Monday, October 28, 2019

Breathing Meditation for Relaxation

Being aware of your breathing will make you feel calm and alert.  Breathing and pausing your breath sends signals to the brain so that it can relax the nervous system.  The nervous system is divided into two sections which are the Central Nervous System and the Peripheral Nervous System. The Central Nervous System is connected to the brain and the spinal cord. Also, within the central nervous system, there is the parasympathetic system.  

The parasympathetic system slows down the heartbeat, prepares the body for rest, and controls digestion. Therefore, when there is too much stress on the body, it will create problems with the digestive system and the nervous system. By breathing slowly through meditation, you will be able to concentrate and feel less distracted. Make sure you are in a comfortable position while you inhale and exhale. You can stand, sit, or lie down while you are aware of your breathing. 

It is recommended to close your eyes while you meditate. However, you can still get the same benefits of meditation by keeping your eyes open. Breathe in and pause your breathing by two seconds. Taking a deep breath will also help you to sleep better. Here are more resources about breathing and meditation. 

Meditation & Breathing: 6 Key Benefits of Mindful Breathing:

Breathing Meditations-Meditation Oasis:

A Guided Breathing Meditation to Cultivate Awareness:

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