Tips for National Love is Kind Day 2024

Every year on July 27th is National Love is Kind Day. This day is about having awareness of how you treat others and how you let people treat you. It is also a day for survivors living without domestic violence and from abuse. As well as saying no to verbal abuse, sexual abuse, and from abuse with violence. Dedicate some time to spread awareness and educational resources regarding the prevention of domestic violence.

Additionally, celebrate yourself with kindness. Use the hashtag #Love is Kind Day on social media and spread awareness of hope for preventing domestic violence. Since 2019, this day was proclaimed to celebrate kindness and to live without domestic violence and abuse. You can wear a shirt that says “Kind,” “Kindness,” or a positive t-shirt on this day. Also, you can purchase merchandise to support women, children, and survivors of domestic violence.

Sign a pledge for Love is Kind Day. The pledge is a motivational poem that can be framed as a reminder of loving yourself and to treat others with kindness. Practice self-love, self-care, journaling, and positive affirmations for practicing kindness with yourself. Children can also participate on this day by sharing a snack with their friends, reading a book about kindness, and treating their friends with kindness. Nonetheless, practice acts of kindness, make a special homemade meal for your family, and express gratitude. 

Purchase flowers for yourself or a survivor of domestic violence and abuse. Although not everyone can treat you with kindness at work, at school, or in other public places; It is recommended that you practice self-kindness with yourself. Furthermore, encourage others by being kind to them even if they have a bad attitude. Most of the time people who do not accept kindness feel that they do not deserve it, are afraid, or do not have appreciation. A lack of empathy, greed, and trying to control others are other reasons why they can not be kind to you or anyone.

Unfortunately, there are times when you might come across these people at school, at work, or at home. It is necessary to teach kindness to children and to set an example for them. Although, it is tough to prevent domestic violence and abuse; One must avoid people who hurt you, who are jealous, or who gossip too much about you. It is best to practice loving-kindness, meditation for inner peace, and ignoring bad comments from people who give you a tough time. Here are websites about spreading kindness on this day and every day of the year. 

The Love is Kind Network:

The Love is Kind Network 

6 Ways to Teach Kids to Be Kind-Parents:

6 Ways to Teach Kids to Be Kind-Parents 

What Does Being Kind to Yourself  Look Like-18 Tips:

What Does Being Kind to Yourself Look Like-18 Tips

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