Internet Safety Tips for Women

Courtesy Image by Freepik

Using the internet can be exciting, motivating, and educating especially for a young girl or a young woman. However, it is best to take part in group discussions with your friends when it comes to internet safety. No matter how old you are, the internet can have disadvantages such as being cyberstalked, pornography exposure, sexting through applications, cyberbullying, and doxing. One must be aware of phishing, frauds, malware, internet viruses, and tracking cookies to know what you have searched online. Yet, using the internet for homework, research, entertainment, or simply looking for a job are the advantages of using the internet.

Women and young teenagers can feel empowered by getting information through the internet about social movements, leadership, and opportunities for self-growth. As well as learning and getting a degree in cybersecurity. Sixty-four percent of women have access to the internet globally which makes it more vital for learning about internet safety. In my experience, I have found the internet to be one of my favorite rendezvous as well as learning to be more cautious with what I see online. On an average day, women spend seven hours and sixteen minutes a day online according to recent statistics of 2024.

Therefore, it is necessary to learn internet vocabulary before using the internet. For example, phishing is a crime in the cyberworld because anyone can impersonate someone to get personal information about businesses, organizations, and individuals. While doxing or doxxing is about releasing personal information to anyone without the individual’s consent which is harmful. Many individuals have been jobless, stressed-out, and have been more anxious due to doxing. The most concerning topics when it comes to internet safety are the malicious hacking intents, hidden codes from software, and the ultimate system control.

Also, hit and run distribution of attacks on the servers, information leakage, Adware, network invasion, and catfishing. Catfishing is when an individual with a fake identity deceives another individual to steal their personal information. Sexting and pornography have been another concern for many women and girls because it affects their emotional health and their emotional connection. It impacts their health especially if these sexual written messages and sexual videos are unsolicited. These unwanted sexting in the digital era has made more relationship anxiety and more avoidance when someone receives the videos, pictures, and messages they are dating.

Even if they are not dating that person, sexting occurs with their friends and causes more stress. It causes more stress, mixed feelings, and confusion especially if you like that friend and want to be in a committed relationship with them. Nonetheless, knowing more about staying safe online involves being informed, being perceptive, and concerned regarding your internet usage. Know your boundaries, your limits, and be respectful when socializing online even if you know the person face-to-face. If you participate in sexting no matter what the reasons are for participation, do not show your face in intimate pictures with your partner.

Trust your instincts when using the internet and when you see something suspicious. It is recommended to use multi-factor identification, authenticator applications, and be careful when using QR codes. QR codes or Quick Response Codes are seen everywhere these days for marketing purposes, for health records, and educational purposes. Yet, there are times when QR Codes can be fake. Do not scan QR codes on emails as well as QR codes found on the streets.

Make sure the lines are not out of focus when you are visually seeing the code. Use a secure QR scanner. Do not open QR codes from text messages. QR codes sent from text messaging is fraud. Quishing is like phishing because it steals personal information through QR codes.

Recent internet frauds have occurred by using AI. Artificial intelligence has become concerning due to the computer systems doing tasks that individuals have done for many years. Recently, AI videos and audio recordings looked so real but are fake personifications which make individuals believe it is real. It is worrying because these impersonations make anyone lose millions of monies in fraudulent schemes. Knowing all these things can make you cautious.

It is necessary to get computer training, cybersecurity webinars, and to get more information about how technology has benefited women and girls to further their careers. Additionally, it is crucial to understand how much technology has evolved in this digital age and to further understand artificial intelligence. Keep in mind that the brain perceives everything to be real and can detach itself from reality. Nonetheless, it still has a tough time distinguishing artificial intelligence from videos. Never give out personal information in text messages and on online chats.

Do not open links from chats, text messages, and emails. Block telephone calls from telephone numbers you do not know. Check your voicemails before contacting the person that calls you. Inspect email addresses and make sure it is coming from that business, organization, or institution. Here is a brief list. 

  1. Remove your location when taking photographs before putting them on social media or sending them to someone in a chat, email, or text messaging.
  2. Do not display your telephone number on social media or anywhere online.
  3. Do not display, give out, or let anyone know about your passwords, medical record numbers, and social security numbers online.
  4. Do not display, give out, or give anyone your home address, mailing address, or other addresses online.
  5. Do not give out names of family members when speaking on the telephone, emails, or online chats.
  6. Be careful when you make transactions with your credit card online.
  7. Do not share credit card numbers with anyone.
  8. Do not share passwords or use the same passwords for everything that you do online.
  9. Be careful when using QR codes, opening emails, opening text messages, and images online.
  10. Be careful when making a screen name, when making an email account, or other online accounts that ask for sensitive information.
  11. Be careful in answering questions online especially if someone asks you if you are a male or a female.
  12. Block, delete, and report any suspicious messages, unwanted videos, or unsolicited images or messages on social media.
  13. Limit your internet usage and have a schedule to use the internet.
  14. Make digital guidelines for yourself, for your teenager girl, teenager boy, and for the entire family.
  15. Review your digital guidelines each month, review bank statements, review utility bills, and other digital statements of purchases carefully.
  16. If you participate in doing selfies, make sure you do a self-reflection before posting selfies or other pictures on social media.
  17. If you participate in sexting, be cautious and respectful with the person that you are sexting with as well as being mentally prepared before doing this.
  18. If you are not ready emotionally to do sexting or participating in sexual telephone conversations, or online videos; Do not do it because of your mental and physical health. 
  19. Always use courtesy when writing emails and do not reply to unknown senders. 
  20. Focus on what you are doing online and log out of one website at a time especially if you have an online account with them.
  21. Use the buddy system if you must meet someone that you met on the internet and have a code if you must leave quickly with your friend. 
  22. Use the escape call technique, use your friend as an excuse to leave, use your job as an excuse, or be honest with them to leave your date. 
  23. If you are sexually harassed, discriminated, or verbal harassment takes place on online chats, texting, or emails; Make screenshots, print it out, and report it to authorities. 
  24. Use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) and monitor your social profile pages. 
  25. Use an online generator for passwords if needed and write it down. Keep it in a safe place. 
  26. Remind yourself to change your passwords often. 


Staying safe online takes a lot of practice and being alert. Understand your purposes for using the internet and be safe. Clear tracking cookies, clear your browsing history, and learn how to inspect your internet privacy settings. Happy Cybersecurity Awareness Month! Here are websites for internet safety for women and girls. 


The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women:

The Empowering Internet Safety Guide for Women

Protect Yourself: A Comprehensive Internet Safety Guide for Women and Girls:

Protect Yourself: A Comprehensive Internet Safety Guide for Women and Girls

11 Cyber Defense Tips to Stay Secure at Work and at Home:

11 Cyber Defense Tips to Stay Secure at Work and at Home

Internet Safety-Women Against Abuse:

Internet Safety-Women Against Abuse

How to Identify a Fake QR Code and Avoid Being Scammed:

How to Identify a Fake QR Code and Avoid Being Scammed

* Courtesy Image by Freepik


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