Embroidery & Meditation

One of my favorite pass times was to do embroidery. I would spend several hours embroidering dragonflies, letters, and any other design that I would find online. Embroidering can be another form of meditation. It helps you focus on the patterns or the design that you would like to create onto a t-shirt, pillow case, or any other item. While you embroider, it will keep you busy while you choose the colors for the different elements and patterns.

In addition, embroidery will keep your mind quiet. You will not think that much about your problems or negative events. After a few hours of embroidering, you will feel relaxed and accomplished. You will feel a little bit of joy knowing that you created your own personalized t-shirt, pillow case, or item to decorate your home. I found embroidery as a way to release tension during stressful events.

Also, embroidering can help you pay attention to details. Embroidering will keep your mind busy. It will help you to be more creative and will sharpen your problem-solving skills. Embroidering has been one of my favorite hobbies and is a great way to meditate too.  All you will need is some fabric, embroidery needles, embroidery thread, and scissors to do embroidery. 

Here are more resources regarding embroidery as a form of meditation.

Free Embroidery Dragonfly Stencil at:

Free Love Stencil at:


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