How to Reduce Plastic at Work? (Plastic Free July 2024)

Courtesy Image by Plastic Free July 2024

Reducing plastic at work can be done slowly and can take several weeks of practice. However, it is possible to reduce plastic at work. Begin by replacing plastic trash bags with paper bags for your trash bin or using your trash bin without plastic bags. If you use a paper bag, you can staple the bag to close it before throwing it away in the office trash bin. Although you might need to wipe and clean your trash bin, you will save money and reduce the use of plastic bags at home or at work. 

The paper bags can decompose in landfills. Also, the paper bag can be used for the bathroom trash bin. Another way to reduce plastic at work is by using reusable cups if you use a coffee machine or make hot tea at work. Use reusable utensils at work or bring your utensils from home for office luncheons. Also bring your cloth napkins along with your homemade lunches instead of paper napkins. 

Ask your supervisor if you can give out recycling information to all your coworkers. Hang recycling poster information and other recycling information in the office. Host a plastic free luncheon for everyone in the office. Also, you can participate in a Plastic Morning Tea Day at work to discuss ways to reduce plastic at work. This can help your co-workers to reduce plastic while they are at work and can participate in Plastic Free July Month. 

Besides doing these things, you can reduce plastic by using eco-friendly pens, eco-friendly printer paper, eco-friendly compostable paper plates, and compostable paper cups at your workplace. Use woven or bamboo placemats if you are hosting an office party. Another alternative is to use a tablecloth instead of a plastic tablecloth for office parties. Have a water cooler instead of plastic water bottles for office meetings. As well as having several recycling trash bins in different areas of the office. 

Instead of cleaning the office with paper towels, purchase microfiber cloths. Purchase kitchen dish soap in a bar soap to wash dishes. Make key chains for office keys or use eco-friendly key chains. Additionally, adding biodegradable products in the office bathroom such as toilet paper and biodegradable paper towels. Do not rush to change everything in the office but keep in mind how you can reduce plastic in the workplace. 

Bring your bar soap to wash your hands in the office bathroom. Make a wooden do not disturb doorknob holder instead of using a plastic doorknob holder. Make wooden signs instead of plastic business signs to hang in your office. Bring a reusable straw, reusable tote bag, eco-friendly notebooks, and make a pledge for Plastic Free July. Here are resources for Plastic Free July Month. 


Plastic Free Morning Tea-Plastic Free July:

Plastic Free Morning Tea-Plastic Free July

Plastic Free July:

Plastic Free July

How to Easily Engage Your Co-workers in Reducing Plastic Waste:

How to Easily Engage Your Co-workers in Reducing Plastic Waste

How Can You Reduce Plastic in Your Workplace?-Plastic Collectors:

How Can You Reduce Plastic in Your Workplace?-Plastic Collectors

* Courtesy Image by Plastic Free July


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