How to do Meditation with Water?

When you are feeling too stressed out at work, you can meditate with water. Seeing and feeling water calms your mind as the water flows. Listening to the sound that water makes can help you feel serene. Feel the cold water and imagine the water washing away all the negativity that happened throughout the day. Feel the warm water and imagine all the positivity coming into your life.

Fill your bathtub with bath salts with essential oils or Epsom salt which will allow your mind to relax when you smell your favorite scent. Creating a restful moment for a few minutes will allow you to feel less anxious. Listening to water sounds can boost your mood, help you get a good night sleep, and reduces your blood pressure. Sitting in water or feeling the water with your feet is a great way to relax your muscles and to release everyday tension of work. Simply washing your face or your hands also produces a sense of tranquility. Here are more resources about meditating with water. 

Consciousness Meditation Water:

How to Meditate in the Bath or Shower:

What is Water Meditation and its Benefits:

Courtesy Photo by Samad Deldar from Pexels


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