Study Tips & Dyslexia

Studying with dyslexia can sometimes be frustrating for a student no matter how old he or she is. Someone with dyslexia can be a slow reader. Other times he or she might read too quickly and does not comprehend what was read. Nevertheless, there are study methods for learning what is read and how to memorize the information. Sometimes, a tutor can help the student how to organize and study for tests. Also, a parent can teach their child how to study, how to read, and how to spell words.

Every year in October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. The International Dyslexia Association uses red to bring awareness for Dyslexia. However, the color silver is also used to bring awareness for dyslexia. Dyslexia occurs because of genetic factors, alcohol or drug use during pregnancy, or an infection that changes the development of the brain in a fetus. Dyslexia has three levels which can be diagnosed at school through some comprehension, spelling, writing, and other evaluation tests.

Dyslexia can be mild, moderate, or severe. Once the dyslexia is diagnosed through the school psychologist or a speech-language professional, he or she will learn how to study based on their level. Dyslexia affects reading, writing, spelling, and speaking. One study method is by organizing your notes. Use color pens to identify the important information for school tests. 

Also, use index cards and write the information with colored pens. If your professor gives a study guide, carefully read and take notes with the study guide. Read the entire chapter of the book and use removable color tabs. Use a dictionary to correct your spelling. Besides writing your school notes, type your notes and use the spell checker. 

Additionally, have a school classmate take notes for you and give the notes to you after class. Another way is by having a recording of the class lecture. If the class is on Zoom, you can ask for a recording of the class lecture. By replaying the lecture, you will find information that you previously missed when taking your class notes. Make sure your notes are organized. 

Once you make studying a habit, you will find it less frustrating to read and take notes. Dyslexia should not prevent you from getting a degree or a career. The more aware you are about your learning skills, you will be able to deal with dyslexia. Furthermore, you will learn new ways to study and will be able to study better. Below are links about studying and dyslexia. 

Silver Dyslexia Awareness Ribbon:

8 Study Tips for Middle-Schoolers with Dyslexia:

Studying Tips for Dyslexic People in Education:

Tips for Studying with Dyslexia:

Dyslexia Information Page-National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke:

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