Friday, September 29, 2023

Tips to be Faithful

Many relationships have ended in divorce or a trial separation due to unfaithfulness. It always feels like one partner is working harder to make the relationship stronger and to last a lifetime. However, most relationships do not last for multiple reasons. A lack of trust and not feeling secure with oneself makes it difficult to trust someone. One must feel secure, confident, and open to be in a committed relationship. 

First, one must banish their insecurities and improve oneself. Secondly, both partners need to work on their insecurities, trust issues, and other issues that prevent them from being in a committed relationship. Third, being loyal to their partner is something most couples want to achieve to have a long-lasting relationship. Being loyal requires self-control of one's desires and physical attractions. As well as being responsible and knowing that their partner will always be present for them with loyalty. 

Loyalty is an essential part of a committed relationship besides trust. Fourth, communication, listening, and being on the same level. Both partners need to accept and understand one another to the fullest capacity. Also be at the same level of communication in terms of one's desires, dreams, goals, and aspirations. Give support and show gratitude to each other.


Avoid a friend's plus relationship, situationship, open relationships with multiple people, and unhealthy relationships. Being faithful requires focusing on your partner's needs and your needs in a committed relationship. Do not let other people come into the relationship to improve your intimacy with your spouse. This leads to comparisons, jealousy, and disrespect for oneself. Loyalty is not being possessive, jealous, or manipulative. 

Instead, one must have full control over one's thoughts, desires, emotions, and behavior. One must control compulsive actions and not follow them. Loyalty is about learning, being creative, and letting oneself be loved by one partner. Also, being able to be in a monogamous relationship does take complete responsibility for each other. One must not feel boredom with each other. 

Boredom with your partner is a common issue no matter how many years you have been together. A lack of creativity, lack of communication, and a lack of listening to your partner often damages intimacy. Faithfulness is challenging but it needs to be a motivator for having a strong relationship. However, loyalty does not mean to be unattached to yourself from your values, morals, and your beliefs. There must be respect for oneself and your partner.


Another common issue is hiding things from your partner because of fear. Being afraid of what your partner might tell you, judge you, or make you feel ashamed. Additionally, believing you will not get caught by your partner if you have been unfaithful. Also believing your partner might not understand your struggles. Always communicate how you feel, what your struggles are, and what needs to be improved. 

Practice mindfulness as a couple. Mindfulness lets both of you see what needs to be improved in the relationship. It makes you feel and see what your partner needs to be safe, comfortable, and supportive of you. Furthermore, it makes you attentive and see what your partner conducts in the relationship. Yet, it makes you see, feel, and notice what your partner does not tell you.

Do not blame yourself if your partner is unfaithful. Seek professional counseling if both of you want to save the committed relationship. Do not hide anything from your partner. Often it takes both partners to change themselves for the better and to help strengthen the relationship. Here are website links about being faithful. 

Why is Loyalty in a Relationship Necessary in a Relationship and Tips to Stay Loyal:

How to be Faithful in a Relationship:

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