Sunday, February 24, 2019

Epsom Salt Bath for Relaxation

When you are feeling tired, exhausted, and your muscles hurt, you can try an Epsom salt bath. These days there are a variety of Epsom salts with essential oils to choose from such as Lavender, Witch Hazel, Juniper, Spearmint, and Peppermint essential oil. By soaking in the bathtub for ten or fifteen minutes in Epsom salts, you will improve your sleep and you will improve your concentration. Your skin will absorb the magnesium and your skin will release any toxins that you may have. Your skin will have a natural glow.

Epsom salts are helpful for your skin and it will stop the itch caused by dry skin or any other skin condition. Simply sit in the bathtub and relax. If you don’t like essential oils for any reason, you can always get plain Epsom salts and get the same benefits that the Epsom salts provide. You can massage Epsom salts on your feet and your entire body. I wouldn’t recommend using Epsom salts on your face especially if you have sensitive skin.

After doing an Epsom salt bath, you will feel so relaxed. You will be ready to go to sleep. I wouldn’t recommend doing Epsom salt baths every day. It might dry your skin too much especially if you already suffer from dry skin issues. However, I would recommend moisturizing your skin if you feel your skin is too dry after doing an Epsom salt bath. Here are more resources about Epsom Salt Baths for relaxation. 

Epsom Salt Bath # 1:

Epsom Salt Bath:

Epsom Salt Bath:

* Photo Image Courtesy of Pexels:

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