Monday, December 30, 2019

Meditating with Waterfalls

Meditating with waterfall music can be very comforting and helpful before going to sleep. Listening to the sound of water changes the brain waves and calms the brain. Simply, listening to the sound of water makes you feel connected with nature. It stimulates the brain leaving you with a continuation of pleasant thoughts. Therefore, the sound of water distracts the brain from too much stress.

Another way to meditate is by closing your eyes and visualizing a waterfall. Imagining a waterfall has similar health benefits as seeing a waterfall in person. It improves your breathing, improves your mood, and makes you feel creative. Visualizing a waterfall in your mind releases body tension and emotional stress. Also, you can add water sounds to your guided meditation of waterfalls. 

Seeing waterfall pictures can help you visualize and meditate with waterfalls. Viewing landscape pictures helps you take a mini vacation without leaving your room. Observing the different colors in photos help you feel content, comfortable, and contemplative. Seek a health professional if you are having a hard time managing your stress. Here are more resources about meditating with waterfalls. 

Meditation Waterfall Script:

Free Guided Meditations:

How Staying Near Water can Change our Brains:

* Courtesy Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh from Pexels

* Free Border and Font from Pizap

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