
Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Understanding the Types of Attractions

Understanding the many levels of attractions can be complex, difficult, and unexplainable. Each attraction creates many feelings, and emotions, and can be tough to comprehend. However, the more you understand the types of attractions; The more you can have self-awareness. As well as how to manage your emotions, feelings, and your nervousness. First, begin by identifying the type of attraction that you have for that person.

Attractions can be physical, emotional, spiritual, and intellectual. However, there can be an attraction based on someone’s appearance. Being attracted by someone’s physical appearance such as their body shape, height, eye color, hair, and beauty is called Aesthetic attraction. This type of attraction causes admiration and can make you feel self-confident at an elevated intensity. Here is a list of other attractions.

  1. Romantic attraction- an ardent desire to be in contact with someone, sharing mutual emotions, and sharing each other's thoughts. Spending time with someone and getting to know them romantically. 
  2. Emotional attraction- a desire to share and have conversations with them because of mutual feelings. 
  3. Physical attraction- a desire to be in contact with someone through touch, hugging, holding hands, and admiring one's physical features. It may lead to sexual attraction but not in all circumstances. It can lead to sensual touch but without sexual contact.
  4. Sexual attraction- a powerful desire to be sexually intimate with someone, it can lead to lust but not in all circumstances. 
  5. Intellectual attraction-the desire to share information and to learn current information, to gain new knowledge, and to understand one's thoughts and one's wisdom. 
  6. Protective attraction- the desire to defend and to make sure someone is safe. Taking care of someone for them feel comfortable and for their well-being. 
  7. Social attraction- the desire to be with someone because of their cheerful outlook, personality, and making you feel comfortable.
  8. Task attraction- the desire to work with someone and appreciate their talents.

It can be confusing to know which type of attraction you might have for someone because sometimes it can be a combination of various attractions. Yet, attractions do take time especially if only one person is attracted to them romantically. Often one person might be in denial, afraid, and might panic to move further with what they feel when they are attracted to someone. Other times, having doubts and being less confident might make you feel less desirable to someone. Nonetheless, working on one's self-awareness and letting go of fear, doubts, and hesitation. 

Another tip is not having expectations. Do not believe that you are a failure or undesirable. Believe that you can be desirable and self-confident; Even if the attraction only leads to a friendship, do not give up. One must practice self-acceptance, self-respect, and self-trust. Moreover, having healthy relationships, healthy friendships, and healthy connections in a social aspect can help your emotional wellness. 

There are no instructions for managing an attraction. Attractions occur unexpectedly and can vary in intensity. Nevertheless, understanding the diverse types of attractions can bring good experiences making you get to know yourself more. As well as getting to know someone respectfully and communicating with them. Keep in mind some attractions can leave you feeling hurt, especially when the attraction ends.

Once you have identified the attraction, you can decide if it is a healthy relationship for you. Some attractions can be unhealthy due to obsessions, lust, and losing respect for one another. Furthermore, it can help you make better choices when you are in a relationship with someone. Create your boundaries and know your self-worth. Last, some attractions are unavoidable. 

Also, attractions can change over time or can be filled with so much passion. One must allow oneself to be vulnerable and open to possibilities to find the love one desires to have in a relationship. Do not be afraid if you are attracted to someone because they are similar in appearance to your past love relationship. Each new attraction leads to opportunities and transforms you. Here are resources about the types of attractions. 

Types of Attraction:

How Does the Science of Attraction Work-Better Help:

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Monday, January 29, 2024

Adding More Fiber (Fiber Focus Month)

Adding fiber to your meals can help you reduce constipation and other digestive issues. Fiber is found in whole grains, nuts, legumes, vegetables, and fruits. It is recommended for women to eat twenty-five grams of fiber. While the recommendation for men is thirty-eight grams of fiber. For example, oatmeal is a whole grain because whole oats have soluble fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Also, it is recommended to eat oatmeal to reduce your cholesterol. Soluble fibers help the body to retain water which traps fat and keeps you full, especially if you eat it for breakfast. Yet, there is another type of fiber called insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber absorbs fluids and is roughage for the body. For example, wheat bread, potatoes, beans, nuts, and avocado have insoluble fiber.

