What is World Smile Day?

The designer of the smiley face, Harvey Ball founded World Smile Day in 1999. World Smile Day is celebrated on the first Friday of October. It is a way to bring awareness of being kind to one another. By doing an act of kindness can make a difference to one person. Being kind to others will help you be kind to yourself too.

World Smile Day can be celebrated in many ways such as donating money to the Operation Smile Foundation, Smile Foundation, or other charities. Another way is to visit people who are in the hospital. Also, by helping out at soup kitchens and sending flowers to someone who is going through a rough time. Make a list of items that make you smile and place the list where you can see it. Taking care of your teeth can help you feel confident about smiling. The best part of smiling is that it makes people feel welcomed and appreciated. Here are more resources about World Smile Day. 

World Smile Day-How and When to Celebrate:

5 Quick Ways to Celebrate World Smile Day:

World Smile Day:

Operation Smile:

* Free Smiley Face Clip Art:


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