Saturday, September 28, 2019

How To Do Random Acts of Kindness?

Doing random acts of kindness reduces your stress levels. You will feel gratified to help people even if they don’t ask for help. In addition, you will transmit a positive attitude to others. By doing a few random acts of kindness per day, you will feel less depressed. You will feel more outgoing and less anxious at social gatherings. Here is a list of my five favorite random acts of kindness. 

1. Tipping the waiter or waitress a generous tip.
2. Say hello to someone even if you are in a rush. 
3. Buy a cup of coffee or tea for someone.
4. Give your jacket to someone who feels cold. 
5. Give a thank you note to someone.

It is easy and it doesn’t cost anything to do random acts of kindness. Begin by complimenting someone about something that you like such as a compliment on their new hair cut or a new purse. Do not expect anyone to give you thanks or a reward for doing random acts of kindness. Simply holding the door, carrying someone’s college books, or smiling at someone will make people have a pleasanter day. Random acts of kindness can be done throughout the year and it is celebrated on February 17th. Here are more resources about the benefits of doing random acts of kindness.

Small Acts of Kindness:

Random Acts of Kindness-The Science of Kindness:

National Random Acts of Kindness:

Kindness Quotes:

* Free Frame from LunaPic

* Free Pink Flower Clip Art from Pizap

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Dance and Movement Meditation

Movement Meditation is when you are meditating and moving at the same time. Yoga, Tai-Chi-, and walking are considered Movement Meditation. Dancing is also part of moving meditation where you become aware of the body movements and body posture. Dancing is a magnificent way to exercise because it improves the cardiovascular system and the nervous system. After dancing, you will feel energetic, content, and confident.

Dancing on a daily basis will help clear your mind from stress. Adding the element of dance to your meditation practice will help you feel less anxious and depressed. You will feel motivated, focused, and alert. Consult with your primary physician before you start an exercise regimen. Here are more resources about dance meditation. 

9 Health Benefits of Dance:

Be Present, Be Yourself: 5 Lessons from Dance Meditation:

Moving Meditation: A Great Way to Move More & Hurt Less:

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

* Free Frame from: Pizap

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How to Deal with Emotional Eating?

There are many reasons to eat too much due to emotional stress. Emotional stress eating can make you feel guilty for eating excessively any time of the day. Perhaps, you’re having a bad day at home and a relative makes a negative comment about your weight. Therefore, their comments make you have low self-esteem about your physical appearance. Not knowing how to deal with negative comments and being overwhelmed emotionally can cause you to eat too much.

Eating too much can cause health problems in the long run such as heartburn, indigestion, or ulcers. Regardless, what the reasons are for emotional stress eating, you can practice relaxation methods. First, be attentive and practice mindful eating. Second, start writing in a journal and keep your mind busy to stop thinking about food. Third, be productive and stop your food cravings by drinking water, chewing gum, or taking a walk.

Fourth, have a group of positive friends that will help you to stop eating too much. Surround yourself with friends that are there to listen to you without criticizing you. Fifth, ask yourself questions about why you are eating another slice of cake, sweet bread, or other foods that bring comfort. Controlling your thoughts and having self-control with food will help you be more at peace with yourself. Here are more resources about emotional stress-eating. 

Weight Loss: Gain Control of Emotional Eating:

Emotional Eating and how to stop it?:

7 Tips to Overcome Emotional Eating:

11 Ways to Stop Food Cravings:

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Three Yoga Poses for Sleep

Most of the time when you can’t sleep is because of having too much stress on your legs, back, and an overactive nervous system. Practicing these yoga poses will help you to get some sleep. There are so many yoga poses to help you calm down and get several hours of sleep at night. However, I have chosen three of my favorite yoga poses such as the Dolphin Pose, the Lizard Pose, and the Half-Supported Frog Pose. All of these yoga poses will help you feel more serene at night.

The Dolphin Pose can help you fall asleep. This yoga pose strengthens your back, arms, and legs. Additionally, the dolphin pose stimulates the gland that produces melatonin for sleep. Therefore, it calms the nervous system and improves blood circulation to the entire body. Another amazing yoga pose is the Lizard Pose.

The Lizard Pose stretches and strengthens the legs. As well as strengthening the hips, this pose will help you be more flexible. It releases the stress from your neck making you feel tranquil. Both the Lizard Pose and the Dolphin Pose helps reduce your stress levels. Similarly, the Supported Half Frog Pose helps to release the tension on your legs.

The Supported Half Frog Pose enhances your breathing. It invigorates the abdominal muscles and lessens the tension of the hips. Moreover, it soothes the nervous system. Make sure you have a good pillow and a yoga mat before doing this yoga pose. Here are more yoga poses to help you sleep better.  