Roughages are not digested or absorbed in our bodies. Yet, eating roughage does assist the body in making bowel movements and to stay in the digestive tract for more time making you feel full. The benefits of eating more fiber are lowering your cholesterol and controlling sugar levels. Additionally, it may help with weight loss. However, balance your meals in moderation when adding fiber to your diet. 

Consuming fiber in excess can cause diarrhea. Other side effects of eating too much fiber are bloating, gas, discomfort, and stomach cramps. Nonetheless, it is necessary to consume insoluble and soluble fibers. Add fiber gradually by substituting food items. For example, when selecting pasta, select whole wheat pasta, vegetable noodles, or buckwheat noodles.

Always consult with your primary doctor or with your dietician if you need a low fiber diet or a high fiber diet. Foods that have high fiber content are oats, lentils, avocados, chia seeds, and some fruits. Whereas low fiber content foods are white bread, white rice, white pasta, eggs, and low fiber cereals. Therefore, carefully read all labels when beginning a low fiber diet or a high fiber diet regarding sodium and sugar. Focus on adding fiber to your breakfast meals and for your dinner meals.

Every year in January is National Fiber Focus Month. Nevertheless, you can continue focusing on adding fiber for the rest of the months by consuming the skin of the fruits, the skin of the potatoes, and other soluble and insoluble fibers. Add chia seeds to your oatmeal, yogurt, or add beans with your meal. Furthermore, you can eat brown rice or wheat noodles. Here are resources for adding more fiber to your diet.


16 Easy Ways to Eat More Fiber (Healthline):

16 EasyWays to Eat More Fiber (


High Fiber Foods-Mayo Clinic:

High-fiberfoods - Mayo Clinic

Easy Ways to Boost Fiber in Your Daily Diet-Eat Right:

Easy Ways to Boost Fiber in Your Daily Diet (


* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Sunday, January 28, 2024

What is Running Meditation?


Pexels Courtesy Photo by Maksim Goncharenok

Running mediation can help you relieve stress and help you focus more. This type of meditation can be done outdoors or indoors. Also, you can use a treadmill to help you get started on running meditation. Meditating while you run helps you concentrate on your body movements, posture, and your entire physical fitness regardless of your jogging speed. It helps you not to think about competition with your partner or with other runners. 

Furthermore, running with your partner can permit you to concentrate on each other without being distracted. However, when you run by yourself, you can focus on your breathing, your jogging steps, and be aware of how your body feels. While doing running meditation, you can practice gratitude, loving-kindness, and self-compassion. Begin by meditating and stretching your body. Mindfulness can also be practiced before and after you run. 

To do running meditation takes time, dedication, and discipline. It also encourages you to slowly observe your body and practice body awareness. After you are done stretching, begin running slowly and say a word, phrase, or a short positive affirmation. Increase your speed and keep track of your jogging progress. Count "1,2, 3," and inhale. 

Continue counting "4,5,6" and exhale. Slow your jogging speed and take jogging breaks. If you are running on a treadmill, make sure you use a comfortable speed setting. Do not run barefoot. Wear comfortable shoes and keep a good posture while jogging. 

Hold hands while you run at the same time with your partner. Although holding hands might not be comfortable while running together; it does make you feel more connected and have an emotional bond. Running together makes you feel a romantic attraction more with your partner. As you run with your partner make sure you are at the same jogging speed. Before you run as a couple, decide on your running speed, jogging style, and if you want to do jogging with music. 

As well as having an open honest communication with each other. Be patient with yourself and with your partner. Select comfortable shoes and clothes that is appropriate according to the weather conditions. Run together and observe the scenery with your partner. After you are done jogging, drink water or another recovery beverage. 

