Emotional Neglect

Emotional neglect can happen at any stage of a relationship or in a marriage. Usually, emotional neglect occurs more in women. Yet, it can occur to men who are in an exclusive relationship. Emotional neglect is ignoring their partner's needs, ignoring their opinions, and dismissing them in all of their household decisions. Often women are not offered the opportunity to communicate that they are being neglected by their partner. 

In most cases, the man closes off and does not allow enough communication with his partner. He is only affectionate during intimacy. The lack of support, care, and romance during the relationship makes emotional neglect occur more. Furthermore, he or she is more withdrawn and unable to communicate their emotional needs. He or she might spend less time together and do activities by themselves. 

Emotional neglect is a negative factor in any relationship. This can transpire in the relationship because one person is busier than the other. Also, it can be brought into the relationship because of childhood experiences. At the same time, it can be a reaction out of uncertainty and out of fear of being rejected. Therefore both partners' emotional needs have to be discussed.  

Slowly opening up about how you feel about your partner. Doing activities other than intimacy to rekindle that bond in your relationship. Showing support, and trust, and not being afraid to express each other's emotions. Avoid withdrawing from your partner while bringing romance into your relationship. Seek counseling and therapy to discuss more ways about preventing emotional neglect. 

Include your partner's opinions in household decisions. Do not pretend that everything is okay just for your partner's happiness. Always be honest with your partner about your emotional needs. Practice gratitude together and express your emotions in a nonjudgemental manner. Here are more websites about emotional neglect. 

14 Signs of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship- A Conscious Rethink: 

14 Signs Of Emotional Neglect In A Relationship (aconsciousrethink.com)

Emotional Neglect-Signs of Emotional Neglect in Relationships and How to Deal with It (The Soulmate)

EMOTIONAL NEGLECT: Signs of Emotional Neglect in Relationships & How to deal with it (the-soulmate.com)

10 Red Flags of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship-Psychology Today:

10 Red Flags of Emotional Neglect in a Relationship | Psychology Today

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