Friday, October 19, 2018

Meditating while You Eat

One way to stop food cravings and to make better eating choices is by meditating. It will make you aware of what you are eating, and it will make you feel content afterwards. By following these simple steps, you will be able to be more conscious of what you eat, enjoy your meals, and will have no regrets.
The first step is to eat your meal in a slow pace and not to eat in a rush. The second step is to listen to our body and not to our brain.

This will help you avoid any emotional eating due to stress, depression, or nervousness. The third step is to concentrate on the meal that you are eating and not to be distracted. Sometimes, with interruptions, you will tend to over eat and not enjoy your meals.  Taste every portion at a time, smell the delightful aromas, and cut your food in smaller pieces. Last, be thankful for the food that you have on your plate or bowl.

Meditating while you eat will reduce emotional eating and will help you feel better. After practicing this type of meditation, you will notice a difference in your food selections. Furthermore, you will notice a difference in your emotional health. Moreover, you will be more attentive to your body signals.  Here are a few resources about meditating while you eat. 

Meditation in Action

Mindful Eating: 

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