National Clean Up Your Computer Month

Courtesy Photo by Polina Zimmerman

The first month of the year is a moment for cleaning, planning, and for preparation. Nevertheless, do not forget to clean and declutter your computer and electronic devices. January is also dedicated to National Clean Up Your Computer Month. You can use an air duster dusting spray for your keyboard. Another alternative is to use a cleaning gel that looks like silly puddy to clean your keyboard.

Do not clean your computer when it is turned on. Always turn off your computer before cleaning the keyboard, monitor, tower, and mouse. It is recommended not to use alcohol and paper towels when cleaning your computer. Instead, you can purchase premoistened monitor cleaning wipes. Read carefully the instructions before using any premoistened monitor wipe for your electronics because sometimes it leaves streaks depending on the brand.

After you are done cleaning the outside of the computer, you can declutter what is inside the computer. Turn on your computer and arrange your folders. Back up your documents before deleting any folders. You can delete and label your folders for your documents that you have on your desktop. Remember not to keep too many folders on your desktop because it takes too much memory for the computer to function.

Delete cookies, delete your online search history, and run an antivirus program. Check if your computer needs to be defragmented. Keep your keyboard keys working by not eating in front of the computer. Food crumbs create sticky keys on any keyboard which makes it difficult to type. Below are websites for National Clean Up Your Computer Month. 

How to Clean the Inside of Your Computer-CNET:

The Best Method to Clean Your Computer Screen-WebMD:

How to Clean a Monitor Screen-PC Guide:


* Courtesy Pexels image from: Photo by Polina Zimmerman


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