Friday, September 30, 2022

How to Practice Self-Love?

Self-love must be practiced daily. You might be asking yourself the following questions. How to practice self-love? How to strengthen this aspect of your life? Why is this practice important in these contemporary times? In this busy world, self-love is taken for granted especially when you focus your attention on others, your spouse, or your children.

Yet, self-love might not be easy to practice for most people. However, self-love is a form of accepting and forgiving yourself. It is the ultimate authentication of yourself without losing your identity, self-confidence, and self-esteem. As a woman who has gone through so much negativity in different areas of life, self-love is one thing a woman must strive to accomplish. It is a learning process that every woman must do to understand her partner, children, family, and people that you are frequently in contact with.

A woman must know when to ignore and eliminate negative comments, and negative comparisons. It should not bother her, and she should sprinkle some self-love. A woman must have empathy for herself and not let herself be walked on. She must not act like a beauty pageant winner, a scandalous person, or like a snob. Instead, a woman must be her unique self without changing herself for a man especially if he compares her to other women that are not like her.

Most women make the mistake of changing their appearances, their clothes, and everything else for men’s enjoyment. Additionally, some women make the mistake of acting like another woman or a celebrity that they admire to be more attractive. A woman that does this does not accept herself. She tries so hard to please others and to attract the man that she likes without seeing her true self. This develops more insecurities, a lack of respect, and a lack of self-love for herself.

Yet, within that process, the woman loses herself and lacks validation. Self-love must be practiced for women as well as for men. Therefore, practicing self-love makes a woman or a man form validation of themselves. There are guided meditations that will let you be open to self-love. Also, if you practice mindfulness and self-love together, you will be able to be kind to yourself.

As a wise person once told me, it does not matter what you wear, how you wear your make-up, or how you look from the outside; If you lack compassion for yourself, you will not be able to love others to the fullest. Often people include self-love quotes, affirmations, and thank you notes as well as other meditation techniques for strengthening it. Always take care of your mental, physical, and well-being while putting boundaries between toxic people. Last, gratitude must be incorporated to practice self-love for your emotional wellness. Here are more resources about practicing self-love.


Affirmations for Self-Love:

8 Powerful Steps to Self-Love: 

9 Creative Ways to Practice Self-Love and Self-Care:


* Fonts and background from PiZap

* Quote from GoodReads

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Practice Body Positivity with Affirmations

Practing body positivity might be a challenge if you are surrounded by negative comments from your friends. It is also difficult to practice if you have relatives that are constantly giving you negative remarks. You try to have good self-esteem and self-confidence as a teenager, but you are constantly feeling displeased with your body. It is painful to hear the negativity and the body comparisons within your family. This negativity greatly affects a teenager throughout their adulthood. 

Often a teenager might go on Yo-Yo diets and wear tight Spanx to feel slimmer. Yet, this damages a teenager's body and mental state. Therefore, be conscious of the comments that you tell your teenagers. As a parent, it is important to give a boost of confidence and build their self-esteem. Let them know that their teenage bodies are changing to adulthood. 

Replace their negative body statements with positive ones. It is a tough time being a teenager during these chaotic times. But it is important to make them feel comfortable with their bodies and to take care of them. Similarly, as an adult who grew up with body shaming and negativity, the body positivity movement has increased. The movement had increased because it does make a difference in building self-esteem. 

It helps build self-confidence and to have better relationships with your partner. This movement might seem too unnatural, odd, and nonsense to some people. Yet, the body positivity movement is beneficial to anyone who has low self-esteem and lacks self-confidence. Take your time to read these affirmations. Here are my body positivity affirmations: 

1. I love myself for who I am. 

2. I am loved, appreciated, and beautiful.

3. I am beautiful from the inside of my body and outside of my body. 

4. I love every facial feature and how my body looks. 

5. My body might be aging, but I feel incredible at every stage of my life. 

6. I love my partner and I feel his emotional attraction to me.  

7.  I feel my partner's love for me and beyond our physical attractions. 

8. I feel fortunate to have a healthy body as it ages gracefully. 

Each day practice body positivity by yourself and with your partner. Take care of your body by exercising, eating healthy, and being kind to yourself. It is important to feel comfortable with your body and for your partner to feel comfortable with you. Stop any negative body comparisons from your partner and relatives. Here are resources about body positivity. 

