Strawberry and Apple Dessert

Eating healthy snacks during the day energizes you throughout the day. It also gives a boost in concentration. Additionally, it keeps you full between meals. One of my favorite snacks is eating yogurt with fruit such as apples and strawberries. Strawberries are helpful to keep your heart healthy and it controls your sugar levels. Similarly, eating apples are great for your heart because it reduces the bad cholesterol.

Apples also regulate your sugar levels too. Combining fruit in plain yogurt is beneficial for your digestion and for keeping your heart healthy. Sometimes, adding a little bit of whip cream makes it a delightful dessert. Taking a healthy snack to work improves your mood too especially when you are having a stressful workday. Here is the recipe in making this strawberry and apple dessert.

1 box or half a box of Strawberries
1 Red Apple
1 Cup of Plain Yogurt
Whip Cream (Optional)

First, wash the strawberries. Then, slice the strawberries in half. Second, wash one apple and remove the core of the apple. After that peel and slice the apple. Third, add a few spoons of plain yogurt to a small bowl. Next, add the apple in the bowl with the yogurt. Continue adding the strawberries and apples to the small bowl with the yogurt. Last, add some whip cream in case the strawberries aren’t that sweet. This recipe serves two people. Here are more resources about healthy snacking. 

Why Are Healthy Snacks Important?

Health Benefits of Snacking:

Benefits of Healthy Snacking-National Nutrition Month:

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