Stop and Prevent Office Issues Before the Holidays
Every year before the holidays, you might notice more gossip, inappropriate jokes, and inappropriate language. Sometimes during office parties, you might see your co-workers in separate groups and might laugh at you when you pass by them. It is estimated that seventy five percent of employees have participated in gossiping in the office. Gossiping can make the office environment to be harmful and make everyone feel uncomfortable. Therefore, this can make any employee feel discomfort and feel disrespected in the workplace.
Stopping workplace gossip, jealousy, inappropriate jokes, and unwelcome conduct can make you feel safer at work. As well as making everyone feel less tension at work. Unfriendly workplaces make anyone feel unsafe, uncomfortable, and feel uncertainty in their job. Furthermore, rudeness, disrespectfulness, and other elements can create a tense working environment. Workplaces that feel toxic can make anyone leave their jobs or feel less productive with their work tasks.
This is damaging for one's mental and physical wellness. It is increasingly common these days and inappropriate language might lead to harassment in the workplace. The worst part is that offensive jokes can make another employee experience verbal harassment. Unfortunately, some bosses and supervisors permit their employees to continue the inappropriate language and jokes in the workplace. Approximately seventy-five percent of workplace harassment goes unreported out of fear and retaliation from their boss.
Additionally, some co-workers find the inappropriate jokes to be funny especially if they use these jokes to label other co-workers. Some bosses encourage jokes in the workplace no matter how inappropriate or appropriate they are in the office. Although not all offices are like this, it is best to be aware that gossiping, jokes, and inappropriate language can occur to anyone and needs to end. Changes in workplaces can cause more tension, frustration, confusion, and feel disconnected at work. However, it is recommended to avoid engaging in work gossip and to avoid inappropriate jokes.
As well as avoiding co-workers that are rude, disrespectful, and insult you along with insulting others in the workplace. Even if the insults are done unintentionally, be careful with their unwelcome conduct. Moreover, preventing inappropriate behavior and inappropriate attitudes is necessary to avoid feeling uncomfortable at work. These jokes can occur because of jealousy, their insecurities, or they feel threatened by you. Also, they might feel that telling inappropriate jokes and laughing all the time in the office can make them believe it is appropriate to say aloud.
However, for one’s peace of mind in the workplace, it is best to avoid hearing, laughing, and engaging with co-workers that tell inappropriate jokes and who are always gossiping about everyone. Inappropriate jokes are harmful and hurt others no matter what the intentions were. Instead of inappropriate humor and inappropriate language, one needs to discourage it from occurring by reporting it to Human Resources, especially if this happens to you in the workplace. Keep in mind that being professional means to be respectful of other co-workers and anyone that walks inside the office. Practice professionalism and not competitiveness with your co-workers.
Often competitiveness makes you have more insecurities and not feel authentic. Other times competitiveness can also make you feel stressed out and participate in unethical behavior even if you do not have insecurities about yourself. Too much competitiveness can make you feel exhausted and lose self-control about yourself. Be careful with your language in your workplace. Observe your co-workers and everyone’s use of words when they speak.
Be cautious with co-workers and other employees who are always in a bad mood, who are always shouting, and making you feel bad about yourself. For example, if you hear co-workers talking about another co-worker because they look strange or weird to them; Do not participate in their conversation. Often co-workers do not like other employees because they feel threatened by them, or they might lose their job because of them. It can also be because they are jealous of their body image and their professionalism. No matter what the reasons are; Avoid participating in conversations where co-workers are always telling other employees the following items that are examples and listed below.
- I do not like him or her because of the ________.
- You are not perfect for the job because _____________.
- You are not qualified for this job and tell me why you were hired because________.
- She or he is weird because _______.
- I do not want to be friends with her or with him because _______.
It is hurtful to hear these examples that are listed and there are other phrases that are damaging for anyone who works in a hostile working environment. Sometimes working where there is too much inappropriate language can make anyone want to leave their job. However, there are ways to stop inappropriate language in the workplace without offending anyone in their job. Speak to them with positiveness and if that does not work; Tell them to stop talking badly, especially if they speak more without doing their job tasks. If you cannot stop the inappropriate language, always report it, and go to Human Resources.
Get advice from your work mentor. As well as looking for work in another workplace before you leave your current job. Do not expect that these co-workers that participate in inappropriate language will eventually change and be more friendly in the workplace. Nevertheless, do not tolerate inappropriate jokes, gossiping, and inappropriate language during the holidays or anytime of the year. Here are websites about stopping and preventing inappropriate language in the workplace.
Inappropriate Humor in the Workplace:
Inappropriate Humor in the Workplace
Navigating Inappropriate Language in the Workplace-A Guide for Employers:
Navigating Inappropriate Language in the Workplace-A Guide for Employers
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