What is Body Positivity: 

What Is Body Positivity? (

10 Ways to Practice Body Positivity:

10 Ways to Practice Body Positivity - Well Being Trust

The Body Positive Organization:

What Does Body Positivity Actually Mean-Psychology Today:

What Does Body Positivity Actually Mean? | Psychology Today

* Fonts, borders, and artwork made in  Photo Collage Editor Maker

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

How to Deal with Depression?

People deal with depression in different phases depending on the severity of the brain disorder. Varying types of depression make people act in a certain manner and others tend to hide their feelings of sadness. Depression can be temporary due to a loss of a loved one, after having a baby, or after a traumatic experience. However, depression can also be permanent in some cases. People that have depression also might have other brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or Dementia.

Depression may be caused by genetics, brain injuries, and illnesses. This type of disorder is also classified as a mental health disorder because it affects the mood of the person and a person’s actions. Sometimes when a person is diagnosed with diabetes, cancer, or cardiovascular disease, depression gets worse over time. The symptoms of depression can differ between men and women. The common symptoms are anger, crying, loss of interest, lack of energy, unable to concentrate, physical pain, pessimistic thoughts, and feeling not good enough.

Additionally, a person with depression might have changes in appetite, weight loss, or weight gain. Other times a person might feel restless, more anxious, and change sleep habits. More men who have depression have less sexual desire than women. Also, children can feel depressed due to child abuse, a traumatic experience, the loss of a loved one, or being bullied too much. No matter what the reasons are for feeling depressed, it can be treated with medications, vitamins, therapy, and changing certain lifestyle factors.

Depression often occurs after withdrawing from alcohol and substance abuse. However, speaking to a psychiatrist and a behavioral therapist will greatly help someone with depression. Another form of therapy is called light therapy which is used to improve the mood of the person especially if they have seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder. Other forms of alternative therapy can also reduce the symptoms of depression such as meditation, acupuncture, and finding ways to lower levels of stress. 

Herbal supplements may also help such as Ashwagandha, St. John’s Wort, Lemon Balm, Chamomile, and Passionflower. Before starting an herbal supplement consult with your doctor. Inhaling certain scents such as Lavender, Vanilla, Bergamot, Roman Chamomile, and Ylang Ylang can help with emotions and stimulates the brain to change the person’s mood. Before you begin aromatherapy as a complementary health approach consult with your primary doctor. Getting sunlight, doing physical activity, and speaking to someone just for someone to listen to you immensely helps with depression.

Seeing someone and giving support to someone who is depressed lifts their mood as well as being there for them. Motivating them and speaking positively might help someone who is depressed. Doing occasional telephone calls or motivational text messages to a loved one who is depressed. Being kind to them and not forcing them to do anything they do not want to do. Below are more resources about treating depression.

Brain Therapy TMS-Does Depression Go Away: 

Depression-Major Depressive Disorder-Symptoms and Causes-Mayo Clinic:

Depression (major depressive disorder) - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic

How to Beat Depression-8 Things to Do Every Day-Psych Central:

How to Beat Depression: 8 Things to Do Every Day | Psych Central

* Artwork created in Photo Collage Editor

* Fonts from PiZap 

* Quote from GoodReads

Monday, September 26, 2022

Stonewalling and Relationships

Stonewalling is quite common in relationships. However, it might leave a negative effect more on one partner than the other partner. Some people consider stonewalling as a good intention and not to hurt the person in the relationship. While other people see stonewalling as a damaging impact on their relationships. Yet, what is exactly stonewalling? 

