Tips for Returning College or University Students

Every year in August is National Back to School Month. It is a month to prepare for your new classes or for advancing your career. Nonetheless, this time of the year can be stressful especially if you have not been to college or to a university for a long time. Therefore, it is essential to make sure that you have the tools to feel confident and successful. Make a routine for practicing self-care on the weekends and once a week while you study.

In addition to self-care, be available to study and be available for socializing. Take a break from work if it is necessary for your mental well-being. Often going back to college or to a university can help you get a better perspective of what type of career skills you need to achieve your dream job. Learn and understand your priorities as a college or university student. Do not feel like quitting because of envious co-workers at work or from friends who do not believe that you can be successful.

Working part-time and going to college or to a university is the best idea one can do for self-improvement. Do not feel guilty for dropping out of college because of family circumstances, personal circumstances, or for taking care of other priorities in your life. The first five to six months of studying in a college or university might be challenging but after you have accustomed yourself to your routine, it gets better and easier to stick to your schedule. Always be available for sleep, socializing, and for taking pictures for your educational scrapbook achievements. Here is a list of college or university tips if you are preparing for a career change. 

  1. Organize your desk and clean your study area frequently.
  2. Change your study area if you are feeling sleepy or feeling too nervous.
  3. Avoid using alcohol and other substances to stay awake in class.
  4. Speak to a counselor or a therapist about your fears, nervousness, and financial issues.
  5. Practice getting up in the morning, walking, meditation, jogging, or other activities to feel relaxed before going to college or to the university.
  6. Do not skip the college orientation or college university day.
  7. Ask your supervisor to work part-time or get a part-time job to have more time to study for college or university.
  8. If your job offers online classes, take advantage of taking online classes to build new job skills.
  9. Prepare your finances for college or university expenses and make lunch at home.
  10. Purchase clothes that are comfortable and make you feel confident.
  11. Start to network with students and connect with them through LinkedIn or other networking websites.
  12.  Avoid friendships with people who dislike you or with people who make you feel unsuccessful.
  13. Participate in college or university activities to add to your job resume.
  14. Practice self-care, self-respect, self-love, and self-compassion.
  15. Practice body positivity and take care of your mental health.

Taking care of your mental health as a student and as an employee is necessary and not to wait until it gets worse. Do not let anyone at your job or at home make you feel worthless, hopeless, and feel bad about yourself. Contact the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or SAMHSA’s National Helpline. Find a support system with your family, friends, or with a student support group to continue studying and graduating successfully. Here are resources for returning to college or to the university. 

8 Back to School Tips for College Students:

8 Back to School Tips for College Students 

With Students Returning to School, Youth Mental Health Remains a Vital Subject:

With Students Returning to School, Youth Mental Health Remains a Vital Subject

Going Back to School With Success: 22 Tips for Adult Learners:

Going Back to School with Success: 22 Tips for Adult Learners

* Font and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker 


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