
Thursday, December 30, 2021

What is Sound Meditation?

Sound meditation is a type of meditation that helps you focus with the use of bells, chimes, bowls, and other instruments. It brings a feeling of awareness because you use your sense of hearing to relax your mind and body. If you are beginning to practice meditation, you might like sound meditation. You can ring your bell, chime, or other instruments every thirty seconds or up to three minutes for concentration. The benefits of practicing sound meditation can help you improve your sleep, improve your mood, reduce your physical pain, and feel peace.

Overall, it will calm down the nervous system. To do sound meditation, you can use a bell, chime, or a bowl. Also, wear comfortable clothes and sit in a relaxed position. Take frequent breaks from sitting by standing up or walking with your bell or instrument. Make sure the bell has a soft sound and it is not too loud especially if you do this mediation at home.

Also, there are meditation applications that have bells to do sound meditation such as Calm and Mindfulness Bell. Meditating with bells makes you more alert. You will feel peaceful. Also, the sound of bells changes your brain to a calming state of mind. Here are more resources about sound meditation. 

Singing Bowl and Sound Bath Benefits for Stress Relief and More-Dr. Axe:

Sound Meditation-The Healing Power of Sound-Better Me:

The Healing Power of Sound as Meditation-Psychology Today:

* Free fonts and background from PiZap

* Free bell clip art:

Bell Clip Art, PNG, 731x583px, Bell, Brass, Church Bell, Ghanta, Handbell Download Free (

* Free clip art of standing bell and bowl:

Standing Bell Bowl Buddhism Vajra Japamala, PNG, 1873x1577px, 2018, Standing Bell, Bowl, Bronze, Buddhism Download Free (

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Three Things to Do Before the New Year

The last days of the month are spent rushing for no reason. It is also spent planning the menu for the New Year’s Eve party. Additionally, it is a busy time to return gifts, to use gift cards, or mail cards. Yet, neglecting the time for relaxation can make the New Year’s Eve party a stressful time. Therefore, there are three things that can be done to feel relaxed before the New Year. 

Meditation can be included in your busy schedule before the New Year. Listen to a short guided meditation with your eyes closed. Breathe slowly. Do fifteen minutes of yoga or walk in silence. Practice any type of meditation to help you restore your energy and to feel calm. 

Then, practice mindfulness by cleaning. Do your cleaning chores carefully and slowly. Similarly, you can practice mindfulness when you do the laundry. Sort your dirty clothes and feel the textures of the fabrics. Fold your clean clothes slowly while you focus on your breathing. 

Last, notice how your body feels. Try on your old clothes and see how you feel. Sort through your old clothes and donate them. Also, donate your old professional clothes. Below are links for more things to do before the New Year. 

What to Throw Out Before the New Year-Things You Should Donate Between Christmas and New Year's Day:

11 Things You can Do Before New Year-Sleek Chic:

7 Things to Do Before New Year's-Inc:

* Free fonts, background, and more from PiZap

Sunday, December 26, 2021

No Interruptions Day


Every December 31st is No Interruptions Day. No Interruptions Day is taking your time to get work done in the office. Also, it can be applied at home by organizing and cleaning it. Turn off electronic devices and do the items from your to-do list. Set a timer if needed to get your household chores or office work completed.


Clean your desk, organize paper files, and organize files on your computer desktop. Add a new paper calendar on your desk or wall. Shred old documents. Use file tabs, paper clips, or other office supplies to organize your office space. 

Set your e-mail autoreply to let your co-workers, clients, and other people know that you are unavailable for the day.


Dust, sweep, and make everything organized before the new year. Avoid distractions and take breaks.  After getting everything organized, you can take a few minutes of self-care to relax before the new year. Besides, that you can add a motivational wall poster, art frame, or something to help you feel motivated for the new year. Here are more links about more ideas on how to do a no interruptions day.

Secrets to Avoiding Interruptions at Work:

No Interruptions Day:

Mind Tools:

* Free fonts and sunflowers from PiZap

* Free Clip art Wooden Sign:

Sunday, December 19, 2021

Holiday Seafood Dinner

Holiday dinners take time to prepare and make. If you like to serve seafood during the holidays, you might like this recipe. This recipe is simple and quick to make. Also, it is a meal your family will enjoy eating. This recipe has sunflower seeds and mandarins which are in season.


