National Smile Power Day


Every June 15th is National Smile Power Day. This day is about smiling which gives you a boost in your self-esteem, self-confidence, and improves your mood. You can celebrate National Smile Power Day by using the hashtag #SmilePowerDay on social media and make someone smile. If you have a hard time smiling, read funny jokes or listen to funny jokes online to make you smile and laugh at the same time. Watch comedies on television and after watching them you will be smiling.

Write a list of what makes you smile and read your list to remind you to smile each day. Think about what makes you happy and smile before taking your family pictures or class pictures. Smell your favorite perfume, oil, or body splash before you begin your day. This will help you feel more relaxed and ready to smile. Floss and brush your teeth twice a day.

Smile to feel self-confidant and self-assured. Cook your meals with a smile. Do your household cleaning chores with a smile. Make a jar with smile quotes and select a quote per day to help you smile. Smile for good health.

Do your daily activities with a smile. Take care of your lips and your teeth. Do lip scrubs and go to the dentist every six months. Follow the recommendations of your dentist to keep your teeth healthy and to smile more. Smile when you are having conversations, when you are drinking your favorite beverage, and practice smiling.

Smile when it is appropriate to smile. Smiling is beneficial for your health even if you smile at strangers. It reduces your blood pressure, reduces pain, and reduces your stress. Also, it improves your immune system. Here are websites about smiling. 

How to Smile More for Health, Happiness, and Longevity-Very Well Mind:

How to Smile More for Health, Happiness, and Longevity (

10 Tips to Improve Your Smile-Healthline:

10 Tips to Improve Your Smile (

5 Tips for a Photogenic Smile-Web MD:

5 Tips for a Photogenic Smile (

* Font, background, and bows from PiZap

* Smiley Clip Art-Clip Art Library:

smiley clipart - Clip Art Library (


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