Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Hand Hygiene Tips

Washing your hands before and after you cook is beneficial for your health and others. It is recommended to wash your hands for twenty seconds with clean running water and soap. Also, it is recommended to wash your gloves and your hands after doing your errands, cleaning at home, and washing your dishes. However, it is important to wash your elbows too. After touching elevator buttons and sneezing with your elbows, wash your elbows and your hands with soap. 

After washing your hands and elbows, you can apply a fast-drying unscented lotion.  Do not touch your face when you are at home and when you are buying groceries. Wash your hands frequently when you go to the restroom, kitchen, gardening, and after your chores. Alternatively, you can use a hand sanitizer and have adult supervision when your kids use hand sanitizer.  Here are more resources about washing your hands and what not to do. 

Hand-Washing: Do's and Don'ts:

Hand Washing: Proper Technique, Antibacterial Soap, Hand Sanitizers:

Handwashing-Clean Hands, Save Lives:

* Free Memes, Borders, and Fonts from Pizap

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