Relationship Tests & Relationship Challenges

After many months of dating or after many months of being in a committed relationship, relationship tests are done to see how compatible you are with your partner. Yet, doing relationship tests can have disadvantages and can damage your relationship depending on how these tests are done. Relationship tests can be found on Tik Tok, magazines, polls, and other websites. Depending on the type of relationship test, it can be unreliable and limited in its conclusions. Other times relationship tests can make you feel angry and aggressive with your partner.

As well as making you make wrong decisions based on the relationship tests. Arguments often arise from these relationship tests that can be avoided. Some questions from the relationship tests can make one partner reveal hidden secrets that were never discussed. Other times one partner may not answer the questions with honesty for several reasons. The questions might be misunderstood, meaningless, or feel too silly to be answered.

Relationship tests can evaluate your partner’s attachment style, your partner’s love language, compatibility, the staring test, peeling an orange or other citrus fruits test, the jealousy test, and other tests to have validation and trust in the relationship. Yet, relationship tests are usually done out of boredom or to get your partner to communicate with you. However, some relationship tests are written in a standard form and are not meant for improving or finding issues in your relationships. Additionally, relationship tests can divide you and your partner because of not having an agreement or differences in opinions. Some relationship tests are not accurate in their results and can create misunderstandings within the relationship.

Keep in mind that relationship tests found on Tik Tok, magazines, and other websites are not developed for the purpose of finding solutions to conflicts of interest. Before answering questions from relationship tests, keep in mind that you are answering these questions for fun and not for interpreting your compatibility with your partner. It is also not for the purpose of developing relationship growth. Nonetheless, relationship tests can give ideas and how to be creative with your partner romantically. Also be aware that these relationship tests are not assessment tools for therapy.

Professional psychologists, counselors, and therapists use various tests to help improve your relationship with your partner through couple’s therapy. The assessment tools cover a broad range of topics such as emotional intimacy, social intimacy, sexual intimacy, intellectual intimacy, and recreational intimacy. As well as emotional intelligence tests, tests for trust, and tests for communication. It permits you to improve, to be creative, and to communicate better with your partner over time. These tests have many advantages and can help you discover your partner with patience and understanding. 

Do not be afraid to do relationship tests with a professional therapist. Always keep an open mind. Celebrate your partner's success and encourage them to follow their dreams. Learn how to communicate with your partner. Get to know them better, trust them, and take one day at a time. 

In addition to relationship tests, relationship challenges can also be done out of curiosity, fun, and to experiment with new things with your partner. However, not all relationship challenges leave you feeling positive towards your partner. Relationship challenges can be harmful especially if the challenges are not safe, uncomfortable, and make one partner feel shame. Be careful when doing relationship challenges that are found on Tik Tok and other social media applications. Make sure both of you are comfortable in doing relationship challenges. 

Examples of relationship challenges are blindfold challenge, mystery food challenge, mystery scent challenge, and other challenges that are shared on social media. These relationship challenges can make your partner feel embarrassed or feel distant from you especially if it is shared on social media without consent. Therefore, before doing relationship challenges for fun, for creativity, or for curiosity; Make sure your partner consents to any video or audio recordings. Also, that they consent to sharing it online. Last, not all relationship challenges need to be shared on social media. 

There are some relationship challenges that are too personal and too intimate which is best not to share on social media. Some examples are Chapstick or lipstick challenge, mystery food challenge in the nude, blindfold challenge in the nude, and other naked relationship challenges. Although these relationship challenges make both of you be creative, romantic, and discover each other's interests in an intimate setting; Be careful in doing these challenges especially if your partner has a phobia, feels uncomfortable, and feels too nervous. Relationship challenges can make both of you feel optimistic if both of your consent, are respectful, and are kind to each other. Learning how to focus on your partner and to listen to them can make both of you enjoy doing relationship challenges for improving your relationship.

Have an agreement and solve conflicts with a professional therapist for couples. There is nothing wrong with doing relationship tests with a professional therapist. Also, there is nothing wrong in doing relationship challenges with your partner. However, communicate, trust, inspire, and love your partner without feeling pressured to do relationship tests or relationship challenges. Here are resources about relationship challenges. 


12 Exciting Couple Challenges to Spice Up Your Relationship:

12 Exciting Couple Challenges to Spice Up Your Relationship

25 Fun & Exciting Challenges for Couples to Spice Up a Relationship:

25 Fun & Exciting Challenges for Couples to Spice Up a Relationship

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