Hug your partner before and after you jog together. During your jogging breaks, sit together and be silent. Concentrate on each other's breathing, hold hands, and look into each other's eyes. Say positive affirmations or one word to keep each other feel serene. Put your hands around your ribcage or your hands on your naval while doing breathing exercises. 

Write down how you feel, what motivates you, and what you like when you jog by yourself or with your partner. After your jogging breaks, check to make sure your tennis shoes are tightly secure before running again. Meditating while running slowly makes you feel less nervous and enjoy jogging without pain. Consult with your doctor before you do running meditation. Here are websites about running meditation. 

Running Meditation-What it is, Benefits, and How to do it-Woman & Home-Woman and Home:

Running meditation: What it is, benefits, and how to do it | Woman & Home (

Running Meditation-A Beginner's Guide-Runner Click:

Running Meditation: A Beginner's Guide | RunnerClick

* Pexels Courtesy Photo by Maksim Goncharenok

Saturday, January 27, 2024

National Human Trafficking Prevention Month 2024

Human trafficking is difficult to discuss and is difficult to identify the warning signs. However, knowing the warning signs of human trafficking can prevent and stop this crime from occurring. Every year in January is National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. Dedicate some time to learn about the warning signs of human trafficking and to bring awareness to your community. Also, wear a blue t-shirt, blue pants, or a blue accessory to bring awareness of National Human Trafficking Prevention Month. 

Human trafficking is a crime because it is forced labor and fraudulent activities. Additionally, people are forced to work in harsh conditions and their payments are withheld. Every year some cases of Human trafficking go unreported out of fear and harassment. Furthermore, human trafficking occurs to minors, domestic employees, and anyone for sexual exploitation. Here is a brief list of the warning signs of human trafficking.

  1. Working for many hours without taking a break.
  2. Malnourished.
  3. Payments are withheld, not paid enough money, or payments are not consistent.
  4. Being locked in a room for commercial sex.
  5. Physical bruises, cuts, black eyes, and physical scars. 
  6. Living with their employer.
  7. Forced prostitution and forced to do commercial sex in movies or videos.
  8. Domestic work in their employer's home.
  9. They cannot leave their place of work because of fear or having too much debt to their employer.
  10. Doing forced labor because their documents are being withheld. 

Although this is a brief list of the warning signs of human trafficking; It is best not to help the victims by yourself without the help of authorities. Another warning sign is when too many people are living in small spaces with only one access to a restroom and a kitchen. Human trafficking can be hard to detect, and one must need to be alert to the warning signs. Take classes, join a workshop, or an on-campus event to prevent human trafficking and sex trafficking. Use the hashtags, #endtrafficking and #freedomfirst on social media. 

Talk to your children about human trafficking but keep the conversation simple so they can understand. Speak to them about the dangers of social media according to their age and their comprehension. As well as having a conversation about sex trafficking. Discuss ways they can protect themselves and their friends from these dangerous situations. Participate in school events and get the resources for having a conversation with your children regarding sex trafficking, abuse, and domestic violence. 

Do not scare your child but let them be informed about the dangers of human trafficking and sex trafficking. If you know or suspect someone is in a human trafficking situation, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Survivors of human trafficking or sex trafficking can also contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Have a blue lightbulb on your porch, wear a blue ribbon, and pass out magnets or prevention brochures regarding human trafficking. Here are resources for National Human Trafficking Prevention Month.

How to Talk To Your Kids About Trafficking:

Human Trafficking-Recognizing the Signs:

National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month:

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Rooster Coloring Pages

The rooster is a symbol of confidence, courage, strength, wisdom, and watchfulness. Also, roosters are used in decorating your living space and in your kitchen. The rooster is a male chicken that comes in a variety of colors such as black, white, silver, blue, gold, brown, and red. These magnificent birds do not fly because of their small wings. Today, I was inspired to create three coloring pages with a rooster. 