7 Poses to Help You Sleep Better:

Half Frog Pose:

Yoga for Sleep:

How to do Lizard Pose:

The Holistic Benefits of Dolphin Pose:

Dolphin Pose:

What Does Blue Light Do to Your Eyes: 

* Free Yoga Dolphin Pose Clip Art:

* Free Background and Frame from Pizap

Friday, September 20, 2019

How to Overcome Rejection?

The most terrible feeling is being rejected by someone that you liked. First, you might be in shock, sad, hurt, and feeling angry at yourself all at the same time. Learn and accept your experiences from your relationship or that friendship that went wrong. Second, take some time out from that friendship that went sour or from the person that hurt your feelings. Third, don’t let your self-esteem get lowered because of one person who hurt you.

In time, you will realize that it isn’t your fault for ending a relationship or a friendship that caused too much damage to your self-esteem, wellbeing, and state of mind. Perhaps, he or she was looking for something that was missing in the friendship or in the relationship. It does not matter the reasons, just move on with your life. Continue working on your goals and plans that you look forward to in the next coming months. Work on your favorite hobbies, exercise, and continue doing what fascinates you.  

Make a list of your accomplishments and place it in an area where you can read it from time to time.  Socialize with your friends that understand you one hundred percent. Practice acts of kindness. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than a woman or a man. Seek professional help if you can't overcome it and if you feel worse. Here are more resources about rejection. 

How to Deal with Rejection:

5 Ways Mentally Strong People Deal with Rejection:

Deal with Rejection:

How Mindfulness can help your brain cope with Rejection:

How to deal with Rejection:

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Turmeric Tea for the Immune System

Drinking one cup of turmeric tea will enhance the immune system. It has antioxidants which help to develop stronger cells. Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, the cells will be able to fight against cells that cause damage to the immune system. Turmeric tea is good for lowering the bad cholesterol, rheumatoid arthritis, and can prevent cancer. Adding lemon and honey to turmeric tea will help absorb the antioxidants and the antibacterial properties. 

Turmeric tea has a spicy ginger taste which can improve your mood. It also supports the health of the brain, the heart, and bones. Furthermore, turmeric tea has antioxidants for the skin by creating a radiant complexion. After consuming this tea, you will feel tranquil and will sleep better. Here are more resources about turmeric tea. 

7 Turmeric Tea Benefits for Your Health:

Turmeric Tea: Benefits, Recipes, & Preparation:

Turmeric Tea: Benefits and Preparation:

Traditional Yogi Turmeric Tea Recipe:

Monday, September 16, 2019

Free Autumn Leaves Coloring Pages

The autumn season is almost here! I have created three coloring pages of leaves. Each leaf is hand-drawn. These leaf coloring pages are a great way to welcome the fall season.  These leaf coloring pages are free and for personal use. Enjoy!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Positive Affirmations for Sadness

Dealing with sadness can be a challenge. The first step is to talk to someone about why you feel sadness, anger, anxiety, or loss of interest. By talking to a psychologist, you will be able to pinpoint what is causing you to feel that way. The second step is to continue socializing with people who understand you. Connecting with people who motivate you and make you feel good about yourself.

The third step is to take care of your health and learn ways to relax. Being depressed can sometimes make you lose sleep and other times make you sleep too much. Therefore, by setting a sleep schedule and using an alarm clock with a mellow soft tone will help you wake up relaxed. The fourth step is to exercise, working on your favorite hobbies, and do something that you like to do that you enjoy. Also, reading positive affirmations will help you beat your sadness. Here is a list of my positive affirmations to combat sadness:

1. Life has its sparkles, glitter, and bubbles so take each one as they come into my life.
2. Be the unique sequin that dazzles day and night without worrying what people might say about me.
3. Do what I love to do without having embarrassment.
4. Inner happiness emits through my eyes and my smile.
5. I am strong and gentle as a dolphin.

Here are more resources about positive affirmations for sadness.  

11 Powerful Affirmations to help treat Depression and Anxiety:

Depression Positive Affirmations:

101 Positive Affirmations that will Help You in any Situation:

Coping with Depression:

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Fall Poetry in Photo Images

Today, I've written two poems about the fall season. The first poem is about the feelings of fall. It is about the beginning of a season and ending the previous season. The second poem is about falling leaves. Nonetheless, have a joyous fall season. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Cardamom Essential Oil

Using cardamom essential oil in a diffuser will calm the nervous system, will reduce headaches, and diminish fatigue. It gives you a boost in concentration and helps with depression. Cardamom can be applied to the skin using a carrier oil such as grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, or olive oil to clean the skin. Also, cardamom essential oil helps to strengthen the hair. It gives a natural glossy look to the hair.

