World Kindness Week
What is
World Kindness Week? How do you make this week special for yourself and others?
World Kindness Week began in 1997 and was founded by the World Kindness
Movement. It is about taking your time to give positive feedback, compliments,
donating, and doing random acts of kindness. You can dedicate some of your time
to be kind to others by donating your time with volunteer work or by donating
items to charity.
random acts of kindness any time of the year is beneficial for your emotional,
physical, and overall health. It helps you practice empathy. Nevertheless,
World Kindness Week is all about using your time to offer your help-to-help
others without expecting anything in return. It is also necessary to be kind to
yourself without internal criticism. Although World Kindness Week is an
unofficial celebratory week, it is essential to practice kindness at work,
school, college, hospitals, and at home.
thank you cards or mini notes to feel gratitude and to show your kindness.
Write a positive affirmation or a quote inside the card or in the brief note.
If someone is having a negative day, offer to listen to them and make them feel
optimistic. Do a fun group activity, make a scrapbook or a photo album with
uplifting quotes. Practice random acts of kindness this week and once a week to
feel optimistic.
you can be inspired during this week by watching movies that encourage kindness
and random acts of kindness. This week can be extraordinary for you and for the
people that you come across at work or home. You can purchase a hot or cold
drink to share with your coworkers. Make your family’s favorite meal and watch
their favorite movie at home. Similarly, your children can participate in World
Kindness Week by being kind to their siblings, helping each other with their
homework, or sharing their toys.
Watching television shows
that show compassion and leave you with a positive message. You and
your entire family can make handmade cards, mini cards, and gift baskets for
their teachers. Additionally, they can join you in donating gently worn clothes
that they have outgrown to give to charity. World Kindness Week is always on
November 13th through November 19th every year.
Here are websites with more ideas to celebrate World Kindness Week.
10 Easy Ways to be Kind to Others-But First, Joy:
10 Easy Ways to be Kind To Others - But First, Joy (
What is Generosity? (And How to be a More Generous Person)-Psychology Today:
What Is Generosity? (And How to Be a More Generous Person) | Psychology Today
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation-Kindness Ideas:
The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation | Kindness Ideas
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