These barnyard animals wake up early with a loud crow. In some cultures, the rooster is a symbol of loyalty and honesty. Nonetheless, decorations of roosters make a kitchen or living room feel comfortable and make people feel welcome. Each coloring page was designed with a rooster and two coloring pages have words for inspiration. You can hang a coloring page on a picture frame to decorate your kitchen or living room. 

Roosters stand firmly and with poise. These beautiful birds are well known to be protectors of their hens from predators. In the Chinese lunar calendar, roosters bring happiness and good luck. Below are three coloring pages with one rooster on each page. Have fun coloring these roosters and the last free coloring pages for this month.

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

* Font from LunaPiC

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Secrets in a Relationship: Healthy VS. Unhealthy

Secrets in relationships can be damaging depending on the level of trust one has in their partner. There are secrets that are harmless and do not damage the relationship. Sometimes keeping too many secrets from your partner does make your partner have doubts and lose trust. However, keeping one or three secrets from your partner because of safety and protecting your partner can be difficult to discuss with them. Yet, it is recommended to keep some secrets about yourself but not everything from your partner.

Hiding secrets is not a clever thing to do because eventually the secrets will be revealed. Harmless temporary secrets such as surprising your partner for their birthday is considered a healthy relationship secret. Other harmless temporary secrets are saving money to buy a gift for your partner, surprising them with a baby announcement, and things that make them feel happier. Moreover, secrets that do not hurt your partner's emotions and well-being are fine to keep. Healthy relationships that keep temporary secrets can be beneficial to strengthen your relationship. 

As well as keeping secrets that are about your personal finances from your bank account that is not a joint bank account, is fine if your partner knows you have a separate bank account. Your partner does not need to know how much money there is in your personal bank account. Furthermore, communicating with your partner about your individual bank account will not create suspicion and misunderstandings. However, if you do have a joint account, you must share the reasons for taking out the finances and not keep the reasons secret. Nonetheless, communicate with your partner about finances or making a budget plan if you have a joint account.

Other healthy secrets to keep are personal hygiene care, your past romances, and never mentioning your intimacy regarding an ex. Often you might believe that it is necessary for your new partner to know about your past relationships. Yet, giving out too many details about a past relationship can be harmful with your new relationship with someone. Even if you are already in a committed relationship with your partner, jealousy, comparisons, and insecurities with one’s body can arise when someone mentions an ex during a conversation. Depending on the situation and how the person is likely to behave; It is best not to give out too much information about a former lover or former partner.

Keeping some secrets is fine if you do not feel guilt, shame, or feel uncomfortable about not disclosing it to your partner. Unhealthy secrets do cause distrust and make a person feel uneasy. Deep secrets that can make your partner feel anger are the secrets that need to be revealed ahead of time. Always find the right moment to reveal a secret to them and in a secluded area where no one can interrupt you. Also, in a place where your partner does not get distracted and can feel calm.

Yet, secrets that become unhealthy make it uncomfortable and make disagreements. It is recommended to discuss it in a calm manner. Do not wait for your partner to find out through a third party. This can make it complicated and challenging to discuss with your partner especially if there is misinformation. Additionally, hiding secrets such as finances, medical conditions, and things that can hurt both of you is not good for the relationship.

Secrets can be complicated but knowing what to tell your partner or the new person in your relationship can make it easier for them to understand you. Always use your intuition and find a way to tell them without having them hear it from someone else. It is important to be honest and to have open communication between both of you. Second, carefully decide what you want to reveal to your partner or the new person in your relationship. Here is a list of unhealthy secrets that need to be discussed in a committed relationship.