Stonewalling is a method to avoid arguing. It uses the silent treatment. Additionally, the person avoids answering their partner's questions and may roll their eyes. The signal of rolling their eyes means they do not want to talk about it and feel annoyed. Last a person who does the stonewalling will avoid contact with their partner for longer intervals.

Although it is good to give a person some space, it is harmful when the partner loses contact with their significant other. The Silent treatment might be good for a brief time, but it is hurtful when it is done for a longer time. Stonewalling is considered emotional abuse because it makes their partner feel less than them. The person who puts an invisible wall between the relationship might become too defensive or aggressive. Usually, the person who does this learned this from their childhood either in a form of abandonment or their parents taught them the silent treatment. 

Stonewalling is also verbal abuse when the person blames their partner while changing the subject during the argument. Too much defensive attitude harms their partner emotionally and verbally. He or she might be too explosive with their words and will not allow their partner to speak. Depending on how the stonewalling is done, it should be managed carefully and professionally. Therefore, with proper counseling, anger management, or individual therapy a person may stop stonewalling. 

Yet, if stonewalling is left untreated, the relationship might not last a lifetime. Both partners need to work as a team, give support, and know how to give each other space. Also, both partners should feel comfortable in the relationship and have honest conversations without yelling. If a person does the silent treatment, it must be done for five minutes or less. Both partners must give time to breathe and take in the information in a calm manner. 

Moreover, if one of the partners needs a break from the conversation, he or she should announce it to them. Ultimately give them a time out but always end the conversation calmly. Wait for them to cool off and wait for their point of view. Together as a partnership listen to one another without covering your ears. However, stonewalling can be treated at an earlier stage in the relationship individually and as a couple, if you tried everything to save your relationship.

If the person is constantly too aggressive and violent, seek professional help and report it to authorities. Find a safe area for yourself and your children. Domestic violence should not be resisted. Stonewalling is wrecking a relationship when it is done intentionally and by manipulation. Here are more resources about stonewalling in relationships.


Coping When Your Spouse Shuts Down:

Stonewalling in Relationships:

Stonewalling Signs and Relationship Tips:

* Fonts and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor

Saturday, September 24, 2022

DIY T-shirt into a Tank Shirt

If you have old t-shirts that need to be restyled, you will like this tutorial. Also, if you are trying to save money on t-shirts, then this tutorial is for you. You can change the look of an old t-shirt by making it into a tank shirt. You can use a sewing machine or sew this by hand. After you are done with this sewing project, you will love your new tank shirt. 

All you will need is a t-shirt, matching thread, scissors, and a needle. This t-shirt was sewn by hand. It will take at least two hours to complete this project if you are sewing by hand. However, a sewing machine will make this project time shorter. Here are the instructions for making this t-shirt into a tank shirt. 


One graphic or word  t-shirt


Paper for a paper triangle 



Fabric or washable marker

Sewing pins (optional)


Begin with a piece of paper and a ruler to make a paper triangle. Then use a marker to make the upside-down triangle shape on the collar. Cut the collar by following the lines of the marker. Then sew the leftover fabric of the collar. Fold the t-shirt backward to sew it by hand. 

After the collar is sewn, cut the center part of the sleeves. Then carefully remove the rest of the sleeves. Make sure you leave a little bit of fabric and the seams intact while cutting the sleeves. Turn the t-shirt upside down before sewing the area of the sleeves. Sew the remaining leftover fabric of the sleeves.  

Once you are done with this project, you will have a beautiful tank shirt. I kept the original bottom length of the t-shirt. If the opening of the t-shirt sleeve area is too big when you lift your arms, you can use a bralette or a sports bra. You can use sewing pins to help you sew by hand, especially in the area where the sleeves were located. Have a Happy Sewing Month. 