Consuming sunflower seeds will nourish the body with potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, and iron. Sunflower seeds are good for the cardiovascular system and the immune system. Adding mandarins to your salad will give you vitamin C, vitamin A, and fiber. Eating mandarins help the skin, bones, and immune system. Here is the recipe for this holiday seafood meal.




Basil leaves

Lemon and pepper


Tajin classic seasoning with lime


3 Lemons

Garlic cloves

Bell peppers

Yellow onion

Swai fish


Italian sauce

Spinach salad:




Sunflower seeds


Italian salad dressing

Extra virgin olive oil

Tartar sauce (optional)

Preparation and Cooking Time (Swai Fish):

In one skillet, add sliced bell peppers and onions in water or in cooking oil. Then, add the spices: Ginger, Tajin, Curry, and Lemon, and Pepper to the fish. After that add the fish with the bell peppers and onions. Use a garlic crusher to crush the garlic. Add the garlic to the fish. Then, pour lemon juice and add the basil leaves. Continue cooking the fish. 

Wait a few minutes until the fish is soft and flaky. 

Salad Preparation: 

Wash and rinse the spinach, radishes, tomatoes, and mandarins. In one bowl, add spinach leaves. Slice the radishes and tomatoes. Add the radishes and tomatoes to the spinach. Then, slice an avocado and add lemon juice. 

Add the avocado slices to the salad. Peel one seedless mandarin and put the slices inside the salad. Then, use salad dressing and sunflower seeds. Mix everything. 

Eggplant Preparation and Cooking Time : 

Wash and slice one eggplant. Remove the seeds of the eggplant. In one pot, boil the eggplant in water. Cook the eggplant until it is soft. Remove the eggplant from the boiling water into another pot with Italian sauce. Mix the eggplant with the sauce. 

Serve the fish, salad, and eggplant. This recipe serves two or three people. Add a few slices and tartar sauce to the side of the plate. Here are the links about the health benefits of mandarins and sunflower seeds. Happy Holidays! 


Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds:

Sunflower Seeds:

What are the Benefits of Mandarin Oranges:

Mandarin Orange-Healthline:

* Free fonts and borders from PiZap

Friday, December 17, 2021

Stress-Free Family Holidays (Tips)

It is National Stress-free Family Holidays Month! Stress caused by the family can be difficult to manage. In every family gathering, you might come across family members who complain, nag, or criticize. This can make the holidays feel like a negative and uncomfortable situation. Often you will see a group of family members who will get in a discussion over politics, taboo subjects, or religious comments.

However, there are ways to deal with certain family situations so you can be stress-free. If the topics are too hard to maintain a calm and patient attitude, you can take a break from the discussion. Also, walk away from the situation or go to another group of family members. Offer to help in the kitchen with the appetizers or with the cleaning. Sometimes, staying quiet or making small conversations will make you feel comfortable with the entire family. 

Additionally, tell family members not to discuss topics about politics, religion, or other controversial topics. Make sure everyone makes the family gathering friendly and comfortable especially with young children present in the conversations. Change the subject if politics, religion, or other uncomfortable topics are mentioned. Furthermore, if you want to have a family-friendly environment do not have alcoholic beverages. If someone brings alcohol, let them know that you thank their gesture, but you do not serve alcohol in the family gatherings.

However, if you are not hosting the party and there is alcohol; Make sure a responsible family member drives the person who had too many drinks. If there is an extra guest room, the individual who had too many drinks can sleep it off. Ignore any bad comments from family members who make you feel insecure. It is best to remain calm throughout the family gatherings. If you lose your patience, you can excuse yourself and leave early from the party.

Also, wear a face mask and get vaccinated before attending the small family gathering. If you do not feel comfortable with one face mask, wear two face masks. If drinks are served in paper cups, write your name with a sharpie on the side of the cup. Regardless, enjoy the company of your family members and friends. Here are links with more tips for having a stress-free holiday.  

Family Estrangement-10 Tips for Dealing with it During the Holidays-SELF:,spend%20the%20days%20that%20are%20most...%20More%20

9 Tips for Dealing with Toxic Family During the Holidays (Care):

Ten Ways to Keep Family Members From Ruining Your Holidays-Psychology Today:

* Free fonts from PiZap

* Picture filters from LunaPic

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Peace Meditation Music

Certain types of music help a person to relax. Also, a person can find healing from emotional abuse, traumas, or from an unpleasant experience. Music helps a person feel inner peace. As well as helping a person to sleep better. Listening to music and doing meditation for peace is beneficial for mental and physical health.

