Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How to Deal with Emotional Eating?

There are many reasons to eat too much due to emotional stress. Emotional stress eating can make you feel guilty for eating excessively any time of the day. Perhaps, you’re having a bad day at home and a relative makes a negative comment about your weight. Therefore, their comments make you have low self-esteem about your physical appearance. Not knowing how to deal with negative comments and being overwhelmed emotionally can cause you to eat too much.

Eating too much can cause health problems in the long run such as heartburn, indigestion, or ulcers. Regardless, what the reasons are for emotional stress eating, you can practice relaxation methods. First, be attentive and practice mindful eating. Second, start writing in a journal and keep your mind busy to stop thinking about food. Third, be productive and stop your food cravings by drinking water, chewing gum, or taking a walk.

Fourth, have a group of positive friends that will help you to stop eating too much. Surround yourself with friends that are there to listen to you without criticizing you. Fifth, ask yourself questions about why you are eating another slice of cake, sweet bread, or other foods that bring comfort. Controlling your thoughts and having self-control with food will help you be more at peace with yourself. Here are more resources about emotional stress-eating. 

Weight Loss: Gain Control of Emotional Eating:

Emotional Eating and how to stop it?:

7 Tips to Overcome Emotional Eating:

11 Ways to Stop Food Cravings:

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