* Collage made in  Photo Collage Editor Maker

Friday, September 23, 2022

National Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

Courtesy Image from NAMI

The subject of suicide is a difficult topic to discuss at a dinner table. It is a forbidden subject for most people who have contemplated taking their own life. According to NAMI's demographic, forty-five percent of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and young queers had suicidal thoughts. The risks of suicide have incremented due to isolation, the pandemic, financial circumstances, and fear. There are other reasons for ending one's life that is often neglected in preventing suicide. 

Suicide may be prevented by knowing that there is always someone there for you to give you emotional support. The National Alliance for Mental Illness is an informative website for resources regarding mental health and suicide. Additionally, seeking spiritual support and counseling helps ease those negative feelings or thoughts. Furthermore, knowing the warning signs of someone wanting to end their life is crucial for saving a life. Being more open with your conversations and listening carefully to your relatives, friends, or acquaintances. 

Courtesy Image from NAMI

Often there are hidden warning signs that might not be diagnosed at a doctor's office. Sometimes the emotional pain is too much to manage, and it is silenced with a smile. More people are not getting the appropriate services for their mental health. Therefore, the entire month of September has been assigned to bring an understanding of suicide prevention. It is necessary to change our perspective on suicide and to save more lives. 

Changing our perspectives, and eliminating stereotypes, prejudices, and other negative thoughts will stop us from seeing suicide as a stigma. Learning to accept everyone’s identity and accepting them who they are will help eliminate most suicides. Finding the reasons and solutions for solving the mental health crisis is one way to prevent suicides worldwide. There is more work that needs to be done to prevent suicides from occurring. Here are more resources about suicide prevention.


National Alliance on Mental Illness:

Home | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness

Lifeline Chat-988 Lifeline Organization:

Lifeline Chat : Lifeline (

10 Things to Know from Those who have Attempted Suicide:

10 Things To Know From Those Who Have Attempted Suicide (

Prevent Suicide-Risk Factors Associated with Suicide:

* Images from Nami

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Drug Overdose Prevention for Teens & Adults


The use of drugs among teens and adults has greatly increased since 2020. It is frightening that more teens are risking their lives by being challenged to drink alcohol and pain medications. There is too much emphasis on using drugs, pain medications, over-the-counter medications, and drug candies to entice the younger generation to do challenges on social media. These challenges on Tik Tok, Facebook, and other apps that teens use should be reported on their company’s website. Parents should keep an eye on their teens mental, physical, and well-being.

Also, parents, teachers, and other guardians should be aware of the symptoms of a drug overdose. There are many symptoms to look out for which are listed here:

  1. Dilated pupils, nausea, blue lips, or blue fingernails
  2. Changes in behavior and lack of interest
  3. Convulsions, nervous ticks, and seizures
  4. Lack of coordination, changes in eating habits, changes in physical appearance, and medication in medical bottles without labels
  5. Spending more time alone and not wanting to be with their friends or with their adult relatives
  6. Vomiting
  7. Empty alcohol bottles in their rooms and empty over-the-counter medication boxes
  8. Too many Nyquil bottles in their rooms
  9. Irresponsible driving
  10. Feelings of depression, anxiety, and paranoia

Drug overdoses can be intentional and unintentional depending on the circumstances. Listen carefully to your teens and to your adults who are feeling depressed, too stressed out, and not behaving as they would naturally be behaving. Have conversations with your teens and adults in a calm manner. Know where your teens are at and make sure there is adult supervision with someone you can trust. There is a lot a parent can do to make sure their teens are safe while learning to become an adult. 

Do an inventory of over-the-counter medications, prescriptions, vitamins, herbal supplements, birth control pills, and sedatives. Get resources from your health care provider, clinics, and your child's schools about drug prevention. Educate yourself about drug overdose and the terminology teens use that refer to drugs. Ask their teachers if they notice changes in behavior, changes in their grades, and comments referring to drugs. Also, if they hear about suicidal thoughts or comments. 

Additionally, set a good example for your teens. If adults are addicted to drugs while a teen is present, a teen will more likely imitate what the adult does. Therefore, it is important to know who your teens are with. Let your teens know that being in the popular group at school is not important. Tell them not to follow or be influenced by anyone in their school or their adult relatives with bad habits. 

