Mindfulness & Dating Tips

When you are dating someone for the first time, it is important to be respectful, listen attentively, and not to interrupt them. Yet, you might feel you need to interrupt them no matter what; But this can be uncomfortable and might seem you are in a rush to socialize with them. It might seem disrespectful, disappointing, and careless if you interrupt them in every word they say. Therefore, it is helpful to practice mindfulness when you are dating someone for the first time. Mindfulness makes you clear your mind and set your thoughts aside so you can listen to your date. 

Dating someone for the first time is exciting and makes you feel nervous. If you like them a lot, you might feel your entire nervous system acting more actively. However, mindfulness makes you focus on the present and focus on your breathing. Even if you have known someone for many years as a friend and it is the first time you are dating them; Make sure you practice mindfulness before going on a date with them. Mindfulness can be practiced before you go on a date. 

Begin with selecting your outfit before the date, think about how comfortable you will be wearing the outfit. Next, use your senses to feel the fabric of your clothes and shoes. After that think about what you will say or ask during your first date. Visualize yourself wearing your outfit and sitting next to your date. Imagine being with your date and you are feeling calm as you speak slowly to your date. 

Practice breathing techniques for twenty to thirty minutes before going on your date. During your date, pay attention quietly as you listen to them. Do not interrupt, especially if you feel the urge to interrupt. Instead of interrupting in the conversation, practice breathing slowly and put your hands on your lap. Another tip is to count to ten at a slow pace as you do your breathing techniques. 

Prepare communicating before your date by practicing in front of the mirror at home. Another tip is to review your conversation topics in a list. Also be prepared for any surprise topics your date might suggest in the conversation. Encourage yourself to have an open and honest conversation with your date. Practice mindfulness when you are communicating with your date and practice self-awareness. 

Do not forget your boundaries and limit your conversation topics. By limiting your conversation topics, you can save the other topics for your second, third, and for more dates. Besides practicing mindfulness through communication, you can practice mindfulness while eating with your date. Eat slowly with your appetizers, salad or soup, and your main meal. Drink slowly.

Stay quiet as you eat and drink. Take turns speaking as you eat or drink. However, if your date does not speak while you are eating or drinking; Do not force the conversation. Nonetheless, enjoy your day or night with your date by practicing mindfulness. Be attentive, use courtesy, and be grateful to your date. 

In addition to mindful eating and practicing mindfulness while you are dating, you can practice counting meditation. Count slowly while you are eating and drinking. Take small sips of water, tea, or any other beverage. Excuse yourself to wash your hands after eating or drinking. Wash your hands as you count to twenty to help you relax.

If you still feel nervous, use a roll-on bottle or a spray bottle with an essential oil to put on your wrists. Another tip is to wear an essential oil necklace to help you relax. Wash your face to help you relax if needed. Nevertheless, sing softly or hum in the restroom while you are washing your hands or washing your face. The more relaxed you are, the more relaxed your date will be.

Have fun and get to know your date. Mindfulness can help you communicate better. The more you practice mindfulness, you will be able to connect with your partner. As well as helping each other relax during the date with your calm manner and positivity. Encourage mindfulness activities with your date such as playing card games, puzzles, or running together. 

Pay attention to their body language. Focus on what your date does and say with their body language. Be natural with your sitting position and standing position. Notice your body postures as you continue to listen to your date. Also, do not be afraid to express yourself, say no, or being yourself. 

Do not forget to thank your date. Show your appreciation and articulate your gratitude for them spending time with you. Observe your date and be aware of your date's feelings. Listen to them without criticism, without judgment, and without focusing on their outfit. Here are websites about mindfulness and dating. 


Mindful Dating-How to Overcome Dating Distress-Chamin Ajjan:

Mindful Dating-How to Overcome Dating Distress-Chamin Ajjan

Mindfulness in Dating: How to Find More Happiness and Control:

Mindfulness in Dating: How to Find More Happiness and Control

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