Meditating with soft instrumental music help the brain to connect helping you to concentrate and focus more. It has a positive effect for the nervous system. Laying down with your eyes closed and listening to music for fifteen minutes will be effective for your emotional wellness. Sitting down in the lotus position with your eyes closed and listening to music also makes it comfortable to do yoga. Music helps people with anxiety, depression, and with dementia to relax.

Music improves a person’s mood and express feelings. Combining music and meditation is a valuable tool to relieve stress. Peace meditation can be done anytime of the year. Additionally, peace meditation can be done on World Peace Meditation Day. Below are links about meditating with music and one YouTube link for peace meditation music. 

Peace Meditation Music:

Meditation Music-7 Reasons Why You Should Listen to It:

10 Amazing Benefits of Listening to Music During Meditation (Stylecraze),which%20makes%20the%20process%20of%20mediation%20more%20effective.

* Free fonts and background from PiZap

* Free candle clip art:

Flameless candles Clip art - Church Candles png download - 500*969 - Free Transparent Candle png Download. - Clip Art Library (

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Three Winter Self-Care Tips

Squeezing in time for self-care during the winter months can be a challenge. Set aside time for self-care by doing exercise for fifteen minutes or thirty minutes per day. Walking, yoga, or going outside to get some sunshine. If it rains too much outside, try to exercise indoors by using a jump rope, doing stretches, or lifting weights. Do not exercise barefoot or with socks to avoid foot injuries. 

Pay attention to your body's need for exercise. Everyone's level of exercise is different. Therefore, choose an exercise routine that fits your busy schedule. Exercise routines should be changed to avoid boredom. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes that give good support for your feet. 

Find motivation for doing self-care. Your self-care routine does not have to include just exercise. Sometimes, you might want to add a skincare routine, spa days at home, or go to sleep earlier. Write your motivation for doing self-care. Stick to your self-care schedule even with interruptions. 

Self-care should be done slowly to enjoy it. Taking care of yourself in the winter can simply be a hot drink, a warm meal, or a warm bath. Showing kindness to yourself by not feeling like a failure. Be careful with negative thoughts. Here is a brief example list of a winter self-care schedule.

  1. Wake up with a positive thought in the morning.
  2. Drink a hot drink for a few minutes without thinking of your work schedule. 
  3. Take a warm bath after work. 
  4. Be kind to yourself by not saying or thinking negatively about yourself. 
  5. Avoid overindulging in sweets, alcohol, or caffeine. 
  6. Take care of your skin by not wearing make-up at home. 
  7. Make sleep a priority. 
  8. Read a new book. 
  9. Work on your hobbies indoors.
  10. Attempt to learn new skills with an open mind. 

Get organized and remind yourself to do self-care. Write a sticky note reminder and post it where you will see it. Change your self-care routine with the seasons. Adjust your daily schedule to fit in self-care. Here are links to practicing self-care. 

Ways to Practice Self-Care:

Easy Self-care Tips for Winter:

Start a Self-Care Routine:


* Free background and fonts from PiZap

Monday, December 13, 2021

Two Essential Oils for Pain & Oral Health

During the winter months and with the change of the seasons are muscles tend to ache more as you get older. If you have not tried essential oils for body aches, you might want to try Birch oil. Birch oil reduces the pain in your muscles and joints. This mint scent also helps you relax as it relieves you from your pain. Birch essential oil can be used in your bath water, a carrier oil, or in a foot basin for your aching feet.

Birch essential oil helps with respiratory issues. Also, this essential oil helps with sensitive gums and toothaches. Be careful in using this essential oil as a mouth wash because it can not be ingested. Besides using it as a mouthwash, Birch essential oil can be used on your toothpaste in a small amount for your gums. Rinse your mouth completely after using it in your mouth wash or your toothpaste.

Another essential oil for your gums and teeth is Lemon. The lemon essential oil can be used in your toothpaste to whiten your teeth and may alleviate pain from your gums. It has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. This essential oil can be used for muscle pain by massaging it with a carrier oil. Birch and lemon essential oil can be blended with rosemary, sandalwood, and jasmine.