Seek professional help if you notice or suspect your teenager is addicted to drugs. Pay attention to your teenager's Tik Tok challenge conversations and comments about being pressured to use alcohol or drugs. Drug addictions in teenagers can eventually lead to a drug overdose if the addiction is not treated. Drug overdoses need to be prevented in schools, homes, and public environments.  Here are resources about drug overdose. 

Fentanyl, Teens, and The Deadly Consequences-Project Know:

Fentanyl, Teens, and the Deadly Consequences - Project Know

Teenage Drug Addiction-Risks, Causes, and More-Very Well Health:

Teenage Drug Addiction: Risks, Causes, and More (

Teen Drug Abuse-Help Your Teen Avoid Drugs-Mayo Clinic:

Teen drug abuse: Help your teen avoid drugs - Mayo Clinic

Overdose Signs & Symptoms-Drug Overdose Treatment:

Overdose Signs & Symptoms | Drug Overdose Treatment (

* Fonts, backgrounds, and borders from PiZap

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

World Gratitude Day


World Gratitude Day is a day to give thanks and to express thankfulness to your family, friends, acquaintances, and strangers. This day is different than Thanksgiving although this day began at a Thanksgiving dinner in a meditation room. In 1965 Sri Chinmoy who was a meditation teacher and a spiritual leader started World Gratitude Day. Sri Chinmoy gave peace meditation sessions at the United Nations and recommended the World Gratitude Day as a holiday to be celebrated every year. Since 1966, World Gratitude Day is celebrated every year on September 21st.

World Gratitude Day can be spent by making thank you cards and sending cards to people to show your appreciation for them. Also, this day can be used to demonstrate to your children the importance of saying and giving thanks to everyone. You can look up gratitude quotes and write them down as a reminder to show how grateful you are. Use refrigerator magnets and hang gratitude quotes to remember to say thank you. You can have a meal together as a family and read your favorite gratitude quote. 

Listen to thank you music to express your feelings of appreciation. Make a thank you gift for a teacher or for your co-workers. Take your time in doing acts of kindness on this day and every day of the year. Show your thankfulness by writing a note, a tag, or a small gift that says thank you for what you do. Take turns in doing the cleaning chores in your home or at work.

Frame a thank you note and display it in your office desk to remind you how much your work is valued. Offer to help someone by looking for an item at store and thank them for the gesture. Smile, compliment, and say thank you whenever someone does something nice for you or for others. Practice gratitude meditation, write in a thank you journal, and learn more to be grateful. Here are more resources about celebrating World Gratitude Day. 

Sri Chinmoy's Official Website:

Home - Sri Chinmoy's official site

8 Ways to Show Gratitude Besides Saying Thank You-Power of Positivity:

8 Ways to Show Gratitude Besides Saying Thank You | Power of Positivity

How to Express Gratitude to Others-19 Examples & Ideas-Positive Psychology:

How to Express Gratitude to Others: 19 Examples & Ideas (

15 Thank You Songs for Expressing Your Gratitude-Everyday Know:

15 Thank You Songs for Expressing Your Gratitude -

* Fonts from PiZap

Monday, September 19, 2022

Pumpkin Coloring Pages 2022

Today I have created three coloring pages with pumpkins. Each coloring page has a pumpkin in the center of the page. You can use these coloring pages for Thanksgiving or some coloring time with your family. These coloring pages are free and for your personal use. Enjoy these pumpkin coloring pages with your family.

* Fonts from LunaPic

* Fonts from PiZap

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Crew Neck T-shirt into a V-neck T-shirt (National Sewing Month)

If you have a hard time finding v-neckline t-shirts in the stores, you will like this easy t-shirt sewing tutorial. In today’s sewing tutorial, a women's crew neck t-shirt was converted into a v-neckline. All you will need to do is make a big paper triangle to make your v-neckline onto the t-shirt. Then, you will need the following materials to begin this sewing process. Here are the instructions.