  1. Being unfaithful or having emotional unfaithful thoughts.
  2. Having an addiction without declaring it to your partner.
  3. Seeing someone or having a secret affair with someone.
  4. Hiding a disease or an illness from your partner due to rejection, anger, or fear.
  5. Not paying some of the household expenses.
  6. Borrowing money to a friend without telling them, especially if you are using your joint account.
  7. Family issues and job issues that make it difficult for you to discuss.
  8. Hiding bank accounts that were never talked about with your partner.
  9. Not telling them about seeing a therapist or a new doctor.
  10. Changing your job hours to be with someone else that is not your partner.

Address any hidden secrets that need to be disclosed to your partner. Prepare yourself ahead of time. Never reveal secrets before going to sleep or after waking up in the morning. Do not tell them your hidden deep secrets when they are upset with you and when your partner is having a difficult day. Consult with a counselor or a therapist for advice to approach your partner especially if you have a tough time speaking to them.

Keeping unhealthy secrets makes your partner feel hurt, distrustful, and feel anger. Do not make excuses for postponing a difficult conversation with your partner. It is recommended not to accuse your partner and use the word “I” when you want to reveal a secret to them. Do not be offensive when you disclose a secret. Here are websites about tips regarding secrets in a relationship.

Relationship Advice-Privacy and Secrecy-Love at First Fight:

Danger of Keeping Secrets in Relationships:

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Monday, January 22, 2024

What is Fatty Liver? (Love Your Liver Awareness Month)

Courtesy Image from British Liver Trust

Every January is Love Your Liver Awareness Month. Liver disease continues to increase due to too much consumption of alcohol and an inflammation of the liver which is called Viral Hepatitis. Also, being overweight can cause fatty liver disease. However, knowing your risk factors for liver disease is necessary to help prevent and manage it. Some risk factors are diabetes, high cholesterol, insulin resistance, a slow thyroid, and being overweight.

Also, genetics can be a risk factor for fatty liver. Although you cannot change your genetics, you can reduce the risk factors of fatty liver by changing your diet and selecting fruits, vegetables, protein, and whole grains. It is recommended to limit the amount of bread, rice, potato, corn, and foods with starch. Add exercise to your lifestyle. Limit the amount of bacon, sausage, pepperoni, hot dogs, and other processed red meats. Nonetheless, you can skip alcoholic beverages and avoid eating junk food.

A fatty liver is too much fat that surrounds the liver and cannot burn off the fat. More women tend to get diagnosed with fatty liver. Some medications can also affect the liver and Hepatitis C can also affect it. Hepatitis C is an infection that can pass through shared needles and blood contact. Therefore, it is important to get yearly blood tests.

Furthermore, fatty liver can also occur during pregnancy. Yet, it needs to be taken care of for the health of the woman and the health of the baby. There are two types of fatty liver Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease and Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease. Alcoholic fatty liver disease is too much fat with alcohol in the liver and it eliminates substances after the alcohol is broken down. The symptoms of fatty liver are having itchy skin, abdominal swelling, fatigue, swelling of the legs, and other times there are no symptoms. 

Keep in mind that there are two types of fatty liver and that your doctor can create a health plan based on your type of fatty liver. Always consult with your doctor before taking supplements such as vitamin A, acid folic, Omega 3, and herbal supplements such as Milk Thistle, Dandelion, and other supplements. During Love Your Liver Awareness Month, you can donate to the American Liver Foundation, British Liver Trust, and Living Liver Donation. Nonetheless, even if you cannot make a monetary donation; You can take care of your liver health and the liver health of the family members that live with you. Do not use illicit drugs and pledge to take care of your liver.

Consult with your primary doctor for a health checkup schedule, nutrition tips, and ways to manage fatty liver. Although, more women are being diagnosed with fatty liver; Anyone can get this disease and it is recommended to get your yearly physical exam. Do not smoke and get your immunization record updated. Wear something green or a green t-shirt to bring awareness to Love Your Liver Awareness Month. Here are resources about fatty liver and other resources for Love Your Liver Awareness Month.