Lemon and birch essential oil can be used on your skin with a carrier oil. Both essential oils alleviate headaches and toothaches. Do not swallow essential oils. Always consult with your primary doctor before using essential oils. Here are links about birch and lemon essential oil benefits. 

Birch Essential Oil Benefits

Birch Essential Oil Benefits - Healthy Focus

Birch Essential Oil: 

10 Best Benefits of Birch Essential Oil | Organic Facts

Lemon Essential Oil:

The Top 10 Benefits of Lemon Essential Oil - Healthy Focus

Lemon Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Side Effects-Dr. Axe:

Lemon Essential Oil Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, DIY Recipes - Dr. Axe (

* Free birch clip art:

* Free essential oil bottle clip art:

* Free lemon clip art:

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Free Snowman Coloring Cards


If you like snowmen, you will enjoy coloring these cards. Each coloring card has a different snowman on the center of the card. One coloring card has a faded snowman in the background. This card uses less ink when it is printed out. These snowman coloring cards are free and for your personal use. 

* Free fonts from PiZap

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Self-Improvement: 6 Steps You Can Take Right Now


Photo by Maik Kleinert from Pexels

Guest post Written by Kent Elliot

We wouldn’t be living right if we weren’t always striving for ways to improve ourselves. This is where this article comes in. Today we wanted to look at six simple ways you can boost your self-improvement right now.

Visit Sweetness Meditations to answer your questions and learn about starting a meditation practice!

Switch career

When we discuss self-improvement, it is often because we are not happy with where we are currently. This might mean an unhappy home life or dissatisfaction with one’s body, but it can also mean you are not happy in your career.

Work is a big part of our lives, and if we are not happy in our jobs, which can bleed into the rest of our existence. Whether your job is no longer challenging, or you are overworked, and you are stressed, a career change can be a major boost to your mental health and overall wellbeing.

How can you go about changing careers? Look into online degree programs. These programs make it easy to earn your master’s while still working full-time or tending to your family obligations. Just remember, when looking for an online school, go with one that is accredited and that offers competitive tuition rates.

Go on vacation

Taking time off work and recharging is essential to your well-being, and you do not have to go to faraway to a foreign location to do so. Even taking a “staycation” in Los Angeles can be rejuvenating. Simply rent a vacation home near the activities you enjoy most. For example, if you want to stay near the beach, Santa Monica is a terrific family-friendly destination. If you want to spend your time dining out and enjoying a concert or game, then renting a home in Central LA is ideal. Most vacation rentals come with fully equipped kitchens, so it will be easier to maintain healthy habits.

Take up a new hobby

Our life cannot just be made up of work and home, we need something to stimulate our brains on the side as well. This is where a hobby comes in. With the right hobby that fits your interests, your overall health and wellbeing can skyrocket.

Look into tasks and activities that have interested you in the past. Go on YouTube or other social media platforms and research how to begin your journey into pursuing these activities. No matter your interest, you will find a plethora of information available online.

From there, you can choose to pursue your new hobby for free or it might be an idea to investigate online courses that teach that hobby in a structured way. However, you choose to pursue it, your new hobby is sure to improve your self-satisfaction.

Take up exercise

Exercise is a great way to improve your health and wellbeing. You might investigate taking up a daily jog or joining your local gym. There are also plenty of exercises you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Whichever route you take, just ensure you keep with it. The key to a good exercise regime is consistency. With regular exercise, you will find your self-worth improves and your confidence along with it.

Change up your diet

We get it, ordering Uber Eats and bingeing on your favorite fast food is easy, but it is not going to get you self-improvement points. Instead of indulging most days, take a long hard look at your diet and try to improve what you see. Specialists recommend that fruit and vegetables take up half your plate in any given meal.

Changing your diet to incorporate this advice will not only help you stay healthy, but it will also increase your self-image. However, this does not mean that you cannot eat well.

Improve yourself

Self-improvement requires introspection and effort, but it is well worth it for the results it will give you. Now you have four quick tips for improving yourself and boosting your health and wellbeing.

How to Stop Social Media Addiction?

Every day more teenagers and young adults are becoming addicted to social media. Social media has become a normal routine for doing homework, socializing virtually, and entertainment. Yet, being addicted to social media has caused more young people to have depression, anxiety, and some have suicidal thoughts. Moreover, young adults are having a challenging time communicating without an electronic device. However, there are ways to stop social media addiction.