One graphic t-shirt


Matching thread or like the color of the t-shirt


Paper for the paper triangle


Fabric marker or washable marker

Begin by making the paper triangle with a ruler and cutting the paper triangle. Then, find the center of the t-shirt. Use your paper triangle and place the paper triangle upside down. Next, use a washable fabric marker to make the lines of the paper triangle onto the t-shirt. After that with a pair of scissors slowly cut the marked lines.

Then turn the t-shirt upside down. Sew the t-shirt neckline by hand or with a sewing machine. For the back of the t-shirt, cut the rest of the collar of the t-shirt. Then, sew the back of the t-shirt. After that trim the remaining thread.

Continue sewing and folding the fabric of the t-shirt. Turn the t-shirt over. Now, your t-shirt is ready to be worn. Have fun making your V-neck t-shirts. Below are more resources with ideas for styling your old t-shirts. 

10 T-shirt Neckline Cutting Ideas-V Neck, Off Shoulder, 80s-Sewing is Cool:

10 T-shirt Neckline Cutting Ideas (V Neck, Off Shoulder, 80s) (

2 Easy T-shirt Neckline Cutting Ideas to Make Intricate V-Necks-Upstyle Daily:

2 Easy T-Shirt Neckline Cutting Ideas to Make Intricate V-Necks | Upstyle (

Hand Sewing-11 Tips and Tricks for Beginners:

Hand Sewing: 11 Tips and Tricks For Beginners

10 Essential Hand Sewing Tips and Tricks for Beginners: 

10 Essential Hand Sewing Tips and Tricks For Beginners (

* Fonts, background, borders, and collage  from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Friday, September 16, 2022

National Chai Day

On September 21st, you can celebrate National Chai Day. This tea is popular in cafes and restaurants because it is a comforting warm drink. Chai tea is made of black tea, spices, and milk. Also, there are many versions of chai tea that use red tea or green tea with spices. Each tea has a marvelous aroma with a sweet taste. 

Chai Rooibos tea has a warm and spicy flavor. It is made of red tea, cloves, cinnamon, ginger root, cardamom, and sugar. Also, there is honey turmeric chai tea which is made of cloves, cinnamon, turmeric root, honey, ginger root, cardamom, black pepper, and black tea. These teas are so relaxing and warm to drink during the cold winter months. However, the distinguished chai tea latte is one of the favorite teas of tea lovers because of its flavor and foam. 

The chai tea latte is made of steamed milk, nutmeg, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and black tea. There is no coffee in the chai tea latte. Another version of a chai tea latte is with green tea, allspice, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, and steamed milk. These chai tea lattes can be consumed warm or with ice. Make sure the tea is caffeine free if you want to relax for five hours before your bedtime. 

No matter how you drink your chai tea it will be beneficial for your health. If you can not tolerate milk, you can make your chai latte tea with oat milk, almond milk, or soy milk. You can also purchase your chai tea without sugar or make your tea at home. Chai tea helps your digestive system, cardiovascular system, and your immune system. It also soothes a sore throat. 

Your body will get antioxidants and your skin will be hydrated. It reduces sugar levels. Last it may help with weight loss. Happy National Chai day. Here are more resources about chai tea. 

Chai Tea-Is it Good for you? Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More:

Chai Tea: Is It Good for You? Pros and Cons, Nutrition Information, and More (

What is Chai Tea Anyway-Recipe, History and Health Benefits-Taste of Home:

What Is Chai Tea, Anyway? | Recipe, History and Health Benefits (

What is Chai Tea-Benefits and How to Make it-Dr. Axe:

What Is Chai Tea? Benefits and How to Make It - Dr. Axe (


* Fonts, background, and collage from Photo Collage Editor Maker 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Tangerine Essential Oil

If you like citrus essential oils, you will enjoy the sweet aroma of the tangerine essential oil. The tangerine essential oil can be put inside a reed diffuser for deodorizing one of your rooms. Inhaling the scent of tangerine essential oil will keep you alert while you are working in your office. Additionally, you can use tangerine essential oil for cleaning your kitchen and carpets. To make the tangerine oil scent a little bit spicier, you can blend the tangerine essential oil with clove, cinnamon, and cardamom to freshen your room.