British Liver Trust-Pioneering Liver Health:

British Liver Trust - Pioneering Liver Health

11 Foods that are Good for Your Liver-Healthline:

11 Foods That Are Good for Your Liver (

Liver-American Liver Foundation:

Liver - American Liver Foundation

Living Liver Donation-American Transplant Foundation:

Living Liver Donation - American Transplant Foundation

* Courtesy Image from British Liver Trust

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Positive Affirmations for Love (Self-Love Month 2024)

Positive affirmations for self-love can permit you to gradually remove any self-doubts and fears. Yet, it is recommended that you repeat positive affirmations twice a week. By doing this you can appreciate yourself and find inspiration to achieve your goals. Often one denies oneself to be in a healthy relationship due to insecurities, low self-esteem, or fear of repeating past mistakes in relationships. Therefore, positive affirmations can change your mindset progressively.

There are many purposes for using positive affirmations such as finding inner peace, improving your self-esteem, improving your self-confidence, and creating valuable habits in your lifestyle. These phrases can help you think optimistically and avoid self-criticism. It helps manage negative thoughts and negative emotions that you might have throughout the day. Take five minutes a day to practice saying and reading positive affirmations in the morning or at night. Here is a list of positive affirmations you might like to add to your journal or make a note to remind you about practicing self-love. 

  1. I accept and trust myself to radiate love with kindness.
  2. I am open and worthy to receive love with respect.
  3. I love myself and my heart will know when it is ready to receive love.
  4. I deserve love, and respect, and believe that love is on its way.
  5. I am confident and strong enough to forgive myself for any errors.
  6. My love is filled with patience, kindness, and acceptance.
  7. My heart is open to possibilities and will let me know when to love someone.
  8. My love language is unique and only my partner understands it.
  9. My heart is surrounded by love and gratitude.
  10. I receive love as a flower ready to receive water for nourishment.

This list can help you get started with positive affirmations for self-love. Although Self-love month is in January of every year; You can practice self-love each month by changing your positive affirmations and adding them to your hour of mindfulness. Positive affirmations can also be useful while you are meditating or before you meditate. You can practice self-kindness, self-compassion, self-acceptance, and self-forgiveness with positive affirmations, especially during Self-Love Month. Accept compliments to increase your self-esteem and self-confidence.

Additionally, it permits you to practice self-acceptance with your self-image. Developing a healthy optimistic self-image takes many months or years but self-acceptance can help you improve your self-image over time. Improving your self-image is challenging due to pessimistic thoughts, emotions, and self-talk which makes it more difficult to improve your self-esteem and self-confidence. Yet, practicing self-love allows you to accept your imperfections and to accept yourself. Avoid perfectionism and avoid being self-critical about how you want to look or how your self-image should look in the mirror.

Instead, appreciate yourself and surround yourself with people who value you as a person. Write positive affirmations to encourage you to practice self-love. Over time, you can accept your self-image internally and externally. Change your self-concept about yourself and your self-image with the aid of positive affirmations. These phrases can assist you in improving yourself and finding your inner happiness.

After January, you can continue writing and saying positive affirmations for self-love in front of the mirror in February. You can practice positive affirmations with your partner to bond more in your relationship. Write and change your positive affirmations throughout each month to feel the difference in your thinking process. Last, positive affirmations can help you feel optimistic about your self-image. Here are websites with more ideas for writing your positive affirmations. 


Affirmations for Love:

Love Affirmations:

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Friday, January 19, 2024

Free Ostrich Coloring Pages

If you like coloring pages with birds, then you might like these coloring pages of the ostrich. The ostrich is a symbol of strength and determination. Although the ostrich does not fly, it is one of the largest and heaviest birds that have big eyes and thick eye lashes. What makes it unique are the large thick legs that are strong and can run at forty to forty-five miles per hour. Today, I was inspired by the ostrich and created two coloring pages of this beautiful bird.

