Sunday, July 16, 2023

Listen to Your Body

Listening to your body is something you might take for granted, especially if you are working non-stop. Multi-tasking too much at work at a fast pace makes you eventually get work burnout. Also, it makes your body feel stressed at an elevated level. Only taking work breaks often makes you stop and listen to your body. But if you practice listening to your body every day, you will know when to take work breaks.

Stop and slow down to see how your body feels and if you have any symptoms. Although you cannot do a self-diagnosis or treat your medical condition without a doctor; You can have a journal for your mental and physical balance for work and family life. If you tend to eat emotionally or due to stress, you can have a food journal. Food journals can help assist you in knowing about your food allergies and may help you adjust your eating habits and manage your weight. Be aware that food journals are not for everyone, but they can be a guide to healthier eating. 

Additionally, you will have self-awareness of your body's needs to stay healthier. If you cannot fix the issue, you can write it down to tell your primary care physician. For example, if you notice an unexplainable bruise, nervous tick, or notice a new mole; You can write it down and let your doctor know about it. However, if you have pain that does not go away; Call 911 or go to the nearest hospital. Nevertheless, making a list to discuss with your doctor is helpful to treat the medical condition. 

Also have a list of all your prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications, and supplements to discuss with your doctor about any side effects. Discuss with your doctor if you have any sleep issues. Besides doing the following items, self-care is necessary to get enough sleep, mental relaxation, and physical relaxation. Avoid feeling guilty or criticizing your body negatively. Practice self-care, self-love, and self-respect for your body. 

Indulge in hobbies that incorporate physical activities to feel peaceful and reduce your stress. Permit your body to relax by taking naps if you feel very tired. Do the hula hoop, jump rope, or take the stairs if you have some time to exercise in the morning. Use your senses to feel and see your body from a unique perspective. Practice body positivity, positive self-talk, and positive self-image while doing your hygiene care.

Give yourself a self-hug or allow yourself to receive a hug from someone. Use a stress ball to relax your hand muscles and a foot massage roller. Walk in a labyrinth or a circle while observing how your muscles feel. Ask yourself questions such as "Do you feel any stiffness, pain, or numbness?". Continue asking yourself questions and write them down. 

Depending on how your body feels, change your eating habits, sleep routine, and physical activities. Hydrate your body. Change your lifestyle to improve your body's physical health. Know your family medical history to prevent some diseases and ask your doctor about preventing some diseases. If you do not know your family medical history, you can still prevent some diseases. 

Listen to your body when you are sitting, laying down, or doing physical activities. Notice if your clothes restrict your movements, feel too tight for breathing, and if your body feels stiff. Stay silent and see if you have any twitches, nervous ticks, or repetitive body movements. Get up slowly and listen for any stomach noises. Drink water, eat, and stretch your body. 

Listen to your body attentively and focus on relaxation techniques. Write down everything even if it is a minor ache. Do not force your body to relax. But do avoid distractions and care for your body's physical health. Here are websites with more tips to listen to your body.


How to Mindfully Listen to Your Body to Optimize Recovery-Fleet Fleet:

How to Listen to Your Body-Beach Body on Demand:

* Artwork and font in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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