Monday, February 19, 2024

Recovering After Traveling From Spring Break (Tips)

After traveling and before unpacking your clothes, sit down to relax at home. Close your eyes while you sit and listen to slow-paced music. Practice breathing slowly while you listen to the gentle sounds. Take off your shoes and wear socks if the ground feels cold. If you feel sleepy, take a nap if needed. 

However, if you are not sleepy, massage your feet or wash your feet. Put on socks and sit down for five minutes. Reflect on your happiness as you remember the fun times from your trip. Use a comfortable mudra and do breathing exercises. Say to yourself, "Thank you" or "I'm thankful for traveling to a new destination."

Practice positive affirmations while you sit or listen to a visual guided meditation. Sit or lay down and visualize yourself in a place you feel comfortable. Smile and relax your entire body. Touch your toes and close your eyes. Count or say a mantra. 

Open your eyes and fold your hands. Sit or lie down in silence. Place your hands in a hugging position. Say to yourself, “My travel experience makes me feel a connection with nature." " I'm grateful for these new travel experiences."

Continue by writing positive affirmations in your journal. Say positive affirmations after your trip. Drink hot tea or other hot drinks as you continue relaxing. Doodle or add bullet points before writing your positive affirmations. Here is a brief list of positive affirmations. 

  1. My travel experience makes me see and observe nature. 
  2. I feel content when I am traveling. 
  3. I am thankful for these travel experiences. 
  4. My travels take me to magical and beautiful places. 
  5. I am grateful for experiencing new travel destinations.
  6. I unpack my luggage as I give thanks. 
  7. My traveling experience makes me feel joyful and peaceful. 
  8. I unpack my items and remember my voyage. 
  9. I am grateful for traveling as I smile. 
  10. I always feel serene when I travel. 

Do this for five minutes. Then stand up and slowly unpack your clothes and other items. Coming back from a trip can be exhausting. Listen to your body. Eat foods that are good for your digestion and rehydration. 

Postpone work tasks until the next day. Avoid using electronic devices. Reply to emails the next day or when you feel rested. Prioritize sleep and do things slowly. Here are websites with more travel recuperation tips. 



First Time Travelers Online Guide-Chapter 6:

How I Reset After Traveling:

Back to Routine-How to Refresh Your Routine:

* Font and borders from Photo Collage Editor Maker

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