The Amo Breath: A Breath of Love (Guest Post)
Guest Blogger: Bo Bissett
Amo Breath: A Breath of Love
In the 60's, a grand movement of peace sprung
up in the United States in response to war, racism, sexism, and government
control. The leaders in each of the respective repressed groups all shared one
message: Love is the answer.
That is the same message that has been handed
down by each of the world's major religions, as well as the thousands of
different Indigenous tribes scattered across five of the six continents.
It seems simple enough in theory, right?
Separate Us from Our Loving Spirit
Love is the answer. You love your mother and
father despite not liking them all the time. Same goes for your siblings and
Then why can't that same love be spread to
those you've yet to meet?
Part of the answer lies in the programs we
start piling on as children. We pick up those programs from the institutions
raising us and "teaching" us about the world around us.
Those institutions include:
· family
· friends
· school (even the different classes at school)
· work
· marriage
· town
· city
· country
· political affiliation, etc.
Within each of those groups we create
separation between those "with" us and those "against" us.
Dogma is just one of the programs we install,
and with that dogma comes thousands of different emotional patterns for how we
are supposed to act (react is a better word) to the world.
Your Life Unfolds Predictably
Remember those programs we just mentioned?
They are there for a reason.
That is how you operate. No, you are not a
machine, but when you think about how your life unfolds, you are not too far
from acting like one.
Let me explain.
The subconscious is the boss. It runs your
breathing, heart rate, metabolic activity, hormones, viral response, and
everything else going on under the hood.
Not long after you are born, the subconscious
comes online and starts doling out responsibilities to all the various parts
inside the body. It is also in charge of your response to what happens outside the
body. It uses your senses to detect the level of safety or danger and the
appropriate response in the face of said safety or danger.
Since the subconscious is a busy little bee,
it errs on the side of efficiency. The first response is usually the go-to
after the initial exposure.
After several instances, you have a pattern,
and years later a predictable way of living AND responding to
the world and all the people, places, things, emotions, and energy that make up
the world.
Love Is Still There
All the programs you have
"installed" over the years are layered over your loving nature. It is
your job to peel them away.
It is hard. I know.
For many people, no matter how painful the
life they are living is, it is what they are used to, and it is what they
prefer. Hence the saying, "Better the Devil you know..."
Finding, connecting with, appreciating, and
releasing those layer of trauma takes work.
One of the most powerful and enjoyable tools I
have discovered to make the work more pleasurable is called the Amo
Amo, in Spanish, means love, so the Amo breath
is a literal breath of love.
"We cannot solve our problems with the
same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein.
That quote is one of the many reasons the Amo
breath is so powerful. We use love, the most powerful force in the universe, to
deliver us from our problems.
To Do the Amo Breath
The Amo breath is a four-part breath, the
first part being the inhale.
On the inhale, do a bandha lock, squeezing the
PC muscle (Kegel exercise).
As you breathe in, imagine the breath flowing
from below you, in through the base of the spine. Trace the breath all the way
up the spine. When you reach the base of the spine, imagine the energy surging
into your brain, then begin the exhale.
The exhale is three parts.
Look at the spelling of the word Amo. Each
letter in the word represents the sound you make as you exhale.
Start by visualizing white light cascading
from the heavens over top of your head. Imagine that white light as universal
love, bathing you with God's (feel free to exchange whatever religious or
nonreligious entity you prefer for God) breath.
Part one is the "Ah". Make a deep Ah
sound as you exhale.
The exhale is three parts, so timing this so
it all comes out nice and even may take a few tries.
With the "Ahhhh" sound, imagine that
white light going down your head, through your throat, and into your chest.
Part two of the exhale is the
"Mmmmm" sound.
Close your mouth and hum the "Mmmmm"
sound. The breath will naturally blow through your nose, now.
As you hum, imagine the white light swirling
in your chest, clockwise, like a big vortex of love and power.
Part three of the Amo breath is the
"Ooooo" sound. It sounds just like the letter "O". The
sound that rhymes with no, snow, go, etc.
With the "O" sound, imagine that
loving light bursting through your chest like a Care Bear. Shower the horizon
with your love and that which the universe has blessed you with.
With each part of the breath, pay attention to
the breath itself and, on the exhale especially, to, not only the sounds, but
the vibration you are creating as this breath moves through you.
That vibration you are creating and sending
out is one of love. Done with enough focus, intention, and repetition, the Amo
breath will transform your life in the most subtle yet profound ways.
Amo Ni (I Love You)
Bo Bissett
Click here for
a free five-video series tutorial of the Amo breath.
About the Author: Bo Bissett is the founder
of Amo Ni (I LOVE YOU), a heart-centric
emotional release system which removes your old programs/trauma so you can
begin consciously creating today.
Thanks so much for sharing your wonderful space with me, Melissa.