Inhaling cardamom will open the nasal passages and will help you breathe better. This essential oil is sweet and has a powerful scent which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Cardamom essential oil can be blended with cinnamon, orange, and rose essential oils in a diffuser to create a pleasant scent for any room. Consult a physician or a dermatologist before using any essential oil. Here are more resources about cardamom essential oil. 

Ayurvedic Health Benefits of Cardamom

7 Amazing Benefits of Cardamom:

14 Top Health Benefits of Cardamom:

*Free Cardamom Clip Art

* Free Essential Oil Bottle Illustration: 

*Free Background:

* Free Clip Art Remember 9-11

Monday, September 9, 2019

Free Pumpkin Coloring Bookmarks

Today, I created five coloring bookmarks for the Autumn season. These bookmarks have blank spaces to write quotes, phrases, or other words. Each bookmark design is drawn by hand. Three bookmarks have pumpkins and two bookmarks have a leaf design. Once again, these coloring bookmarks are free and for personal use only. Enjoy!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Eucalyptus Essential Oil for Pain and Other Health Benefits

Eucalyptus essential oil is the perfect essential oil for the Autumn season. This essential oil reduces pain, helps with the respiratory system, and is a natural disinfectant. Using Eucalyptus essential oil in a diffuser will open your sinuses and help you breathe better. When using essential oils it must be diluted with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, olive oil, and other carrier oils. Not only does this essential oil help with the sinuses but it will help you get some relief from headaches. 

Eucalyptus essential oil has antimicrobial, antiseptic, and decongestant properties. It removes dandruff and it stimulates hair growth. Massaging your hair follicles with Eucalyptus essential oil also calms an itchy scalp. It is a natural bug repellant and it is used to treat head lice. Consult with your primary doctor before using Eucalyptus essential oil. Furthermore, Eucalyptus essential oil clears the mind. Here are more resources about Eucalyptus essential oil. 

Eucalyptus Oil: Benefits, Side Effects, Dosage, and Interactions:

18 Top Health Benefits of Eucalyptus Essential Oil:

9 Ways Eucalyptus Oil Can Help:

*Free Glass Bottle Oil Liquid Clip Art:

*Free Eucalyptus Clip Art:

*Free Frame and Background:

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

3 Easy Yoga Chair Poses

Doing Yoga with a chair reduces your stress levels and lessens the pain on your joints and muscles. There are many Yoga poses that can be altered to feel more comfortable with the use of a chair. For example, the Mountain Pose which improves your posture can also be done in the chair position. The Seated Mountain Yoga Pose reduces the tension from the back especially if you suffer from back pain. Also, it helps with shoulder pain.

A fun Yoga Chair pose is the Simple Seated Twist. The Simple Seated Twist helps with the lower back muscles, digestive system, and increases flexibility. This Yoga pose should be done slowly. It also opens the hips, stretches the knees, and stretches the ankles. It is an easy way to tone your stomach muscles.

Another magnificent Yoga pose is the Chair Pigeon Pose which also helps with the digestive system. The Chair Pigeon Pose opens the hips, increases flexibility at the hips, and helps with the urinary system. Most of all the Chair Pigeon Pose can lessen sciatic pain. In addition, this pose stimulates the organs and relaxes the gluteus. Here are more resources about Yoga Chair Poses.

Chair Yoga For Seniors:

10 Chair Yoga Poses for Home Practice:

Chair Yoga Poses:

Yoga Quotes: GoodReads

*Free Yoga Chair Pose Clip Art:

*Free Background and Frame: Pizap

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

How to Stop Distractions at Work?

Feeling distracted? There are several ways to stop yourself from getting distracted. If you get distracted at work, you can de-clutter your desk. Cleaning and organizing your desk will help you concentrate more at work. Also, you will feel less stress working on a clean, organized, spacious computer desk area. 

Turning off electronic devices will help you work more efficiently. However, if you work in a noisy place it will be more difficult to tune out the noise. Put on headphones at work. Manage your time and use a timer to complete the projects. Change the music or lower the volume of the radio which will help you feel less anxious at work. 

Finally, write a list and eliminate the tasks that are less important. Set a time limit for checking work e-mails. Only reply to the important e-mails for one or two hours. Also, if you have permission, you can turn off the e-mail alerts from your office computer. Here are more resources about stopping your distractions.

A Meditation for Exploring Your Wandering Mind:

6 Meditation Hacks for the Distracted Brain:

How to Eliminate Distractions:

Distraction Quotes:

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Free Pumpkin Coloring Pages

Since the autumn season is almost here, I have created four pumpkin coloring pages. Each pumpkin is hand-drawn and has different design elements. These pumpkin coloring pages are a great way to welcome the fall season.  These pumpkin coloring pages are free and for personal use. Enjoy!

*Free Collage Frame from Pizap