Tuesday, February 26, 2019

How to stay calm during daily events that go wrong?

You are running late to go to work and your cell phone is dropped on a puddle of water and you couldn’t fix it due to lack of time. Don’t get upset. Realize it wasn’t your fault. There are so many unexpected mishaps that sometimes make us feel quilt, makes us worry more, and to have more anger. However, you can’t have your emotions bottled up inside either. Therefore, I have created my own list of how to cope when things go wrong.

1. Don’t feel guilt.
2. Take care of yourself and practice loving-kindness meditation or another type of meditation.
3. Let go of any of your frustrations by writing it out or by talking to a friend.
4. Read motivational quotes.
5. Take a walk and enjoy the scenery.
6. Take photos of what you saw during your walking experience. (I love to take photos of flowers because of its natural beauty of nature.)
7. Take a break and don’t feel sad.
8. Stay positive and calm during and after the situation.

Even if you don’t have enough money to pay all your bills, just remain calm and strong that things will work out. Just like the Chinese proverb, buy the necessary items and flowers to cheer you up. Small mishaps shouldn't make you angry. It can be frustrating but it shouldn't make you feel sad either. Here are more resources about how to cope when things go wrong

Ways to Cope: http://femalescriblerian.com/2018/03/02/ways-to-cope-when-things-go-wrong/

28 Ways to Bounce Back: https://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-17815/28-ways-to-bounce-back-when-everything-goes-wrong.html

How to Survive: https://www.heysigmund.com/when-bad-things-happen-how-to-survive-thrive-and-never-look-back/

9 Ways to Cope: https://tinybuddha.com/blog/9-ways-to-cope-when-bad-things-happen/

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