Monday, September 11, 2023

National Positive Thinking Day

National Positive Thinking Day is on September 13th. This day is about having a cheerful outlook for twenty-four hours. It is about seeing and feeling good throughout your day despite any negative setbacks. Think positively in a realistic manner and set your self-doubts aside. Do things you enjoy while thinking positively as you wait to see the solutions.

Be grateful, strong, and patient. Thinking positively does not happen instantly. However, using positive affirmations is a good start to thinking optimistically. Write down your negative thoughts, events, and negative emotions in a journal. On another journal page write down optimistic events, optimistic thoughts, and optimistic emotions. 

This writing exercise can take you an hour or two hours. Write down the pessimistic aspects of the same events and the optimistic events. On another page write down what you are grateful for regarding that event. Last, end your journal page with a positive quote or a positive affirmation. Here is a list of positive affirmations. 

  1. I am healthier and more patient. 
  2. I am more assertive because of this event. 
  3. I embrace optimistic thoughts.
  4. I am optimistic as my body heals. 
  5. I am agreeable and feel safe.
  6. I capture wonderful events for me to remember them. 
  7. I am stronger than ever.
  8. I am optimistic no matter with what I am struggling. 
  9. I am thinking positively about my health.
  10. I am thinking positively about my family and well-being. 

In addition, thinking positively requires more self-reflection on forgiveness and gratefulness. Talk to people who make you feel good about yourself and who listen to you. Think optimistically about yourself physically and mentally. Do good acts of kindness for yourself and others. Have an optimistic mindset and see things from a better perspective. 

Read a book that is optimistic and uplifting. Practice mindfulness to improve your positive thinking. Watch movies that make you feel happier and feel positive about yourself. Below are websites about positive thinking. Happy National Positive Thinking Day. 

Positive Thinking Benefits:

4 Tips on How to Develop Positive Thinking:

* Font, background, and artwork made in Photo Collage Editor Maker 

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