The ostrich’s feathers vary in color. The ostrich can be white with black, white with grey, white, and brown, and black, white, and pink. Also, the ostrich has claws on their toes and they eat plants, insects, flowers, berries, nuts, and seeds. These coloring pages are free and for your personal use only. Have fun coloring these pages. 

* Font from LunaPiC

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Self-Compassion & Mindfulness (Mental Wellness Month)

It is necessary to take care of your mental wellness as a priority and to evaluate your emotions. The entire month of January is Mental Wellness Month. Mental wellness is about taking care of your emotions. It is also about taking care of your psychological well-being and social well-being. Taking care of your mental health requires you to focus on many aspects of your life such as work, family, your physical health, your emotions, and your overall wellness.

Mental wellness can be improved and can be balanced by concentrating on your emotional and physical health. However, select activities that help you relax and restore your physical health while improving your emotional health. Some activities such as yoga, mindfulness, meditation, art, walking, and jogging can assist you in finding an equilibrium in your life. Other activities such as dancing, aerobics, swimming, playing with puzzles, crosswords, or simply writing in a journal can help reduce your stress. It is recommended to take one week at a time and have an activity as a focal point for your mental well-being.

Be patient with yourself. Add self-care and take breaks throughout the week, especially on busy workdays. Connect with family and friends while making new friends who share similar hobbies with you. Practice self-acceptance, self-love, self-worth, and self-respect as part of your mental wellness. But always remind yourself to take breaks to avoid mental and physical burnout.

Make a schedule for relaxation throughout the week even it if is for fifteen minutes or less. Use aromatherapy or incorporate fragrant oils to help you relax while you meditate. Also, drink hot Peach tea, Rose tea, Jasmine tea, or other floral fruit teas while you practice mindfulness. Lemongrass tea or citrus teas are also beneficial for improving your mood and helping you relax. As well as smelling roses and other fragrant flowers can make you feel calm, especially on busy workdays. 

Self-compassion is also necessary to incorporate when you practice mindfulness. Being kind to yourself in the present moment without self-judgment. Practice breathing slowly while holding a river rock stone, a flower, or a key to help you focus on your breathing exercises. Put your hand on your heart and hug yourself. Write in your journal with kind words about yourself. 

Dedicate one day at a time to your mental wellness. Speak to someone and bond with them about your feelings. Listen to yourself and slow down for doing a self-care day or a day for mindfulness. Seek counseling and therapy for your mental well-being. Here are resources about Mental Wellness Month. 


Caring for Your Mental Health-National Institute of Mental Health-NIMH:

Caring for Your Mental Health - National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (

The Basics of Mental Wellness in 2024-Psychology Today:

The Basics of Mental Wellness in 2024 | Psychology Today

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Free Carnation Flower Coloring Bookmarks

Today, I created four coloring bookmarks with one carnation flower on each bookmark. You can write a word, quote, or a positive affirmation on the blank area of the bookmark. After coloring the bookmarks with your words, quotes, or positive affirmation; You can have the bookmarks laminated. Also, you can pin a bookmark on a corkboard or have it in your notebook for encouragement. These coloring bookmarks are free and for your personal use only. 

* Font from LunaPiC

* Font from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Onion Chicken Dinner (National Sunday Supper Month)

The month of January is dedicated to National Sunday Supper Month. During this chilly winter month, you can encourage your young adults who go to college to come home on Sundays to have a hot meal. Every second Sunday of January is National Sunday Supper Day. Preparing a hot meal for your young adult can bring conversations about life in college as well as create family memories of dinner time. You can make their favorite hot meal. 

Also, if they do not have a favorite hot meal for dinner; You can make a meal that they enjoy. Even if they do not go to college, you can prepare family meals for them to create healthy childhood memories. As well as adding vegetables and fruits to their meals so they can eat healthier at home. Super time is the best time to get to know your children and young adults in your family. Here is the recipe for this onion chicken meal. 


