Three Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

After dating someone for many months, relationship issues can occur. Often these relationship issues can happen when one has doubts in the relationship. Other times it is because one is not ready to make a commitment. Yet, personal reasons can make one feel more aggressive, isolate, or not give enough of their time during the relationship. Unhealthy relationships can be damaging for one's mental and physical wellness. 

However, seeing the warning signs can end unhealthy relationships or it can improve the relationship depending on the type of relationship. One harmful relationship is blaming the other person when one feels uncomfortable. Also, it is a way to respond quickly, and it is done to protect themselves. This method helps them but not the other person. As well as helping them be defensive without finding solutions to solve relationship issues. 

However, by doing this, it makes the other person feel bad about themselves. Furthermore, blaming one partner is common when you are dating for a long time. It can occur in a marriage. Blaming a partner or scapegoating is hurtful overall. Additionally, a lack of consideration for your partner's feelings. 

Another unhealthy relationship is projection. This is done when one partner inputs their feelings, thoughts, and desires towards their partner. These thoughts can be optimistic without seeing their partner's imperfections. Also, the thoughts can be pessimistic and can reflect on their partner. Furthermore, by doing this one does not fully appreciate and accept their partner for who they are. 

It is only seeing one aspect of your partner. Therefore, it is recommended to self-reflect on one's thoughts, desires, and feelings. Ask your partner how they feel and listen to them. Communicate and share your feelings without having fears or expectations. Acknowledge your partner's feelings separate from yours.

Last regression is another issue that occurs in a relationship. Returning to doing activities when one was younger and doing these things might seem strange to your partner. As well as one's actions might not seem age appropriate. Yet, regression in a relationship is done to defend themselves out of fear. Furthermore, it is to protect their emotions and to avoid their thoughts from traumatic events. 

By doing this it helps them feel younger and have childlike qualities. It makes them feel better by avoiding the present. This makes it tough to have a serious conversation with your partner. Additionally, it makes it tough to understand your partner. Keep in mind that it puts a strain on the relationship, and it is recommended to seek professional counseling. 

It is recommended to go to couples therapy and individual counseling.  Moreover, understand your partner with compassion, patience, and with respect. Although not every issue from a relationship can be solved quickly, it is necessary to observe your partner's body language and their words. Follow your intuition and communicate to them why you feel uncomfortable in the relationship. There are many signs of unhealthy relationships, and one must be ready to confront them with an open mind. 

Do not make assumptions, excuses, or try to change your partner overnight. Strive to find ways to solve conflicts in the relationship. Unhealthy relationships can increase stress, tension, frustration, and make each other upset. Yet, it is recommended to repair the relationship and reconnect with your partner if both of you want to stay together in the relationship. Here are resources regarding scapegoating, projection, and regression. 


Scapegoat Syndrome in Marriage: Signs, Effects, and How to Deal:

Scapegoat Syndrome in Marriage: Signs, Effects, and How to Deal

Understanding Projection: Signs We May be Projecting on Our Partner:

Understanding Projection: Signs We May be Projecting on Our Partner

Regression: What Is It and How to Stop It-Very Well Mind:

Regression: What Is it and How to Stop It-Very Well Mind

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 


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