules to Follow According to Etiquette Experts-Good House Keeping:

15 Regifting Rules to Follow, According to Etiquette Experts (

Re-gifting Guidelines-How to Re-gift Without Getting Caught-Real Simple:

Regifting Guidelines: How to Regift (Without Getting Caught) (

* Font, background, and stickers from PiZap