Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Vacation or Bust: Mistakes to Avoid for a Stress-Free Vacation


Courtesy Image from Pixabay

Guest Post written by Kent Elliot

When planning a vacation, it can be difficult to decide what to prioritize and what to leave up to fate. Over-planning, just as much as not planning enough, can cause unnecessary stress during a time when you are meant to be relaxing. The following is a list of a few mistakes most people make when planning their vacation that you should avoid reaping the benefits of your time off.


1. Over-packing. It may be one's first instinct to pack as much as possible if you’ll be away from home for a few days. This can be a huge mistake, especially if you are going to be traveling via airplane. No one wants to wait for hours at baggage claim, so consider packing less. Tortugabackpacks.com compiled advice from 31 travel experts with their tips on how to travel light that are sure to help anyone conflicted on what to bring along. A simple way to keep from over-packing is to make a list and stick with it.


2. Make a point to unplug. When you work six or even seven days a week, you are answering emails and calls all the time. If you want to get the most out of your vacation and avoid the stress of thinking about what is going on at work, unplug. It’s common for people to ignore work-life balance; but when it comes to vacation, you need to be unavailable. Turn off email notifications on your phone, and only carry your device with you when you need it for GPS, to make a payment or for taking pics.


3. Not protecting your home. If you decide to leave town for more than a couple of days, you will want to find a way to protect your house. State Farm has a helpful list of things to do inside and outside of your home to help protect it. A few things that can help discourage burglaries include: not updating social media until you get back, putting valuables in a safe, and asking a neighbor to pick up your mail and newspapers. Anything you can do to make it look as though you are still home will help keep your home safe while you are gone.


4. Doing everything on your own. As you plan your trip, it may start to get overwhelming if you are doing all the planning on your own. Consider hiring a travel agent to take some of the stress off of your shoulders. Travel agents do most of the work for you and help you find all the best hotels and activities and will make sure you are getting everything at the right price. The most important part of a travel agent’s job is making sure you get the most out of your trip with the least amount of effort on your end.


In the end, there are a lot of mistakes you can make when it comes to a vacation, but the most important thing to do is relax and have fun. If you are stressing about how to unwind, then you have defeated the whole purpose of your vacation. Avoid these blunders, and you will be that much closer to enjoying a stress-free escape.


Sweetness Meditations is your source for resources and information about meditation and how it can help you deal with stress.

* Courtesy Image by Pixabay 

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