My Favorite Teas to try in the Summer

One tropical tea that can be enjoyed throughout the Summer and in the Winter,  is Pineapple tea. Pineapple tea improves your mood, relieves your anxiety, and reduces inflammation. Pineapple tea has vitamin C and antioxidants which lifts your mood. This tea can boost your metabolism. Before adding pineapple tea to your diet, consult with your physician. 

Ginger tea aids in digestion, inflammation, and stress. This spicy tea lowers your blood pressure and keeps your heart healthy. Ginger has antibacterial properties which help your throat and helps fight colds. Ginger tea can be blended with lemon, honey, or mint. However, it is not recommended to drink this tea at night because it keeps you awake.

Another sweet delicious tea is Mango tea. Mango tea also has antioxidants and vitamins which improves the immune system, digestive system, and for the cardiovascular system. This tea has vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C which reduces the blood pressure. In addition, this tea can lower bad cholesterol levels and can help with diabetes. Here are more resources about Pineapple, Mango, and Ginger tea. 

Pineapple Tea Benefits:

Pineapple Tea:

Mango Tea:

Mango Tea Benefits:

Ginger Tea:

Ginger Tea Recipe:

Courtesy Photo by Teejay from Pexels

* Purple Flower Photo: My personal photo collection

* Purple Filter from


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