Yoga for Self-Acceptance

Self-acceptance can be achieved by practicing yoga. Yoga helps you to accept your strengths and weaknesses. Before doing your yoga session, focus on your breathing and your energy level. If you are feeling tired, you might want to begin with a lotus pose, a hero pose, or a pose where you lie down. Close your eyes and concentrate on your strengths.

Open your eyes and begin stretching your body. Smile while you do each pose. If you stop smiling and feel pain, get into a comfortable position. Do the Mountain pose, Ostrich pose, Eagle pose, and Tree pose. Then the Standing Forward Fold pose. 

After that the Chair pose. Continue stretching with the Tabletop pose, Triangle pose, Camel pose, and Thunderbolt pose. During the Thunderbolt pose, concentrate on your mantra. Next, do the Dancer's pose. End your yoga session with the Constructive Rest pose. 

Hug yourself. Say to yourself, "I accept who I am." Meditate in a relaxed position. Then say the following: "I understand myself." "I am comfortable with my body."

Accepting yourself with yoga makes you see your physical abilities and your physical limitations. Yet, you can accept your imperfections and smile. Self-acceptance is loving yourself with patience, conformity, and without being fierce. After practicing yoga, lie down or sit down and say, " Thank you for this day and I love myself for who I am." Here are websites with yoga poses and tips for self-acceptance. 


Yoga for Compassion-A Sequence to Open Your Heart-Heart Journal:

Yoga for Compassion: A Sequence to Open Your Heart - Yoga Journal

7 Ways to Boost Self-Acceptance from the Yoga Mat-Yoga Basics:

7 Ways to Boost Self-Acceptance from the Yoga Mat • Yoga Basics

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