This essential oil makes a delightful scent to prepare yourself for the autumn season. It makes you feel happier when you smell the aroma of tangerines. Also, this essential oil can be blended with lemon and diluted with coconut oil for a personalized perfume on your neck or wrist points. Nonetheless, the tangerine essential oil can be added to an aromatherapy necklace or bracelet for you to awaken in the afternoon, especially during work hours. If you have an air humidifier essential oil diffuser aroma lamp, you can use tangerine essential oil to clean the air of your room.

Make sure you are not allergic to tangerine and citrus essential oils by testing the oil in a small area of your skin with a carrier oil. This oil may help reduce the appearance of cellulite and helps heal the skin. If you want to relax one hour before going to sleep, you can use lavender essential oil and tangerine essential oil with lotion to help calm you down. It reduces anxiety and helps calm the nervous system. Here are more resources about tangerine essential oil. 


Tangerine Essential Oil-Uses, Benefits, and Where to Buy-Essential Oil Experts: 

Tangerine Essential Oil | Uses, Benefits, & Where to Buy (

7 Incredible Benefits of Tangerine Essential Oil:

7 Incredible Benefits of Tangerine Essential Oil | Organic Facts

Tangerine Essential Oil Uses, Benefits, and Recipes Spotlight-Loving Essential Oils:

Tangerine Essential Oil Uses, Benefits and Recipes Spotlight (

* Fonts, borders, and background from PiZap

* Peeled Tangerine Transparent Png Image:

* Inclined Shoulder Glass Bottle for Essential Oils-Oil Perfume Bottle Png Image:

Rosemary Chicken Meal

Consuming Rosemary is beneficial for the immune system.  It has anti-inflammatory properties.  This herb has a delightful aroma and can be distinguished by its unique flavor.  Rosemary is used to giving more flavor to chicken, turkey, and pork. Pregnant women should avoid eating Rosemary because it induces menstruation.  

Rosemary is also used to flavor potatoes. It has antioxidants, iron, vitamin B-6, and folate. This rosemary chicken meal includes lentils, broccoli,  and cauliflower.  However,  any type of vegetable or legume will complement this rosemary chicken. Here is the recipe for this rosemary chicken meal. 





Lemon and Pepper 



One packet of chicken breasts

Extra virgin olive oil

Two Bell peppers

One Onion

Three or Four Mushrooms 

Garlic cloves


In one skillet or pot, add sliced onions, sliced bell peppers, and sliced mushrooms. Then use a garlic presser for the garlic cloves. Add the garlic. Add the spices to the chicken and place the chicken on the skillet with the sliced vegetables. Cook everything in the water. 

Cook until the chicken and vegetables are soft and tender. If you like grilled chicken, you can add extra olive oil to another skillet to make the chicken golden brown. Serve the chicken with lentils and with vegetables. If you are taking blood thinners, avoid consuming this herb. Here are more resources about the health benefits of rosemary. 

Rosemary Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Preparation Information, and More-Webmd:

Rosemary Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Preparation Information, and More (

What Are the Benefits of Eating Rosemary? -Livestrong:

What Are the Benefits of Eating Rosemary? | livestrong

Rosemary Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, and More-Dr. Axe: 

Rosemary Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and More - Dr. Axe (

* Fonts and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker

Monday, September 12, 2022

What is Catcalling?

Catcalling is when a person whistles, or says something in a sexual context, and it is said loudly when a woman is walking outside in public. A woman would hear suggested sexual language while walking on the streets by herself or with a group of female friends. Additionally, catcalling can occur online besides on the streets. A female will receive an unwanted sexy message online from a stranger based on her profile picture. Catcalling is a form of sexual harassment.

