Monday, July 24, 2023

Summer Self-Care (International Self-Care Day 2023)

Practicing self-care in the summer is difficult to do because it makes you slow down to take care of yourself. If you are always busy in the summer nonstop, squeeze some time for self-care. Self-care in the summer months involves more time for yourself even on vacation. As challenging as it is, self-care can be done in one hour or by doing tasks in segments. Here is a list of ideas for summer self-care. 

  1. Try doing something you might enjoy such as a new knitting pattern you have not tried. 
  2. A new T-shirt or a blouse in a style you have never worn. 
  3. Putting on lotion before going to sleep. 
  4. Sing a new song before going to sleep.
  5. Get a new bed set or bedroom cooling sheets with your favorite color. 
  6. Slow dance and enjoy the music. 
  7. Take breaks from reading online.
  8. Spend time drinking water, milk, or other hydrating beverages. 
  9. Make your bedroom feel cool by adding one or two plants. 
  10. Exercise at a slow pace or exercise indoors in a ventilated room. 
  11. Have a hygiene schedule and avoid strong perfumes in the summer. 
  12. Add healthier snacks while you work. 

Summer self-care must be a priority for you especially if you have a high-demand job. Do things you like to do and distance yourself from stressful situations if possible. Spend time planning out a day of self-care in the summer. Celebrate International Self-Care Day every July 24th to show yourself self-love, self-care, and self-respect. Comb or brush your hair at a slow pace without rushing to get dressed in the morning. 

Listen to music or a positive podcast to start your day or help you relax at night. Read a positive affirmation while having your hand on your heart. Do things to give yourself self-love and self-care with good positive intentions. Love yourself, love your mind, and love your body. Here are websites for self-care in the summer. 

Self-Care Practices that are Perfect for Summer:

Summer Self-Care Routine:

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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