What is Aquatic Yoga?

Courtesy Image from Pexels-Photo by Nastya Korenkova

Aquatic Yoga combines yoga and water which is used for stress relief, better sleep, and to provide relief from pain. This form of yoga helps you to have more balance and strength. It helps you heal your body emotionally and physically. Doing yoga outside near water or inside a pool also helps with anxieties and other health issues. Before doing Aquatic Yoga make sure you have safety items near or in the pool such as a lifeguard ring and a swim line safety hook.

Doing Aquatic Yoga stretches and relaxes the muscles before swimming in the pool. You can do Aquatic Yoga for fifteen minutes before swimming. Begin by going to the shallow area of the pool. Use the swimming pool handrail to help you with your balance. Get comfortable being in the swimming pool. 

A noodle plank pool float is useful for some yoga poses such as a Boat pose, Upward-Facing Dog, and floating in the pool. Additionally, having a pool lounger that floats well can be used for meditating and for breathing exercises. It is useful for relaxing in the pool. If you try to do Aquatic Yoga, make sure you are in the pool in a group and not alone. Here are more resources about Aquatic Yoga and more poses. 

Try Water Yoga Trend-A 6 Pose Aqua Yoga Sequence-Yoga Journal:

Try Water Yoga Trend: A 6-Pose Aqua Yoga Sequence (yogajournal.com)

Aqua Yoga-Aqua 4 Balance:


Beginners Guide to Aquatic Yoga with 7 Easy Water Yoga Asanas-Travel & Lifestyle:

Beginners Guide to Aquatic Yoga with 7 Easy Water Yoga Asanas | Travel & Lifestyle (theotherbraininc.com)


* Photo by Nastya Korenkova


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