This type of sexual harassment has increased throughout the years and can often be seen on college campuses. Additionally, catcalling has been seen throughout the busy streets where there are offices, restaurants, and clothing stores. Most of the time catcalling is done any time of the day when the streets are crowded, and everyone is minding their business. However, catcalling should be stopped. Why does catcalling still exist today?

Catcalling is a way for a man or a female to get the attention of the person walking on the streets. Often that person has bad intentions for the person who is walking outside in public. It is recommended to stay alert if you are walking by yourself and to change your walking route. Further, ignore the comments from the person who is doing the catcalling. Do not flirt with the person that is catcalling because it will make things worse.

If this occurs frequently, you can record the incident and report it. A person should not be sexually harassed on the streets because of their gender, their clothes, or anything that provokes attention on the streets. When catcalling is done online it is also done for attention, out of boredom, or for other dangerous reasons. Report and block the person that does the catcalling online for your safety. Be careful with the pictures that you post online, especially with your profile pictures.

Check your online settings and do not have a conversation with a catcaller. People that do catcall have too many sexual thoughts on their minds. They might lack social skills, have low self-esteem, or have other psychological issues that were never addressed. Furthermore, they might not know how to flirt or get the attention that they need. Here are more resources about Catcalling.

Why Catcalling is a Form of Sexual Harassment-Your Tango:

Why Catcalling Is A Form Of Sexual Harassment | YourTango

Online Catcalling Can Be Combatted with Three Simple Tips:

Online Catcalling Can Be Combatted with Three Simple Tips (

Stop Street Harassment-How to Deal with Catcalling and Wolf Whistling: 

Stop Street Harassment: How To Deal With Catcalling and Wolf Whistling (

* Fonts, borders, and background from PiZap

*Whistle Whistling Man Clip art:

* Sitting Woman Silhouette Clip Art:

Saturday, September 10, 2022

National Recovery Month 2022


Image from SAMHSA

What is National Recovery Month? Every September of each year, Recovery Month is dedicated to giving support and bringing awareness to addictions. National Recovery Month began in 1989 to provide resources for recovering from addictions to substances. Substance abuse recovery begins at home. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has resources for the family and for anyone who is trying to recover.

Before attempting to detox from alcohol and substances at home, it is best to find the proper resources and treatments for detoxification. Sometimes eliminating alcohol from your home might not be enough for a person to do detoxification. Other times a person who is addicted to alcohol will find ways to get alcohol outside of the home. Also, the withdrawal symptoms might be worse than the actual addiction. Therefore, the proper way to detox from alcohol and substances is for the person to be willing to go through a detox treatment with the help of medical professionals. 

It is not recommended to detox at home without the help of medical professionals. A person must accept change and eliminate their addictions on their own. They must have a purpose to recover from their addictions. Additionally, recovery should also be done as a community because it will help the person to recover from their addictions. Recovering from alcohol and substance abuse takes months and many years to feel healthier.

It is not a quick process. Most people give up because of the lack of support from their families and friends. Other times giving up is the easiest way out without trying to change their behavior from their addictions. Often not knowing where to find the correct facilities and services, lack of understanding, and financial issues are other reasons for giving up. Nonetheless, it is a lengthy process and one must take one day at a time for recovering. 

Recovering from alcohol and substance abuse is possible by having a strong support system from friends and family. Moreover attending sessions with a psychologist or a counselor from behavioral services is beneficial for a person's mindset. By following the four major dimensions of recovery, a person will be successful in making a change. This behavioral change must be done for their health and everyone's well-being at home. Here is more information about recovering from substance abuse and mental health.    

Addiction Guide: 

SAMHSA-Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration:

SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

12 Steps of Recovery-Addiction Recovery Programs-Very Well Health:

12 Steps of Recovery: Addiction Recovery Programs (

Recovery from Addiction-Psychology Today

Recovery from Addiction | Psychology Today

* Image from SAMHSA