One packet of chicken breasts

One onion

One yellow bell pepper

One lemon


Garlic cloves

One can of Sliced Green Beans

Teriyaki sauce

Extra Virgen Olive oil or cooking butter spray.


Whole Coriander seeds

Ground Paprika

Ground Black Pepper

Ground Curry Powder

Ground Ginger


Onion Granulates

Garlic Granulates

Crushed Rosemary

Cooking and Preparation:

Wash the chicken breasts. Then, add the spices: Ginger, Paprika, Curry, Turmeric, Onion, Garlic, Black Pepper, and Rosemary. In one pot or skillet add the coriander seeds with sliced bell peppers and sliced onions. Cook the chicken in water. Last, add lemon juice. 

In another pot add sliced mushrooms in water and with pressed garlic. Use a garlic presser to press the garlic cloves. Cook green beans in another pot with water or use a can of sliced green beans. Remove the water from the can and rinse the green beans. Put the green beans in a pot with water and heat it for ten minutes.

Then, add the mushrooms without the water onto a skillet and use cooking spray butter or olive oil. Add teriyaki sauce and coriander seeds to the mushrooms. Stir the mushrooms with the sauce and the coriander seeds. Coriander seeds are optional. Next, add the bell peppers and onions and stir it with the mushrooms.

Once the chicken is fully cooked, serve the chicken with the sliced mushrooms, sliced bell peppers, sliced onions, and the sliced green beans. You can also add half of a sweet potato on each plate. This dinner serves two or three people. Eat immediately. Store the leftover chicken separately from the mushrooms and green beans. Enjoy your Sunday supper meal. 

* Font, hearts, and collage made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Fetal Impact of Substance Abuse Awareness Month


Addictions are difficult to recover from, especially if you are pregnant. Substance abuse is dangerous when a fetus is developing. Drugs and alcohol can cause a miscarriage, preterm birth, birth defects, cognitive and behavioral issues, sudden infant death syndrome, poor fetal growth, and a stillbirth. Additionally, if the baby survives, it can get withdrawal symptoms in the baby after being born. Alcohol is not safe throughout the pregnancy because the alcohol passes through the umbilical cord through the bloodstream.

Therefore, it is important to skip drinks with alcohol and drinks with caffeine while pregnant. Although alcohol is not a stimulant, it is a depressant drug that stimulates you by giving you instant energy that instantly rises down your bloodstream. It increases your heart rate. Similarly, caffeine increases your heart rate and increases the risk of pregnancy complications. However, caffeine is a stimulant that raises your blood pressure.

High blood pressure during pregnancy also causes complications for a pregnant woman and their fetus. Caffeine causes a low birth weight, miscarriage, and increases the baby’s heart rate. Substance abuse affects the fetus and passes through the placenta. The placenta gives oxygen and nourishment to a developing fetus and the umbilical cord is created through the placenta with the uterus. It takes five weeks for the umbilical cord to form with the fetus.

A baby is fully developed at thirty-nine weeks. It is best not to consume alcohol, caffeine, drugs, and other substances while pregnant and after the baby is born. Substances can be transferred through breastfeeding. Always consult with your obstetrician before consuming decaffeinated coffee and decaf teas. The entire month of January is Fetal Impact of Substance Abuse Awareness Month.

Every year in January it is necessary to take steps to take care of the health of your baby and yourself. It is recommended to take acid folic for the fetus to develop and to prevent birth defects. Do not smoke while pregnant. Remember anything you ingest gets transferred to your baby. Therefore, do not drink alcoholic beverages.

Although not all birth defects can be prevented, you can avoid smoking, drinking alcohol, and drinking caffeine. Be careful in drinking herbal teas while pregnant. Additionally, do not attempt a detox treatment while being pregnant by yourself. Always consult with your primary doctor and obstetrician for guidance on recovering from an addiction. Here are resources about drug use and pregnancy.

Drug Use and Pregnancy:

Birth Defects-Cleveland Clinic:

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