As parents become aware of how to use social media and learn about the new apps from their teen’s tablets, cell phones, and laptops; teenagers are finding ways to hide their most-used apps. Also, more teens are participating in dangerous challenges from Tik Tok which is concerning as a parent. Parents must monitor their teenagers when they are using social media. There should be a schedule and a conversation about social media use. Furthermore, parents need to educate themselves more about the dangers of social media and how to use the apps.

Furthermore, parents who are addicted to social media should reduce their online time. Parents should set an example for their teens and younger siblings. Begin by turning off your cell phone, notifications, or silencing it during meals. Instead of being on social media while you eat as a family; take time to have a conversation with your children. Listen to them and offer advice if needed.

Additionally, do not allow your teens and younger children to sleep with their cell phones and other electronic devices. Sleep issues occur more with social media use at night. Place their electronics in another room or the parent's room. Explain to them about having a sleep schedule and answer their questions. Let them know how important it is for them to have a sleep schedule, for doing homework, and for their online entertainment.

Another item to watch out for is your teens taking their cell phones to the restroom. More teenagers are taking nude pictures of themselves to show to their sweethearts, friends, and classmates. Make sure they leave their cell phone in an area in the living room before they use the restroom. Look for hidden folders, hidden apps, and other suspicious activity in your children's electronic devices. Be aware of their social media contacts.

It might seem overprotective, harsh, and dishonest to review your child's electronics. But it must be done for their safety and your peace of mind. Watch out for aggression, boredom, and temper tantrums when they cannot use their electronic devices. Change their mindset by having them do hobbies that do not require social media. Here is a shortlist of stopping social media addiction. 


  1. Take away their cell phones and electronics at night.
  2.  Make a schedule for sleep, meals, and social media use.
  3.  Make a homework schedule and print out the online resources for their essays.
  4.  Review your child's electronics in the morning and at night.
  5.  Ask them to share their passwords with you and with their father.
  6.  Limit their time on social media.
  7.  Tell them you will charge their electronic devices.
  8.  Have them keep their profiles private.
  9. Make sure they do not give out confidential information online in messenger and online applications.
  10.  Make sure they do not add strangers to their profiles and on messenger. 

Keep an eye on them when they are in messenger, hangouts, or other chat applications. If the addiction is out of control, have them go to counseling and group therapy. Make sure the babysitter follows the social media schedule with your child. Last, turn off everyone's cell phones while they are inside the family car. Do not use social media while you or your teen are driving.

Social media is very distracting while driving, eating, and watching television. Nonetheless, social media does have a positive effect as well as a negative effect on the mind. By limiting social media use, you and your teen will sleep better. Your child's mood and health will improve. Here are resources about social media addiction.

Teens and Social Media Use-What's the Impact? -Mayo Clinic:

Teaching Kids to Be Smart About Social Media (for Parents)-Nemours KidsHealth:

How to Wean Your Child Off Social Media-Brave Parenting:

Teen Internet Safety Tips (

Smart Social-Social Media Safety & Digital Citizenship:


* Free fonts, background, and sticker social media icons from PiZap

* Free Silhouette Relaxing and Dreaming-Free Vector Graphic:

Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Affirmations for the New Year (2022)

It is that time again to make new affirmations for the new year. If you have never done affirmations, you will like these positive phrases for the new year. Affirmations encourage you to think positive, feel motivated, and help you feel calm. You can find affirmations in wall art, cards, and online. Here is a brief list of affirmations for the new year.

  1. I feel love and give back love.
  2. I feel peace, happiness, and will smile.
  3. I am healthy, beautiful, and strong.
  4. I will be brave, kind, and let negativity wash away.
  5. I am honest and true to myself.
  6. I am confident what the new year will bring.
  7. I feel my partner’s love.
  8. I accept my partner’s imperfections and love.
  9. I have healthy friendships.
  10. I have a healthy relationship with my partner.
  11. Success will find me.
  12. I am successful and happy. 

This brief list is to help you begin saying, writing, and reading positive affirmations. If you have not tried affirmations, this is the best time to write your positive affirmations for the new year. You can write one positive affirmation for the new year or several for inspiring you throughout the year. Happy New Year in advance! Below are links for more inspiration for writing your positive affirmations. 

