Guest Blogging Guidelines


If you are a writer or love to write as a hobby, please feel free to contact me at with your article suggestions or with your guest post. Here are the guidelines.

1. Your guest post should not have pornography, violence, racism, or anything negative.

2. It must be a one of a kind and never published before guest post.

3. It must have a link to your blog/website with an infographic or an image.

4. Please, wait a few days if I do not reply immediately with my response.

5. Please, make sure everything is spelled correctly and proofread.

6. The guest post content should fit with any of these topics that I commonly write in my blog such as:

  • Essential Oils and Aromatherapy
  • Hobbies-Painting, Reading, Sewing, Writing, Journaling, Arts & Crafts, tutorials, etc.
  • Meditation, Yoga, and Tai-Chi
  • Quotes, Affirmations, or phrases
  • Food topics such as your recipes, cooking ingredients, or teas
  • Mindfulness
  • Skin care
  • Awareness Days/Months

However, this is just an example of the various topics that I write about in my blog. Please, feel free to write about something that is positive and inspirational. If you have any questions, you may e-mail me at 



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