Friday, February 7, 2020

Three Organization Tips for Your Closet

During the busy winter months, it is best to go through the clothes that are in your closet. Making an organization plan to organize your clothes, will make it easier to find the clothes that you want to wear. Begin with two different colored laundry baskets to sort your clothes. First, go through all your clothes. Try them on and see how it makes you feel. 

Second, go through all the accessories and shoes. Ask yourself how you feel while you wear the item and if it still serves a purpose. After sorting all the items that you are going to keep, toss the items in a laundry basket. 
The items you no longer want can be stored in a different colored laundry basket. Before storing the clothes back in the closet, clean your closet with vinegar and water or with baking soda.

This will get rid of any musty smells and dust from the closet. Neatly hang your clothes by color, by fabric, and by season. Alternatively, you can hang your clothes by how it makes you feel. Third, roll the t-shirts, pants, and other items to make more space in your closet. Cleaning your closet every few months will make it easier to keep your closet organized. 

Donate the items you no longer want to wear in a different color laundry basket. Also, make sure you label each laundry basket before you go through your clothes. If the item has sentimental value, you can take a photo of the item before donating it. Using different colored hangers can help you find the items that you want to wear for the day.  Here are more resources about organizing your closet.

The Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Closet:

23 Best Closet Organization & Storage Ideas-How to Organize:

30 Closet Organization Ideas-Best DIY Closet Organizers:

*Courtesy Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

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