National Healthy Skin Month in November

Today is the beginning of National Healthy Skin Month. The American Academy of Dermatology promotes National Healthy Skin Month every November to prevent and to treat skin issues. Did you know that your skin is the fifteenth percent of your body weight? The skin is the largest organ that sometimes gets neglected with your busy schedule. There are several skin types such as oily, dry, combination, and sensitive. One way to take care of your skin is by using lukewarm water and not at a hot temperature. 

Yet, knowing the type of skin that you have will make it easier to purchase the right skincare products. First, consult with a dermatologist to know if you need water-based or oil-based products for your skin. Second, have questions for your dermatologist about whether you need salt scrubs, sugar scrubs, or a different type of scrub. Third, try the products for two weeks to see if you notice a difference in your skin's texture. Drinking water also helps your skin to stay hydrated and to have a natural glow.

Always do a patch test when using a skin product. Notice how your skin reacts such as burning, redness, or acne breakouts. Last, eating healthier nourishes your skin. Avoid using harsh chemicals on your skin and wear rubber gloves when you clean your home.  Here are more tips for taking care of your skin. 


Healthy Skin Month-6 Ways to Take Action for Your Skin's Health:

5 Ways to Improve Skin Health:

25 Natural Ways to Maintain Youthful, Glowing Skin:

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