Sunday, January 28, 2024

What is Running Meditation?


Pexels Courtesy Photo by Maksim Goncharenok

Running mediation can help you relieve stress and help you focus more. This type of meditation can be done outdoors or indoors. Also, you can use a treadmill to help you get started on running meditation. Meditating while you run helps you concentrate on your body movements, posture, and your entire physical fitness regardless of your jogging speed. It helps you not to think about competition with your partner or with other runners. 

Furthermore, running with your partner can permit you to concentrate on each other without being distracted. However, when you run by yourself, you can focus on your breathing, your jogging steps, and be aware of how your body feels. While doing running meditation, you can practice gratitude, loving-kindness, and self-compassion. Begin by meditating and stretching your body. Mindfulness can also be practiced before and after you run. 

To do running meditation takes time, dedication, and discipline. It also encourages you to slowly observe your body and practice body awareness. After you are done stretching, begin running slowly and say a word, phrase, or a short positive affirmation. Increase your speed and keep track of your jogging progress. Count "1,2, 3," and inhale. 

Continue counting "4,5,6" and exhale. Slow your jogging speed and take jogging breaks. If you are running on a treadmill, make sure you use a comfortable speed setting. Do not run barefoot. Wear comfortable shoes and keep a good posture while jogging. 

Hold hands while you run at the same time with your partner. Although holding hands might not be comfortable while running together; it does make you feel more connected and have an emotional bond. Running together makes you feel a romantic attraction more with your partner. As you run with your partner make sure you are at the same jogging speed. Before you run as a couple, decide on your running speed, jogging style, and if you want to do jogging with music. 

As well as having an open honest communication with each other. Be patient with yourself and with your partner. Select comfortable shoes and clothes that is appropriate according to the weather conditions. Run together and observe the scenery with your partner. After you are done jogging, drink water or another recovery beverage. 

Hug your partner before and after you jog together. During your jogging breaks, sit together and be silent. Concentrate on each other's breathing, hold hands, and look into each other's eyes. Say positive affirmations or one word to keep each other feel serene. Put your hands around your ribcage or your hands on your naval while doing breathing exercises. 

Write down how you feel, what motivates you, and what you like when you jog by yourself or with your partner. After your jogging breaks, check to make sure your tennis shoes are tightly secure before running again. Meditating while running slowly makes you feel less nervous and enjoy jogging without pain. Consult with your doctor before you do running meditation. Here are websites about running meditation. 

Running Meditation-What it is, Benefits, and How to do it-Woman & Home-Woman and Home:

Running meditation: What it is, benefits, and how to do it | Woman & Home (

Running Meditation-A Beginner's Guide-Runner Click:

Running Meditation: A Beginner's Guide | RunnerClick

* Pexels Courtesy Photo by Maksim Goncharenok

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