30 New Year Affirmations for a Successful 2022-The Millennial Grind:

60 Inspiring New Year Affirmations for 2022-MSP:

Affirmations for the New Year for Success, Happiness, Love:,love%20of%20my%20life%20in%20this%20new%20year.

* Free fonts and border from PiZap

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Vacation or Bust: Mistakes to Avoid for a Stress-Free Vacation


Courtesy Image from Pixabay

Guest Post written by Kent Elliot

When planning a vacation, it can be difficult to decide what to prioritize and what to leave up to fate. Over-planning, just as much as not planning enough, can cause unnecessary stress during a time when you are meant to be relaxing. The following is a list of a few mistakes most people make when planning their vacation that you should avoid reaping the benefits of your time off.


1. Over-packing. It may be one's first instinct to pack as much as possible if you’ll be away from home for a few days. This can be a huge mistake, especially if you are going to be traveling via airplane. No one wants to wait for hours at baggage claim, so consider packing less. compiled advice from 31 travel experts with their tips on how to travel light that are sure to help anyone conflicted on what to bring along. A simple way to keep from over-packing is to make a list and stick with it.


2. Make a point to unplug. When you work six or even seven days a week, you are answering emails and calls all the time. If you want to get the most out of your vacation and avoid the stress of thinking about what is going on at work, unplug. It’s common for people to ignore work-life balance; but when it comes to vacation, you need to be unavailable. Turn off email notifications on your phone, and only carry your device with you when you need it for GPS, to make a payment or for taking pics.


3. Not protecting your home. If you decide to leave town for more than a couple of days, you will want to find a way to protect your house. State Farm has a helpful list of things to do inside and outside of your home to help protect it. A few things that can help discourage burglaries include: not updating social media until you get back, putting valuables in a safe, and asking a neighbor to pick up your mail and newspapers. Anything you can do to make it look as though you are still home will help keep your home safe while you are gone.


4. Doing everything on your own. As you plan your trip, it may start to get overwhelming if you are doing all the planning on your own. Consider hiring a travel agent to take some of the stress off of your shoulders. Travel agents do most of the work for you and help you find all the best hotels and activities and will make sure you are getting everything at the right price. The most important part of a travel agent’s job is making sure you get the most out of your trip with the least amount of effort on your end.


In the end, there are a lot of mistakes you can make when it comes to a vacation, but the most important thing to do is relax and have fun. If you are stressing about how to unwind, then you have defeated the whole purpose of your vacation. Avoid these blunders, and you will be that much closer to enjoying a stress-free escape.


Sweetness Meditations is your source for resources and information about meditation and how it can help you deal with stress.

* Courtesy Image by Pixabay 

Monday, December 6, 2021

Meditating While Being Sad

Have you ever done meditation while being sad? Sadness is a natural emotion that occurs when there is too much stress, hormonal imbalance, or the grieving process.  Meditation helps with your emotions by releasing them. Also, it makes you aware of your deep feelings. Sadness lasts for a short time and some see sadness as a negative emotion. 

However, meditation is a tool to help you analyze your thoughts. Letting go of sadness and painful comments takes time. Sadness is different than depression.  Yet, meditation helps with depression. Meditating changes how your brain reacts.

Additionally, mindfulness helps with sadness. Often, taking a walk helps your brain and nervous system to relax. It might not take away your sadness completely. Writing down your sadness and tearing the paper helps you to let go of your sadness. Getting a massage in a quiet setting gives you time to release unhappiness.

Therefore, do not ignore your sadness. Be present with your sadness. Cry, scream, or write it down to let go of your sadness. Visually see sadness passing by like a cloud, running water, or as a disappearing bubble.   If you are severely depressed or can not get rid of your sadness, seek professional help.  Below are links about meditation and sadness. 

How to Navigate Sadness Mindfully-Mindful:,route%20and%20length%20of%20time%2C%20and%20walk%20quietly.

Guided Meditation for Sadness-Declutter the Mind:

Meditation for Sadness:

Daily Meditation for Depression and Sadness to Heal You-The Daily Meditation:

* Free Yoga clip art:

* Free fonts and background from PiZap

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Free Sulphur Cinquefoil Coloring Bookmarks


The Sulphur cinquefoil is distinguished by its heart-shaped petals. Today, I have created four coloring bookmarks. Each bookmark has a Sulphur cinquefoil flower with a unique design. These coloring bookmarks are free and for your personal use. Enjoy! 

* Free fonts and borders from PiZap